Ps2 Kills Child!!!! Death By Playstation!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The problem with arguments like that is it gives creedence to the arguement that it's because he was too young to play the game. For all we know, he could have been 18 in a few weeks, then he'd legally be allowed to buy the game, but what's changed? His mental state wouldn't change drastically in those few weeks, he wouldn't have suddenly been more mature and been able to handle the graphic portrayal of violence presented by the game.

The fact is, sure the game is violent, sure perhaps it gave him some ideas on how to kill people but he could have gotten that from any number of sources. The game didn't give him the capacity to kill - he had that already.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Computer games don't kill people ... people kill people ... or is that guns and knives kill people I can never remember.

... and if an adult drinks 5 pints of Stella, drives off in his car and kills someone - why is ther no hysteria to ban Stella? Ban Stella! Drink Kronenberg!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
What disturbs me most of all is the media hype/frenzy. A few years ago we used to laugh about American's doing this sort of thing and now it's happening over here. It's all hearsay and hyperbole and there's no proof behind it, the media wield far too much power in the UK and then they plaster the frontpages with rubbish like this.

There's no comparison between playing a FPS and actually killing somebody. I don't know what Manhunt is but wasn't the victim beaten to death? Where's the re-enactment of killing on screen?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just read the BBC article, glad to see its taken a far more objective standpoint - actually giving Rockstar a chance to respond - no "EVIL GAME, BURN IT, BURN IT!!!!" anywhere.

edit: Mank, manhunt is a brutally violent game where you paly a psychopath murderer who's just got the death penalty (but it was faked) you wake up in some warehouse, evidently the lead role in a snuff film. The aim is to find whatever tools you can to murder people in as brutal a fashion as possible. To be fair, I can understand why they'd jump to the conclusion that it's responsible - but it's still a crock of shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Because he is 17, it is practically legal for him to play the game. The problem is not the game at all, but in his upbringing.
We all used to watch 18's when we were younger I'm sure. I don't see a problem with my younger brothers playing violent games (within reason), because I know they are mentally stable.
The parents claim he was obsessed with the game, which suggests they were aware of his activity. They should have had the sense to realise that an obsession with a violent game such as Manhunt is not particularly healthy. I'm willing to bet that his mental state was evident in other areas of his life if they were willing to look. The game is more of a symptom of this kids state of mind than a cause.

"The way Warren committed the murder is how the game is set out - killing people using weapons like hammers and knives"

That above statement would be so funny if it wasn't being taken seriously.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Quite frankly I think the certification debate isn't the issue in this case. There was something seriously wrong with the child to do what he did. By saying the rating matters you are infact helping the people who think that games make people kill people.

This issue only ever comes up when children and young people commit murders and violent acts, when was it last discussed during a case of an adult murdering someone? The problem seems to me that many people have difficulty with the idea of children being so screwed up as to be able to do these things on their own. So they seek any outlet they can find to shift the blame.

As for this game being at fault, I learned playing Cluedo that blunt instruments could be the murder weapon but guess what? I never killed anyone with a lead pipe or a candlestick.

Btw for more stupid claims about videogames check .


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Manhunt not only sounds like a remarkably shit game, but the sort of game someone with the potential to kill would like. Although that's not a reason to ban it and call it an evil game.

What people (i.e. The Daily Mail) are failing to do is differentiate between those people who are potentially cold-blooded murderers and those who understand the difference between right and wrong. They're implying that playing Manhunt - or any game of it's ilk via the nature of it's implication - could suddenly make a completely normal person go out and beat their best friend to death. Which is bollocks. As Gekul says, it's more to do with upbringing and this boys parents are more to blame than the makers of Manhunt.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen.

Trained on doom? Doom is a simulation now? The ignorance is fucking astounding.

edit: By the by mank, Manhunt is really rather good.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
That's hilarious! Apparently these people are using computer games to train up on killing someone? It makes perfect sense, holding a console controller in your hand is so similar to holding a huge fuck off sniper rifle isn't it?

I've been training up to become a football manager on Championship Manager, you see. If you play Sim City you're training upto become the mayor of a city. If you play Theme Park, obviously you're going to takeover Alton Towers.

It's all completely logical. The world is fucked!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Jack the ripper used to strangle people and stab them, thats happens in Manhunt to - it's all clear now Jack The Ripper must have been a time traveler and gotten his desire to kill people from playing Manhunt, he probably also watched ER which is where he got his medical knowledge from.

Anyway but ratings do matter, not in this case I agree, I mentioned I think he knew exactly what he was doing and how wrong it was in a thread started last night in Console Games about this, however on more general terms parents not taking notice of ratings on video games and buying them a game as adult orientated as Manhunt could effect a child under 10 and be a factor in them becoming a bit unstable imo.
That is something that needs to be addressed parents need to realise that if a game is 18 then don't buy it for your 8 year old kid.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
I just had a funny image in my head of someone who'd "trained" with FPS games, going on a gun-toting, lead slinging shooting rampage, then trying to bunny hop away from a police armed response unit. Or running at full speed down the High Street whilst holding a scoped rifle to their eyeball.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Oh i agree rating matter in the sense that somethings you just don't want a child to see, and I agree that many parents don't take them seriously enough.

My basic point was that the game was given a 18 because it was unsuitable for people under 18, because it might give them nightmares or upset them. Not because if played by people under 18 it would turn them into murderers.

Making too much of the rating works for the ban em brigade. Since they can respond by saying that even though it was 18 he could still get his hands on it so it should have been banned outright.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Pakman said:
Since they can respond by saying that even though it was 18 he could still get his hands on it so it should have been banned outright.

and once again proving that the mindless minority fuck things up for the majority


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
665 said:
A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen.

The killers apprantly remarked how the corpses would seem to 'spin on the spot' so that they always faced towards them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Some people said earlier that prison was all about rehabilitation and giving the killer a second chance to start life again. DOES IT FUCK!!

You only have one go at life and if your going to take away a life you should be punished for life, its really that simple.

Take a look at a photo of the two Huntley girls (go on google it now) then see if you can persuade anyone to give animals like that a second chance :twak:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
nath said:
Trained on doom? Doom is a simulation now? The ignorance is fucking astounding.

Why would anyone train on Doom ffs? You can't look up or down which is drastically going to reduce the kill quota!


Dec 17, 2003
GDW said:
Some people said earlier that prison was all about rehabilitation and giving the killer a second chance to start life again. DOES IT FUCK!!

You only have one go at life and if your going to take away a life you should be punished for life, its really that simple.

Take a look at a photo of the two Huntley girls (go on google it now) then see if you can persuade anyone to give animals like that a second chance :twak:
I said prison was about taking a balance between rehabilitation and punishment. Judges have the power to set minimum sentancing if they feel the case deserves it. Locking people up and throwing away the key is pointless. The death penalty is more humane than that. And jail is very expensive.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
locking up a murderer is more humane than the murder its self, so who the fuck cares if they are locked up for life? i would rather we didnt have the death penalty because i thinks its more punishment that the killer is locked up for life without seeing anyone they know again.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
impho anyone who commits cold calculated murder apon an innocent has forfited the right to be treated as a human being. take their organs and anything else they may have, and give those things to society. then kill the perps like the filthy animals they are.

sorry Will, you know full well I'm a fascist dictator at heart :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Game have taken it off the shelves now aswell and other stores including WH Smiths are considering doing the same - Link
I think Manhunt will have just become the most wanted game by kids in the country.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Asswipe kills a dood, blame a game, its' so much easier than blaming the real causes.

Funny I played doom, SOF, HL, CS, MOHAA and a dozen others, as have most of you lot I guess. I've never felt inclined to kill someone for real.
The guy was a tard, loser, low life, he should be castrated to stop the fucker screwing the gene pool up even more. He had better get used to being someones bitch for a while I guess :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Two debates going on here:

1) Are violent games responsible for the behaviour of children?
2) Is life imprisonment = life in prison?

For my part:

1) No. Its obvious. This scenario has played itself out time and again. I still remember Led Zepplin being taken to court because one of their records, played backwards, apparently encouraged 2 teenagers to commit suicide together. That got thrown out of court. It was the same with the Bulger killers. Its been proven many times over that the family environment in which a child grows is the most important factor in understanding morals. Computer games, television, radio, newspapers, none of these things teach morals. I would suggest that the parents are partly responsible, as well as schoolfriends and perhaps the area he grew up in.

2) No, it should not. You can't impose a blanket life sentence upon anybody committed of murder. What about mercy killings? Heat-of-the-moment murder? The best people to judge how long a person should remain in prison, are the judges in our courts, and the staff involved in rehabilitating criminals. They are the people with the facts, they are the ones trained and entrusted to do their job for the service of society as a whole. There should be no exceptions to this rule, or else we will end up not with a system of punishment and rehabilitation, but one of legalised revenge.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Personally, I find real life a lot more disturbing than fucking computer games.

Daily Mail = Fucktards.

Turn on the TV for just 30 minutes and wait for the news, it's usually one of the following:

1) Iraqi suicide bombs (cue graphic scenes of burning cars)
2) Palestinian suicide bombs (cue graphic scenes of burning cars, then occasionally Israeli retaliation).
3) Any footage of 9/11 (planes into buildings, people jumping from windows)

Ok, theres never really scenes involving people flying to pieces, but I find this a lot more distrurbing and influential because it's really going on. Then there is the issue about "why blame the computer game? why not blame the fucking parents?".

Honest to Jesus, I cba writing anymore but all those in the opinion of "the game made him kill" need to be rounded up and locked away in a mental asylum for having the intelligence of a fucking ape carcus.

It's a damn shame someone was murdered, but it adds insult to see this.



Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
well in my opinion the arab nations have the right idea about how to deal with crime

general naughtiness = 40 lashes
stealing = loss of hand
adultry/rape = loss of willy
murder = loss of head

would probably upset the do gooders in the world but hey the crime figures would drop dramatically overnight

as far as games insighting people to kill,thats the funniest thing ive heard since horror films will make you kill


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
You know what else pisses me off? People labelling people who are against the death penalty, or are liberal in any way, "do-gooders". It's like calling anyone with right-wing views a fucking Nazi.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
sorry if i offended mank that wasnt the intention

however it is my belief that currently the "Law" protects the criminal more than it does the victim.

imo if things dont change it wont be to long before law and order breaks down completley


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I thought everyone on here was a leftie. It's almost eOT round here tonight :/

Anyway - I feel strangely compelled to make some hinges... IRL !!!1


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Ive been out delivering mail because I played Postman Pat the computer game. Sorry its all true.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
actualyl they dont generally chop off your dick here anymore. Friend of mine (female) was raped by 2 arabs. One did a runner to saudi (thus safe) and the other got sent to jail. No willy chopping was involved

edit: oh yeah, and the death penalty for drug smuggling

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