proposed realm abilitys in frontier expansion


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I like the RA Review - it is needed and a good thing. They've obviously put more thought into it all this time round - the mere fact that you can get to RR10 and there still be things worth having is an improvement. There are going to be a bunch of things they've missed, though. I just hope they are prepared to tweak things at each patch and be liberal in giving out RA respecs when they do.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
80% happy and 20% pissed off here... from a thanes perspective

Hell yeah baby to det and the other stuff!

What the **** is up with our free rr6 ability... Chain lightning, have mythic forgotten we already have a rather nice AE dd to break mez with, ok it seeks out those with the lowest resists but has only a 500 radius and crappy diminishing damage with eacj leap up to 5 people :-(

Now maybe if the spell's chain part of the dd (with the demisihing damage) didn't break mez or root I would be a very happy bunny!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
have any looked at the champion RA: badger of valor: Champions damage for the next 20 seconds will be INCREASED by the targets armor-based ABS instead of decreased.
lets say he hit an arms for 300 dmg and the arms got 36% abs if im right that means he will hit for alittle over 400 dmg :) sound nice to me :)
or friars whirling staf: PBAE attack that does moderate damage and makes all melee targets in 350 radius unable to attack for 6 seconds.
now maybe worth taking friars in a grp. if u cleric got savage train on him they cant attack for 6 sec.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Even as a infil, which is gainin a few and losing alot and our main prey is gaining ALOT, I like it :)

Hopefully this will kill even more FOTM'ers off than the DF nerf coming.

Not sure if i like the idea that spells become less effective when using MoC, cant see the reasoning behind that.

If you can't see the reasonning then im afraid you're blind :). PBAE Bomb groups anyone? And the main offender the SM with intercepting pet + moc = death, now Pbae will only hit for what ... 250-300 at first tier moc :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Wohoo, clerics are now by far the suckiest main healer - since the crybabies over the liddul pond still only want a better DD we're unlikely to actually get a working third specline, ever. We'll continue to be inferior to druids and healers, only now we won't have a useful RA to toss around to make others QQ as well ;)

Since I havn't properly RvRed since ToA I'm not even sure how MLs are affecting it, so I'll reserve judgement till later.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
i dont mind some of the new ra's, but, the one where u get a 30 dps dmg add that ignores caps will cause alot of problems, so i think ill get it :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Some new info in the latest grab bag btw. Apparently there are already new versions made, they just arent public yet. TLs have seen them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
yaruar said:
Bear in mind this isn't the final RA redesign, it's an early draft of what it could be, they want feedback from players and TL's and will change it.

People need to join in the discussions on the vn boards on this one. There is a lot of discussion going on with thanes at the moment and I'm actively talking to the thane tl for one.

yea I know its a proposal.

What makes me abit, confused is:

How did some RAs even make it to the proposal? To me it seems as if someone smoking shedloads of weed sat one day and thought, aaaalllright, boss wanted me to toss in some new stuff, lets do it then! if you get what I mean. I would like for Mythic to take alittle more serious attitude towards massive changes like this and think it through properly instead of releasing information like this.

An example is Minstrels, how on earth were they thinking when they even came to think about giving the already strongest stealtherrealm AM on a stealther?, what I mean is, EVERYONE with the slighest clue must realize that: Its madness, sheer madness and nothing else but madness. Only that RA in itself makes an albstealthertrio or duo with a minstrel in it unbeatable, and I mean unbeatable. How can it be so that the company that develop DAoC, and has done that for quite some time now, doesnt realise the obvious effect of such a change and allow it to make it into a proposal. I cant understand it tbh and never will and to me it seems as they sometimes really dont have a clue.

How can it be so that they give an assassin their _strongest_ attack in easymode? How can they even come to think of a Ninjarunie? Evading 90!!!% of all meleeattacks as a free RA as a caster is just.. completely silly tbh, intercepting pet on SMs is oke in my eyes, but a Ninjarunie? Come'on now. Its laughable. What also is quite annoying is that the rr5freebiestuff is quite unbalanced and some are just totally overpowered. I thought some things that came with TOA was bollox, and this just made it even worse.

I'd like for mythic to scrap the whole proposal and start over again, and put alot more of serious thinking into it. Both balancewise and utilitywise. I'd go as far as to say, this system does not benefit the lowranks at all, it allows the group with the most "I-win" cards to walse in and destroy, basically, its the same as it is now. I thought their plan was to allow lowranks to buy some essential stuff so they was given a slightly bigger chanse to compete on a somewhat more even level as highranks. This will most likely not be the case tbh, not as it looks now anyway, hopefully they will rethink some. And I also feel that they really should fix some old wellknown problems that people have complained about for over a year by now, Interrupts is an excellent example here.

Anyways, we will most likely adapt and learn to live with any new system, question is, will we enjoy it? Sure, it'd be cool to get BAoD+physical defense5 and be meleeinvulnerable on my caster but.. thats not how I would like to see it, I would rather have my fast targetselection, my knowledge about other classes and my teams cooperation matter more than a simple "I-win"card or two. Also note how strong casters actually looks to become with the proposed changes.. its nuts. Sure, tanks have had a strong era now, but they have in no way been unbeatable tbh.

/end of rant.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Shike said:
yea I know its a proposal.

What makes me abit, confused is:

How did some RAs even make it to the proposal? To me it seems as if someone smoking shedloads of weed sat one day and thought, aaaalllright, boss wanted me to toss in some new stuff, lets do it then! if you get what I mean. I would like for Mythic to take alittle more serious attitude towards massive changes like this and think it through properly instead of releasing information like this.

An example is Minstrels, how on earth were they thinking when they even came to think about giving the already strongest stealtherrealm AM on a stealther?, what I mean is, EVERYONE with the slighest clue must realize that: Its madness, sheer madness and nothing else but madness. Only that RA in itself makes an albstealthertrio or duo with a minstrel in it unbeatable, and I mean unbeatable. How can it be so that the company that develop DAoC, and has done that for quite some time now, doesnt realise the obvious effect of such a change and allow it to make it into a proposal. I cant understand it tbh and never will and to me it seems as they sometimes really dont have a clue.

How can it be so that they give an assassin their _strongest_ attack in easymode? How can they even come to think of a Ninjarunie? Evading 90!!!% of all meleeattacks as a free RA as a caster is just.. completely silly tbh, intercepting pet on SMs is oke in my eyes, but a Ninjarunie? Come'on now. Its laughable. What also is quite annoying is that the rr5freebiestuff is quite unbalanced and some are just totally overpowered. I thought some things that came with TOA was bollox, and this just made it even worse.

I'd like for mythic to scrap the whole proposal and start over again, and put alot more of serious thinking into it. Both balancewise and utilitywise. I'd go as far as to say, this system does not benefit the lowranks at all, it allows the group with the most "I-win" cards to walse in and destroy, basically, its the same as it is now. I thought their plan was to allow lowranks to buy some essential stuff so they was given a slightly bigger chanse to compete on a somewhat more even level as highranks. This will most likely not be the case tbh, not as it looks now anyway, hopefully they will rethink some. And I also feel that they really should fix some old wellknown problems that people have complained about for over a year by now, Interrupts is an excellent example here.

Anyways, we will most likely adapt and learn to live with any new system, question is, will we enjoy it? Sure, it'd be cool to get BAoD+physical defense5 and be meleeinvulnerable on my caster but.. thats not how I would like to see it, I would rather have my fast targetselection, my knowledge about other classes and my teams cooperation matter more than a simple "I-win"card or two. Also note how strong casters actually looks to become with the proposed changes.. its nuts. Sure, tanks have had a strong era now, but they have in no way been unbeatable tbh.

/end of rant.

i think u miss alot of the points.. how can u say a RA is overpowered then u had no chance at all to c how it works?? yes some of them r old but alot of them r new and we can only guess on how they work...
and i think with new frontier will there be alot of mixed grp instead of pure tank or pure caster...
im glad they r reworking the RA system as the 1 we got atm dont work perfect and u also have to remember the new RAs r only on idea lvl still, so u will prolly c alot of changes in the next few weeks.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
The Armsmen RR5 Free RA is a joke and yet again Mythic Screw the class over for no reason. I dont know who at mythic thought giving a RR5 RA to probably the most underused spec line in the game let alone an armsmen that no one specs for. Mythic seem to be going from the realms of being imcompatent to just plain silly. Im still hoping they will review this RA and replace it with somethnig worthwhile but as it seems they are still not able to fix the most fundermental problems with the Armsmen class (Double spec) im sure they wont even bother.

Well done mythic


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
the armsman free RA isn't as bad as at first it seems. True that not many armsmen will ever spec xbow, and being able to do not very much damage whilst on the move isn't that great in PvE or against tanks, however it gives armsmen a ranged interrupt ability which they've always been lacking. Paladins can charge in and use their taunt shout, Armsmen can fire their xbow from the hip. Gives the tank something to even up casters.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
chretien said:
Gives the tank something to even up casters.

tanks need something to even up casters? :eek7:

its ALREADY damn easy to be interupted :p

but i think most of the RA's are meant to be "fun" not "uber" :p

like the runie evade one and animist mushroom one :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
chretien said:
however it gives armsmen a ranged interrupt ability which they've always been lacking.

Theres a big difference between 'lacking' and 'unused' ;)
Though I agree in a sense, though I fail to see how the 'Det' changes will... change anything if all pure+light tanks get baseline 25% det at lvl35. Sure Hybrids can spec Determination now, which is great and all - but theoretically pure tanks can now get an even more powerful determination.

Baseline Det should be restricted to just the 3 'pure' tanks (Warrior, Armsman, and Hero). Never understood why Light's got it anyway


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Archeon said:
Theres a big difference between 'lacking' and 'unused' ;)
Yep but who's going to use a ranged interrupt that requires you to stand still for 5 seconds or so and then you have to start all over again when your target sees what you're up to and shuffles back a few steps?
At least if this goes live, the armsman will get something usable rather than a theoretical but frankly useless ranged interrupt.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
chretien said:
Yep but who's going to use a ranged interrupt that requires you to stand still for 5 seconds or so and then you have to start all over again when your target sees what you're up to and shuffles back a few steps?
At least if this goes live, the armsman will get something usable rather than a theoretical but frankly useless ranged interrupt.

That was my point, you said Armsmen didn't have any form of ranged interupt. I was just pointing out that they did, it was just utterly usless. :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
kain said:
80% happy and 20% pissed off here... from a thanes perspective

Hell yeah baby to det and the other stuff!

What the **** is up with our free rr6 ability... Chain lightning, have mythic forgotten we already have a rather nice AE dd to break mez with, ok it seeks out those with the lowest resists but has only a 500 radius and crappy diminishing damage with eacj leap up to 5 people :-(

Now maybe if the spell's chain part of the dd (with the demisihing damage) didn't break mez or root I would be a very happy bunny!!!!

There is questions as to whether it might effect the same target more than once if there aren't enough people nearby which would be nice. But yeah it does suck mightily especially when other classes get things like 2000 point group heals and stuff.

Although the new static tempest looks almost interesting if it is an unresistable stun and doesn't effect timers, although it's still too expensive for what it is especially as the early versions will only do a couple of stun pulses...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Static Tempest: Active Delivers a 350 radius attack that procs a 3 second unresistable stun every 5 seconds for the duration listed:
600 10 sec 15 sec 30 sec
Thane, Champion, Paladin

Hm, sounds kinda nice and handy to me ;) but yeah, choices to be made in the future :eek:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
chretien said:
Yep but who's going to use a ranged interrupt that requires you to stand still for 5 seconds or so and then you have to start all over again when your target sees what you're up to and shuffles back a few steps?
At least if this goes live, the armsman will get something usable rather than a theoretical but frankly useless ranged interrupt.

when you cba to level the games gimp to rr5 that is....

since no armsman love in frontiers i decided to respec my armswoman to sword and board and become a paladin without chants.....

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