pryd rvr = easy mode?



Originally posted by Crashtje
LOL BO with a balanced grp, FOTM rings all over it - only decent grp on mid/pryd = midget mafia .

Everlast is also good
less skill than MM but fotm match this up =)


Originally posted by faderullan
And you can stop your talk with prydwen being easy mode. I have seen your video's. One video where a tank dont use /stick etc. You guys wouldnt have a chance on prydwen tbh. If you think you do. Start a mid or hib group here and we can arrange a meeting somewhere and lets see who wins.

What Fader just said

Sharp Thing

FC vs PE
seeing FC loses vs RR2 hib pickup grps my money is on PE


oh and im sure the 1 million rr1s in CF would make uber groups and beat anyone...

Just cus FC have lost vs bad groups dont mean they always do FC dont always run with the same setup / same people, sometimes they make good groups sometimes they dont. If they were to fight like a FG "duel" i doubt they would bring a bad group with them.


Originally posted by faderullan
And you can stop your talk with prydwen being easy mode. I have seen your video's. One video where a tank dont use /stick etc. You guys wouldnt have a chance on prydwen tbh. If you think you do. Start a mid or hib group here and we can arrange a meeting somewhere and lets see who wins.

:clap: :clap: someone got owned :clap: :clap:


Funny the several weeks i spent on excal i never witnessed a group that performed anywhere near to the standards of PE/MM/BO etc. Most just used numbers to overcome there enemy instead of skill.


Originally posted by old.Emma
Funny the several weeks i spent on excal i never witnessed a group that performed anywhere near to the standards of PE/MM/BO etc. Most just used numbers to overcome there enemy instead of skill.

haha right... ive been in BO groups several times and NP JH is both ALOT better. Infact i have been in alb/exc groups that outperformed anything i saw during my period on prydwen. However the best alb/excal groups is NOT guild groups but groups consisting of good players from several different guilds and its sadly not that often these groups are formed.


Originally posted by Xeanor
zerger :(
We were off to kill grand summoner, as you prolly guessed, succeeded as well :clap: however no uber cloak drop :(( did get a nice 48uv caster belt though.


Originally posted by Ziva
And that would be... zerging realms at every hour of the day? Is that your idea of fun?

Except for too little Hibs in RvR i think RvR on Pryd is fine and more fun then Exca. But... it's all a matter of taste i guess.

RvR on pryd is obviously > Excal if what is said here in the thread is true :)

Garbannoch Nox

i havent been RvRing (on a serious level) on prydwen so cannot comment on the 'standard'
What I do however find very negative is the low population of hibs - there is nothing more boring than fighting only one realm all the time (well in case you are alb or mid there ;)


Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
i havent been RvRing (on a serious level) on prydwen so cannot comment on the 'standard'
What I do however find very negative is the low population of hibs - there is nothing more boring than fighting only one realm all the time (well in case you are alb or mid there ;)
100% true...sadly:( hibs are close to nonexistant on pryd atm...looking forward to situation to change soonish seeing those new guilds(JH, Curse, Conquest etc) lvling hard tho:)

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by bult
oh and im sure the 1 million rr1s in CF would make uber groups and beat anyone...

old loved CF grp roxored every other fg out there :>


fc vs pe , ill put my money on pe even if both clerics are afk

haha right... ive been in BO groups several times and NP JH is both ALOT better.

got the same feeling as random group in bo groups more then once , never had that in warders fg


Got some lvl 30 chars on pryd too...and it is hard (VERY hard) to find a group there yes...mostly you see a chanter + pet & drood...

Being unguilded there doens't help either of course...

But did run to the portal...and found very few people on it...and even less outside to go into emain...but i think the /lvl 30 command should at leats get some bored exc alb or mid to hib ....

and maybe in a month or 2 there should be some new people playing pryd...

Hope i get a 50 char on pryd too one i can log of in exc when it's zergwars once again..and play something else than an alb char :p


I'll put my money on the fc good group.

same RR and all RAs up, and FC would win.
Go camnlan, lvl chars to 50 and figth there :p


my money on PE if it counts, tho its /ot actually^^


Originally posted by bult
Infact i have been in alb/exc groups that outperformed anything i saw during my period on prydwen. However the best alb/excal groups is NOT guild groups but groups consisting of good players from several different guilds and its sadly not that often these groups are formed.

BF run guild groups only
RB run in guild groups only
FC run in guild groups only
TB run in guild groups only
GOL caster group got some outsider I think,not sure too.

sometimes they have 1-2 outsiders (and they often come from one of the guilds quoted above).


I would put my money on pe and their rambo add :p

On the otherside what i have seen on alb excal is just so freaking laugh able, on the otherside i only got a lvl 46 sorc so far. So i shouldn´t really speak my mind, eventhough i just think excal overall being just who got the biggest zerg. So would a lvl 30 of any class have any idea about what really is the better?

Prolly they have as little idea as me what is the better, so there´s really no way to find out who´s is the better, since it all depends on rrs, realm and all the other things. What´s clear is that albs need high rr to kill anything, since they depend on ra´s a lot more. Another thing that´s kind of make a diffrence on excal and pryd is how the relics are divided.

In my opinion though NP is a bunch of bandwagoners, it´s not like they have ever tried to play a realm that´s having a huge disadvange. Mids atm have a huge advange since they got insta interupt on three chars in a group. Not like it´s hard to spam asd, spreadheal, pots and mcl. Anyone could do that. Going to be a lot more intressting to see what they do once asd gets "nerfed" or fixed as i think it is. NP won a lot of fights on prydwen due to their bard using the amnesia bug.

In overall prydwen is nice rvr, and if np really was so great they would still play hib since they don´t think mid being enough challenge. Biggest diffrence between excal and mid is population which means more ra depending realms get a slight advantage, like alb. Another thing though is that prydwen spreads out on more zones. Pretty often you find that there´s about the same number of mids in emain, odin and hadrian. If you check excal though all goes emain or odin. I´m prolly wrong though since i´m only lvl 46 atm so i´m prolly as fit for comparing servers as the orginal poster.

Disclaimer: I´m waisted atm so if you wanna flame go ahead, but not like i´m gonna care if you don´t bring anything constructive up, which have never happened on bw so far. If you´re gonna complain about my spelling, yey go ahead not like it really matters just shows that you got nothing else to point out.


Originally posted by -nicolas-

ahhh pryds whole population on at once? ;)


I have played both alb/pryd and hib/excal so can comment on both servers:
When i started playing hib/excal mid/pryd was indeed pathetic there was 1 really good pbaoe group(mm) and a warders group which was good but had 2 runemasters in it and both groups couldnt be classified as fotm.
So being clueless about fotm then i first saw a real fotm pre-1.62 mid group when i started rvring on excal.At that time mid/excal>>>>>>mid/prydwen.
There were like a couple mending healers on prydwen then.
However since i started playing prydwen again there are a couple of mid groups around who are quite good and only inferior to np and maybe jh.
These group are :
Everlast:they have rr9 rr8 rr8 healer rr9 warrior rr9 skald rr8 savage rr7 shaman rr6 savage.Even if they play bad(which they dont) rps and fotm makes them hard enemies
Bad Omen:they have rr8 healer rr6-7 healers rr8 shaman rr7 warrior(best warrior on server imo)rr7 rr7 savage rr8 skald
MM: although inactive lately, its full rr8 mid pbaoe group which used to be best group of server(beat NP all the time before zerker nerf) but maybe not as good now with the nerf of zerker dmg and tank boost with removal of caps in buffs.
BAF: Although not as high rr group as everlast or bad omen.their group has beaten us more times than any other mid group ,they are all rr6-rr7 and their healers now how to abuse asd and how to kite away diseased tanks.
Maelstrom:Lower rr than other groups but still dangerous and not any worse than the usual fotm mid excal groups.
Now i dont know exactly what fotm is running @ excal nowbut when i played there it was jh np pandora atrocity out.JH, pandora quit ,Np are not as active as they used to be atrocity still playing?.If it is as this i dont see why mid/excal is harder than mid/pryd.May have been like this some time ago but not any more.There are usually 3-4 fotm groups out every day in emain(on prydwen) and there are hardly any random easy-to-farm mids any more..I too wish i would see less fotm around currently it is 90% of the rvr encounters of prydwen(im sure excal wasnt like this when i played)
So if u think prydwen rvr is easy mode play some more and think again.


Originally posted by pbuck
I have played both alb/pryd and hib/excal so can comment on both servers:
When i started playing hib/excal mid/pryd was indeed pathetic there was 1 really good pbaoe group(mm) and a warders group which was good but had 2 runemasters in it and both groups couldnt be classified as fotm.
So being clueless about fotm then i first saw a real fotm pre-1.62 mid group when i started rvring on excal.At that time mid/excal>>>>>>mid/prydwen.
There were like a couple mending healers on prydwen then.
However since i started playing prydwen again there are a couple of mid groups around who are quite good and only inferior to np and maybe jh.
These group are :
Everlast:they have rr9 rr8 rr8 healer rr9 warrior rr9 skald rr8 savage rr7 shaman rr6 savage.Even if they play bad(which they dont) rps and fotm makes them hard enemies
Bad Omen:they have rr8 healer rr6-7 healers rr8 shaman rr7 warrior(best warrior on server imo)rr7 rr7 savage rr8 skald
MM: although inactive lately, its full rr8 mid pbaoe group which used to be best group of server(beat NP all the time before zerker nerf) but maybe not as good now with the nerf of zerker dmg and tank boost with removal of caps in buffs.
BAF: Although not as high rr group as everlast or bad omen.their group has beaten us more times than any other mid group ,they are all rr6-rr7 and their healers now how to abuse asd and how to kite away diseased tanks.
Maelstrom:Lower rr than other groups but still dangerous and not any worse than the usual fotm mid excal groups.
Now i dont know exactly what fotm is running @ excal nowbut when i played there it was jh np pandora atrocity out.JH, pandora quit ,Np are not as active as they used to be atrocity still playing?.If it is as this i dont see why mid/excal is harder than mid/pryd.May have been like this some time ago but not any more.There are usually 3-4 fotm groups out every day in emain(on prydwen) and there are hardly any random easy-to-farm mids any more..I too wish i would see less fotm around currently it is 90% of the rvr encounters of prydwen(im sure excal wasnt like this when i played)
So if u think prydwen rvr is easy mode play some more and think again.
Good post, sums it all up pretty nice.

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