Private Albion Forum


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Well, i said sorry for offtopic, but if sum1 says my name against something, what not good for me, ppl can think bad things about me i must answer it. That is complicated then ppl can think, cos i realy cant talk about that with him cos he wont listen me, or start to talk about something other. This msg is not about Essels fully gimpness, its about what he does irl against me, he alwayse qqing me ingame/telephone to my friends and dont let me live, saying fully not correct things about everything, and cant notice he does more stupid things whatever I say. What I say I said cos its not just a story about me, he realy h8 me when i said that things into his face cos i got bored with him, another thing is i got autokilled from his irc server, and another i can go back cos dinamic IP but nm. From a time his all of msg to me aggressives, maybe i can talk things with him here, but wont continue cos it will be offtopic very much, dont know it was very very offtopic cos he said my name, so i can answer it, i did.

A complett look about him: Essel is very kind ppl anyways to many ppl, somtimes acting like a realy friend so i regard him cos that things, but he never will accept what i say about him and never will say, yes u are right and sorry. If he does, i will say sorry to him too.

Now i say sorry for much offtopic(?) answers.

And gl in private forum. What i think about private forums, its not that easy cos sum1 if realy want will enter there, got an alb friend etc... u cant disband whole midgard from a forum, imo its impossible, what we can do is PM 1-2 ppl from all alliance to spamm /AS there will be relic raid at some time.

If Esse wanna talk with him from now, u can call me in telephone number is same, im opened with that.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
At least hes bumping the thread :(
This is the wrong place to discuss your differences


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Frozenheart said:
Not even just that ... IRC can be a risk too :(
We had an IRC OP join #daoc.prydwen and relicraid blab. That made the day really :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
hehe on daoc.prydwen relic raid blabbers get banned for a good hour or 2 before allowed back in ^^ (/hugs Melgar cus he doesn't deserve to be a mid :p)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
back on topic: :m00:

good idea about the private albion thing, but I don't think a forum will work whether its running vBulletin or whatever.. coz it boils down to the simple issue of security... not security of the forums/boards etc, but security of information the boards contain and who gets to read it.. which has made me think...

why do we need a board accessable by every member of albion ? why not just make a board for active GM of albion guilds....

think about it... active GMs of albion guild are going to be respectable members of the albion community, and i doubt that they would cross realm or cause other security issues...

my idea was to have either a private forum for albion GMs only, to be verified ingame or via xml pages/duskwave, for guild masters to organise relic raids/keep claiming etc... and they could then pass the information on to their own guild ingame as the time of the raid or something..

other ideas also include guild masters nominating one (or a couple for bigger guilds) other member of the guild to have access to the forums incase the GM is too busy doing other stuff or something ^^

anywayz... thats just my ideas (after thinking about it too much at work while i *should* be working :D)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You should all Signup...Future ML raids will be posted there


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
limpit- works fine for the hibs. They do it pretty much the same way- People signup and request to be a member of a Guild(Group i should say), the GM accepting the membership giving them access to the albion area.

Its worked for them and it can work for us


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Spirou said:
You know Werrin, this isn't a thread for you to tell the world how much you hate Esselinithia. It's here so people can find the new forums for Albion.
If you got a thing against him/her, go make your own thread, or better yet, send each other PMs full of love so the rest of us won't have to listen to the both of you going at each other.
No he is switching realm and cross realming without telling anyone and claiming it will be a surprise, and he uses it for his advantage, and he is trying to discredit everyone who knows him. Imho it is a shame, to switch reralm without telling and listening to what others say about raid and relay it straight to midgard, and it is a bannable offense, if he is used as example for this, he thinks the best way to reply is to do personal attacks against every people who doesn't support his way of playing.

He says 42 in natural stealth is "gimped" but let make one thing clear: A minstrel can't have stealth good enough aginst MoS, so many people dropped stealth on minstrel, yet mythic insists it didn't make minstrel essentially a non stealther class. Why? Because stealth has many uses in addition to waging a war between stealthe, including distraction ability, safe fall abilities, climb walls. Even movement speed while stealthed is influeced by your stealth level a bit.

Also, some who asked why I made my minstrel a high stealth one: To get in places and check things PVE that cannot be checked without stealth. Imho stealth + speed means access and mobility and can be very good when the mini works as "puller" (like on some 1fg sidi raids in older times) and guess what: You can experiment if stealth caps at 50 in such situation. Both in such situation (since stealth cap against higher level mobs are different) both for abilities and their efficinecy (distraction, safe fall, etc) natural stealth has a real effect.

Also since 1.70 it is rumoredthat you can have higher than 50 effective stealth with MoS bonuses, but effective level cap isn't source specific in the game, so the 50 cap is probably gone. And 14 point isn't a big difference.

Also you forget to tell, that my minstrel has no template yet, and probably won't put too much stealth in normal teamplate, will need the points on other thing. I am sure, I don't want to rely on meele damage with it anyway.

I not said to every dragonraid, but I said I got invited to multiple dragonraids without signing up, etc. and invited to toher raids as well, which you can verify.

You said "earth theurg" for defense, righthandof seen it, and he knows, it is earth wiz: And you see how it works, since GTAOE isn't resisted in PVE not even by high level mobs, all who had earth wiz can testify.

Smite cleric: Not many classes do 100+ damage at level 27 to naburites, without too much resists. And it isn't the only case where it was proven. You haven't tried haven't checked, luckily a few people wondered at how much damage Enerla does. You also forgot that I have a level 50 rejuv cleric, have enough level 50s, and said Enerla is made mostly to have fun, imho for that reason I don't need an elite spec.

So who is lieing mr gimp? Imho when people tell others how you cross realm, etc. and you can do nothing but personal attacks, and people from your own guild backs me up in this situation that tells something.

Imho there will be a few people, who was in AC with me, and can tell what they said to the information I had.

About not running around in ML6 step: Imho I would be VERY VERY gimp if I would run around. Why? Because a level 50 higher RR paladin doesn't die to salamander hatchlings in the short time he is out of range. What he died to? He ran to flames because effects self... Not running with him and getting all agro when he dies in a weak gear but letting other fighting types get agro and staying in fop range to save them is a decisions based on what we know about the encounter.

Funny thing you had a paladin main for years and you think salamander hatchlings in not so big pulls can kill a paladin very quickly, maybe it is because you know your characters so well?

for hib @ excal thing: I said very different thing. And imho if you say you will watch for our safety, and you get constant agro, you expect it to get pulled off from you, and I stayed in his meele range, trying to "kite" dodge the mob, imho if he does what he said it should be enough. You was on a tank, and it was in your meele range, how come you didn't get agro? With insta used, if he doesn't act: I get killed because all agro comes to me (insta heals generate agro, and it creates a bigger problem). With you, like a non gimp tank pulling off the mob: I am safe. Again, you had many tanks, and it is news to you. And of course if your friend acts as he said and steps in: It is safe. As you see from 3 solutions 2 are safe, the insta isn't safe. Why would I stop kiteing, start hitting a qbar switch button, target myself press instas, get more agro and go down faster when there are 2 safe solutions. You got the complaints, because you didn't tried to taunt the mob of your healer with a tank. In all the time. Imho it shows how gimp you are with all fighting classes.

Imho most clerics would back me up, that when you get no protect from a tanking class, get agro, he doesn't pull it off, you don't want all adds on you by pressing insta, but trust the tank or the high level who promised safety instead. Since pulling off more mobs are harder.

Oh, things look a bit different now? Imho one who cannot decide which realm he plays, and thinks it is a nice surprise for friends, to see, that you are suddenly in a different realm and relay what you heard from alb to mids is a nice surprise that can tell them how much they can trust you. Also you were used as an example, but it didn't mean much, but how you reacted it, shows you have no real defense. You are a cross realming gimp, who doesn't admit failure, but does personal attacks.

I don't tell others how big problem it is for you to pay for houses as agreed. (While account owner can't connect, when house lost bought adjacent cottages and of course he agreed to buy one, and he failed to pay any rent since the first week, failed to do houseinvites on his own.). Again this can be verified unlike your personal attacks.

Imho even if the attacks, and the responses aren't important alone, they show you are lieing, you did cross realming, and you doesn't worth your keep on raids. Why would you have access to any alb forum with raid then? Imho if you would be semi silent and would say, it was past and now you are determined to fix it, you would be in a much better situation.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
OT is an abbreviaton for Off-Topic. PM is an abbreviaton for Private Message. Would you like some more?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
I have really tried, hard, to understand why Esse quoted me in her last post.
I failed :<

Anyways, bump for a thread that needs no bumping and again asking for it to be kept ON Topic as opposed to OFF Topic ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Back to the topic, since it is important. Imho for the forum security: No mater what we do, there will be people, who say: "Cross realming is fun, talking with friends or havbing non fotm characters is lame". Imho we have MANY MANY relic raid babblers, etc. who do whatever it takes to look good and discredit the people who talk about their actions. But what about cross realmers who look pretty respectable? The problem is: We did trust many such cross realmers just a moment before they got discovered. And some guilds and RvR people trust them even after that.

Imho this is why we need a very different structure at the board to have security. So the question is simple: How we can make it secure. Imho if he switched realms, and he thinks telling it is an insult, I am very sorry for hurting his feelings, but I hope most of us do things we can call as our own actions and when it gets mentioned accurately, we don't feel it as insult. BUT we have to expect more people will switch to mid land. Some people have characters in both mid and alb land, how it would work? They would get access, because they would have to sign up for MLs, and this access would allow them to relay information to mids.

Imho we have a simpler way to control access: raid based access.

Say you have an user group for most raid types, and raid leaders, etc. are the usergroup moderators, you sign up for group membership, specify your character name, and they can verify it, they approve it, and you will have access to the forums for the given raid type, and can sign up when there is time for it. For this you can use calendars. With recurring events, etc. The normal forum area would be good for discussing raids, posting rules, asking for raids, etc. this way, you see what you should see, someone can verify your access in time.

Results: it is pretty hard to spy if you have to get access to individual sections based on what raids you would sign up to.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Spirou said:
I have really tried, hard, to understand why Esse quoted me in her last post.
I failed :<

Anyways, bump for a thread that needs no bumping and again asking for it to be kept ON Topic as opposed to OFF Topic ;o
Sorry, I answered two posts and forgot to quote both. (no multiquote mod installed here, and I am used to it)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tears said:
I realy loved when the dismissed some security hole reports, and a bit later they had a follow up thread that accepted their existence, and that it is the most serious sec hole in their existence. Also not having security holes isn't enough to have a secure product. You need functions that make the product secure.


Part of the furniture
May 20, 2004
Knights 0f The Round Table

Oh well... here we go again... kotrt won't be a part of this...
For some reason we cannot have our user grp made!
I've written to GReaper that I will be the "leader" of our user grp in there, with my regards from our guild master (AP).
But I don't get any answer from GReaper... and fyi.... kotrt have tried for 2 years to get a warcouncil set together, and we even have all the forums made for this council... but someone (GReaper) ain't helping even tho she perfectly knows of what we are trying to do!

We just use pm's and cg's in-game to discuss these matters instead of using this cross-realm forum :)

Good luck with it guys, and plz give a yell in-game when something big is happening!

Good luck and safe travels


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Tosen said:
Oh well... here we go again... kotrt won't be a part of this...
For some reason we cannot have our user grp made!
I've written to GReaper that I will be the "leader" of our user grp in there, with my regards from our guild master (AP).
But I don't get any answer from GReaper... and fyi.... kotrt have tried for 2 years to get a warcouncil set together, and we even have all the forums made for this council... but someone (GReaper) ain't helping even tho she perfectly knows of what we are trying to do!


Have I replied to you saying that you can't have a usergroup made? No.

Before I add a usergroup for any guild I'll contact that person ingame, the instructions are quite specific and are listed here. Theres currently 2 guilds waiting to be added, yours and some other guild.

If you want to be added, then simply try and find me ingame. I was ingame for about 2-3 hours late evening yesterday, however please remember it is Christmas! Sending a request on Christmas Eve just after midnight is not really the ideal time to get an instant reply. You can always contact me on IRC and ask me to come ingame to verify you, please don't expect me to sit ingame 24/7 just to wait for people.


Part of the furniture
May 20, 2004
GReaper said:

Have I replied to you saying that you can't have a usergroup made? No.

Before I add a usergroup for any guild I'll contact that person ingame, the instructions are quite specific and are listed here. Theres currently 2 guilds waiting to be added, yours and some other guild.

Oops <smiles> Sorry about that mate - it's just that it seems like you're working against the war council set up by Knights of the round table... but never mind that - if we get somat that actualy works, I'd be happy to join the fun <smiles>

And sorry mate... I mixed u up with Darklis and that's a she innit ? Name sounds like it anyways :>

Glad you wanna do all this to set up a stronger albion!

Good luck and safe travels


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Will ML10 raids still be posted here? I currently dont' have an active subscription, but I think I may return any day now.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Still using Albion Forums at the moment, so please check it out if you have access.

New access may be a problem at the moment as GReaper has turned to the darkside ... but have pm'd him asking whether I can have Moderator rights or whether there is the possibility of paying him to takeover forum control.

Hopefully I'll have an answer soon, but if not then there's a strong likelihood that I'll be creating a new Prydwen Albion Forum soon for both PvE and RvR.


Ariimaith Silverfrost

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004

I have registered but have been unable to pm Greaper in game to activate - thus none of my guild have been able to be activated either. So we can't view the private forums - just so you know. No big deal.

Arimaith Silverfrost
Co-Gm Knights of The Throne


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
As I've recently bought Catacombs and I'm levelling a Heretic in my spare time, I'll be ingame a bit more now, so hopefully I'll be able to add more people to the private section of the forum.

However! I've also added some public forums, Public Discussion and PvE Raiding Events. If you check out the forums you'll also notice a calendar at the top with all the raids from the raid events forum. Much easier than waiting for a thread to be stickied. :)

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