pryd rvr = easy mode?



i liked how you wrapped it up so nicely there M8


I havent played on Prydwen in RvR that much, RR3.4 on 2 chars... But what I've seen on Prydwen is that the quality of RvR is a joke compared to Excal's RvR...

I have no doubt that there are good RvR groups on Prydwen too, and I have no doubt that their on the same level as Excalibur ones... But... The amount of pickup groups (which usually perform worse) is pretty damn high on Prydwen compared to Excalibur...

When is the last time you saw a pickup group roam odin/emain (as 1 FG, 2 FG tops)... Except albs that is... Albs (I think) are the only realm which still roams a lot as pickup groups... And the time between groups is huge sometimes...


Originally posted by klavrynd
such qq, they're the only decent group because they do pbae instead of melee ?

they are the only decent group cos they are from excal xDDD


Originally posted by pbuck
I have played both alb/pryd and hib/excal so can comment on both servers:
When i started playing hib/excal mid/pryd was indeed pathetic there was 1 really good pbaoe group(mm) and a warders group which was good but had 2 runemasters in it and both groups couldnt be classified as fotm.
So being clueless about fotm then i first saw a real fotm pre-1.62 mid group when i started rvring on excal.At that time mid/excal>>>>>>mid/prydwen.
There were like a couple mending healers on prydwen then.
However since i started playing prydwen again there are a couple of mid groups around who are quite good and only inferior to np and maybe jh.
These group are :
Everlast:they have rr9 rr8 rr8 healer rr9 warrior rr9 skald rr8 savage rr7 shaman rr6 savage.Even if they play bad(which they dont) rps and fotm makes them hard enemies
Bad Omen:they have rr8 healer rr6-7 healers rr8 shaman rr7 warrior(best warrior on server imo)rr7 rr7 savage rr8 skald
MM: although inactive lately, its full rr8 mid pbaoe group which used to be best group of server(beat NP all the time before zerker nerf) but maybe not as good now with the nerf of zerker dmg and tank boost with removal of caps in buffs.
BAF: Although not as high rr group as everlast or bad omen.their group has beaten us more times than any other mid group ,they are all rr6-rr7 and their healers now how to abuse asd and how to kite away diseased tanks.
Maelstrom:Lower rr than other groups but still dangerous and not any worse than the usual fotm mid excal groups.
Now i dont know exactly what fotm is running @ excal nowbut when i played there it was jh np pandora atrocity out.JH, pandora quit ,Np are not as active as they used to be atrocity still playing?.If it is as this i dont see why mid/excal is harder than mid/pryd.May have been like this some time ago but not any more.There are usually 3-4 fotm groups out every day in emain(on prydwen) and there are hardly any random easy-to-farm mids any more..I too wish i would see less fotm around currently it is 90% of the rvr encounters of prydwen(im sure excal wasnt like this when i played)
So if u think prydwen rvr is easy mode play some more and think again.

aglee just the warrior is wrong vanaya > all :)

More total noobish albs on excal there to farmed 24/7



Originally posted by -Wedge-
I havent played on Prydwen in RvR that much, RR3.4 on 2 chars... But what I've seen on Prydwen is that the quality of RvR is a joke compared to Excal's RvR...

This is kinda what you are saying here " I have no idea about how rvr is on prydwen, But i know they suck"

Go spend your time hitting your head against a brickwall insted of posting crap you have no idea about.


hum is it true that PE always run with infil+minser with the grp? ;(


Originally posted by Cush
This is kinda what you are saying here " I have no idea about how rvr is on prydwen, But i know they suck"

Go spend your time hitting your head against a brickwall insted of posting crap you have no idea about.

You mean "join klav"?


why does most/many mid "fotm" grps on pryd often run with 1 bd? what is the point? like, they go oop damn fast, and offer nothing to the group..


Give strong fights PE ^^

and say hi to Sycho for me ^^


the bd generally only joins BO less than half the fights, most times u see banaplockaren (?) running in small groups or in odin's


Originally posted by Jergiot
hum is it true that PE always run with infil+minser with the grp? ;(

No thats something our enemies made up so they had something to blame their losses on.


I like the way how we hibbies rvr atm, so shooo, get off the server exca newbs (except flatline, I wub herbal)

EDIT: + its really funny all of these so called uber excal rvr groups quit after 2 weeks cause they get killed too much.


i think what ppl are saying is the 'overall' standard on excal is better because of its over population and the need to be more organised to suceed. thats not to say that there arent good players on pryd.


Originally posted by vintervargen
why does most/many mid "fotm" grps on pryd often run with 1 bd? what is the point? like, they go oop damn fast, and offer nothing to the group..

EL often have a BD in group oop well when needed rp mcl2 power pots are used and do ofter alot to a group.

Here is a fight playing with the alb zerg.


Originally posted by Ialkarn

GOL caster group got some outsider I think,not sure too.

Surely you mean "some outsider groups"? :)

Hyuga Hinata

Originally posted by -Wedge-
The amount of pickup groups (which usually perform worse) is pretty damn high on Prydwen compared to Excalibur...

Yes, god forbid that the people who play classes that aren't needed in FOTM groups make groups of their own to go RvR, perhaps they should just drop that habit and go sit in a circle in Jordheim holding hands and singing for world peace instead?

Wouldn't want to get in the way of the FOTM groups now would we?

Besides, seeing as you're from Alb/Exc, I'm surprised you even have the balls to comment on Mid/Pryd having a lot of random pickup groups.

At least our random groups don't do this:

Or is that all organized groups running around since Exc has so few randoms?


Originally posted by Hyuga Hinata

At least our random groups don't do this:

Or is that all organized groups running around since Exc has so few randoms?

heh keep defence, 5 mins later 112 hibs showed up to retake it, 1h defence, keep your mouth pryd newb if you don't know what was going on


Originally posted by Hyuga Hinata
Yes, god forbid that the people who play classes that aren't needed in FOTM groups make groups of their own to go RvR, perhaps they should just drop that habit and go sit in a circle in Jordheim holding hands and singing for world peace instead?

Wouldn't want to get in the way of the FOTM groups now would we?

Besides, seeing as you're from Alb/Exc, I'm surprised you even have the balls to comment on Mid/Pryd having a lot of random pickup groups.

At least our random groups don't do this:

Or is that all organized groups running around since Exc has so few randoms?

First, before you flame someone, know who you are flaming... Ask any hib/mid on Excalibur and ask them if The Brethren (my guild) zergs in emain or odin a lot... I'd be supprised if the answer is yes... (heck we often dont even visit emain)

Secondly, I didnt make the remark about pickup groups as a bad thing... But its known that a good (even reasonable) 'balanced' guild-group will kill 75% of all pickup groups... Heck, even weird setup guild groups will beat random pickup groups because they know how to play with each other...

Thirdly, the ONLY realm that still has a lot of pickup groups (that I see) is ALBION (on excalibur)...

The reason I mentioned the pickup groups is because they ARE easier to beat then guild groups... And prime time on Prydwen just cant be compared with prime time Excalibur, as its not a guess that Excal has more people in RvR, its a fact... You can easely go 15 mins without meeting 1 group in emain during an evening on Prydwen... But that's not possible on excal... Sure there are days that there are zergs there too, but compared to excal? (150 albs in emain prime time isnt unusual)

So when you do meet 1 - 2 fg in odin or emain, its most likely (for albs that is) a guild group, and often even balanced guild groups... And a lot of them play very well... If you add FOTM to them (IG/BaF on Excal with BM's, JH/NP/Atrocity on Excal with savages) then the fight becomes even harder...

So sure you do have good groups on Prydwen, no doubt... FOTM, no doubt.... But the amount of high rr guild groups on Excalibur IS higher... Saying 1 is better then the other cant really be done since the whole RvR situation is different....

You cant tell me its the same when I've spend 4-6 hours XP'ing on grannies @ DC on Prydwen with my chanter and not seen 1 mid or alb run by... Running with a FG between MTK - ATK and actually not seeing enemies @ 23.00 CET...


Originally posted by faderullan
No thats something our enemies made up so they had something to blame their losses on.

good^^ :D


Originally posted by Jiggs
yes and no

all realms have at least 1 or 2 very good groups in RvR. what i've enjoyed about RvRing on pryd is playing at off-peak times: you can often have alot of fun with just 5-6 ppl groups (often with bizarre setups) which kinda makes you remember the old days when there was no such thing as FoTM :D in short i hear what you are saying konah, but the FoTM are there from all realms, just in fewer numbers...

having fought against PE and played with some of the best on ald/exc i'd say alb/exc (if they could be bothered) could easily field a group the match of PE, but for various reasons (mainly cos the best players are spread evenly across 3 guilds..) they rarely do :(

PE also seem to be alot more disciplined: most alb/exc groups wont wait for xx RA to recharge and so on, ofc this has a lot to do with the fact that, very simply, they (PE) just have alot less 'big fights' (ie on alb.exc you turn one way you got NP you turn the other its JH then the other its VGN or LA etc etc)

fewer guild group fights suits albs alot more, seeing as they rely on RAs more than other realms, ofc its helps when you have good players like PE also! :D

Yeh quiet true, it's easy to be an alb on prydwen when mids and hibs suck there as they do ;>


Originally posted by -Wedge-
You can easely go 15 mins without meeting 1 group in emain during an evening on Prydwen... But that's not possible on excal... Sure there are days that there are zergs there too, but compared to excal? (150 albs in emain prime time isnt unusual)

So let me ask you, do you prefer to run around for 10-15 mins looking for a good challenging fg vs fg fight, or do you prefer fighting 150 albs in emain? Surely you can't avoid them adding at all, question is, do you prefer the excal zerg or prydwen where fights are rarer but even numbers, and where skill actually matters and it isn't just a fight where the winner is determined by who adds first?

Seek the challenge where skill actually matters on who wins in the long run, or the zerg where numbers are what matters, in the long run.

How many evenings at 19.00 hours can you fight a 1 fg melee vs 1 fg melee group in emain on excalibur, without being added on?

RvR is different on the two servers, realize this and you'll also realize that it's not better on 1 of them, it's just different.


Originally posted by vintervargen
must be boring as hell to only go mmg - amg in emain, and never expect/find any hib grps :/

Hibs prefer to go odin/hadrians as there are less zergs :)

Personally i dont mind as i play a ns but its hard to go to emain (from ligen with no speed, well some hasteners) just to discover a stealth zerg on amg/mmg :p

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