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- #31
So is Plotinus or Immanuel Kant your meta-ethics-hero ?
Sowat....you're not a mod, and the same applies to you ono
Originally posted by SoWat
It would, however, be nice to know that there's a place where I can go without being reminded of all the shit that's happening around us.
Originally posted by xenon2000
I guess Kez's point about lack of intersesting threads on the "SPAM" thread kinda paid off, huh?
Congrats peeps on the detailed arguments
carry on now...
Originally posted by Kornholio[UC_UK]
Live by the sword......
Originally posted by Embattle
Whats wrong with people.
Originally posted by Stu-
ooh, interesting.
Moving on - child pr0n is 'sick' yes. It's illegal, yes. Does it mean we should police the net? In my opinion, no. People will always have their own little diversities and foibles (and if you think I'm 'belittling' child porn, remember things are only 'sick' if society as a whole doesn't agree with them, eg cannabalism was perfectly acceptable amongst many societies for a fair amount of time), and people will always find a way to express or get off on them. Policing the net would not have stopped this occurring, because by the very nature of what these people were involved in (ie it is morally, legally and socially condemned), it is kept secret regardless. Hence, anything that is sufficiently abhorrent to cause a major calling for such a restriction would be unaffected by the restriction anyway.
And finally, Metallica are pants
Originally posted by SoWat
The real question is whether we accept censorship as a necessary evil, or whether we decide to function as responsible adults, without the 'guiding' hand of government.
I personally feel that each individual (adult) should be responsible for his/her own actions. If they do something illegal, then they shouldn't be surprised at the consequences.
I really do feel that governments the world over have infringed on the personal liberties of their citizens. Not by introducing sudden, draconian laws, but by the steady drip, drip, drip of legislation designed, supposedly, to get the 'bad guys' (drug dealers, porn merchants, whatever).
Originally posted by Quorthon
Problem is Sowat, this would be fine if you could trust each adult to take the right decision every time - fact is a lot of them dont, so enforcement has to be introduced for the rest of us.