Private Albion Forum


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Assuming you mean a forum to be used to arrange large scale rvr and relic raids, even ml10 raids :

Would be hard to adminstrate. Every member would have to be verified by an adminstrator. I.e spoken to ingame to verify that they are indeed that username, and not someone registering with their char.
And then you have those that play 2 or more realms on the same server.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
frogster said:
Assuming you mean a forum to be used to arrange large scale rvr and relic raids, even ml10 raids :

Would be hard to adminstrate. Every member would have to be verified by an adminstrator. I.e spoken to ingame to verify that they are indeed that username, and not someone registering with their char.
And then you have those that play 2 or more realms on the same server.

That wouldn't be a problem...i already offered that and i'm sure others would be willing to help me. Just lack of action :( i don't have the web space etc to host it.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Darklis said:
.. I know Bubble posted about this, but I really think we need to set one up..

D xx
But albs are nasty :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
would offer to help, but like bubble's don't have the web space to host.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
It needs doing tbh if for nothing more than sorting out our constantly unclaimed towers :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
The forum will only take up about 20MB of physical disk space. If you add a new skin, new smilies or have attachments / avatars stored as files then this will go up but not greatly. On a busy forum the database is by far the biggest part (50MB+ on our guild forums at the moment).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Eroda said:
It needs doing tbh if for nothing more than sorting out our constantly unclaimed towers :p

Couldnt agree more.....there is simply not much point in retaking towers like Surs3, Eras3, Eras3 and Beno4 (altho its claimed atm xD) - but the day after, or even morning after, all those keeps are usually taken by mids/hibs again.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Considering nothing was done last time, instead of waiting for someone else to do something - I'll do it.

I'm currently setting up a forum on my server now. Will take at least an hour for the DNS records to be reread, will hopefully have it done soon though! :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Well imo if you want to verify it, maybe you could just make an arrangement where you make an "access code". This access code can change whenever, and will be found by searching for an item priced at 89g 21silver 43copper at XX house number :p or whatever

Can't change it too often, but atleast its pretty accessible that way for everyone in the realm. Can put it in /gu motd etc shouldnt be too much xtra work. Maybe there are better ways as well :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I've registered, but i see one flaw with your system... Not everyone is guilded. :O
I understand the guild user groups are there in order to reduce administrator workload by allowing 'nominated guild leaders' to be contacted in game, and assign access to their guildmembers having verified they are who they say they are.
You will however, need to set up an 'unguilded' user group which you, or a designated person will have to admininistrate :O

I dont mind volunteering....


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Theres a possible solution which I've posted to the private forums! So if you want to find out then go signup and get your guildmaster to add you. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
Great initiative GR :)

Registred and now I'm just waiting for the alternate solution to kick into action, since I'm unguilded. ;)


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Put the linky on the main page :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
phpBB isn't secure enough for sensitive information, imho we would need either a vbulletin licence, or at least a wolflab burning board, or something that can support a better usergroup handling, etc. even if the private albion forum would be a subforum somewhere. imho vbulletin is the way to go for many reasons.


Simple: More precise access control

Say you can let someone to start threads without giving him ability to see threads started by other people. I think it is an usefull feature. Multiple group leaders, etc are also needed in many cases. Imho automatic promotion can be usefull too. You also need multiple access levels

Lets see a typicial situation, werrin / nosfer / ... maybe you seen him in albion, but you seen him in midgard as well, he changes realms without warning, and there are others who play in multiple realms. These people can spy on us, since all easy and fast verification can be fooled by them. So we need to track users standing within community.

So I think it is better to plan first and making sure the albion forum is secure, then start implementing it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
hm, Albion Secret Agency had shown up, hurray \o/
make a better one, then complain about something made by someone else. szerintem...


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Esselinithia said:
phpBB isn't secure enough for sensitive information, imho we would need either a vbulletin licence, or at least a wolflab burning board, or something that can support a better usergroup handling, etc. even if the private albion forum would be a subforum somewhere. imho vbulletin is the way to go for many reasons.


Simple: More precise access control

Say you can let someone to start threads without giving him ability to see threads started by other people. I think it is an usefull feature. Multiple group leaders, etc are also needed in many cases. Imho automatic promotion can be usefull too. You also need multiple access levels

Lets see a typicial situation, werrin / nosfer / ... maybe you seen him in albion, but you seen him in midgard as well, he changes realms without warning, and there are others who play in multiple realms. These people can spy on us, since all easy and fast verification can be fooled by them. So we need to track users standing within community.

So I think it is better to plan first and making sure the albion forum is secure, then start implementing it.


Fun to read out ur msg. rerolled 1 times then back omg :). Dont think i must give a fuck at ur msg since ur a big gimp who cant even play his chars and never had any normal stuff, not cos u dont have money for em, just cos u spend ur money to stupid things. Lets clean the situation.

You said these things what made me laugh:
You play in American servers have GM friends ur a lvl 67-68 smite cleric (lol) and in america they call clerics for they smites (best class maybe) u said b4 toa release u have alot artis there but u couldnt say anything from toa any ml anything... Same with catacombs, when i lied a bonus and u said ofc u have it, was great (cant remember what was that, i stolen info from a pic what made from an item and said the not correct bonus of any)

You lied u can call ur friends from america to europ servers but u dont want to cos its a cheat.... Ive said him 200 times to do that but he alwayse said a realy idiot reason.

You lied u got invited to every dragonraid cos u are cool. Ive heard about my friend they called him, but asked him to get in and they hardly invited u... Ofc at next dragon raid he was not there, they not asked for him but he was on at that time.

About ur playstyle: U cant play with ur cleric, (got info about this situation maybe not 100% true but mostly) Was at an ML, Paladin pulls, he said to u come with him cos he pulls from far and cant heal him but u stopped following and he died ofc... Next try u didnt want to come too, when pala was at 80% hp u used GRP insta then he died...

Another: We played at hibernia/excal he was a druid we got aggro on him, there was my friend who helped us, he died (used no instas) cos my friend was half afk(eated :pp) and shooted the mob too l8 then u qqed when i asked why dont u used insta u said was on another qbar... pfff.

About ur gimpness: What is ur mincers specc? 42+11 stealth 50 instru 9 thrust. Wtf stealth wont go over 50, after u respecced u lied it does in pve...
U roll smite cleric and earth theurg ofc u said these dmgs best the high lvl mobs at america...

Had fucking alot situation when u was gimp etc.. dont wanna make 20 paged msg.

Gl hf and FO :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Oh at last: If i was rude, sorry but i was angry a bit when said that, but true anyway. This was the half of things what he do/say, just think a bit b4 he start to say situations about me, or i will do it too. And sorry for offtopic either.

Im not perfect ofc, who is? but..


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
I think Esselinithia is a skilled player. He plays very good, according to the chars he owns, because they arent really too good aye. but hey, he got 4(?) 50's, many LGM crafters.. something for something. if he would choose 1 of his chars to make good he'd be among the best ones because he is a good player. (thats pretty rare in the guild he's in :kissit: :D )

other thing is, like that 42+12 stealth. i always liked ppl who tries out many specs, and not always the fotm copier lames. me, myself was variating a lot too, made nice 2h pally, hybrid pally, etc. finding out how you can make a good char, which you really like is more important imo. it's a game, not a real war/sport, play it like that.

anyway, he wasn't doing a run at you, he was just pointing that some people do change realms sometimes, like you for example.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Righthandof said:
I think Esselinithia is a skilled player. He plays very good, according to the chars he owns, because they arent really too good aye. but hey, he got 4(?) 50's, many LGM crafters.. something for something. if he would choose 1 of his chars to make good he'd be among the best ones because he is a good player. (thats pretty rare in the guild he's in :kissit: :D )

other thing is, like that 42+12 stealth. i always liked ppl who tries out many specs, and not always the fotm copier lames. me, myself was variating a lot too, made nice 2h pally, hybrid pally, etc. finding out how you can make a good char, which you really like is more important imo. it's a game, not a real war/sport, play it like that.

anyway, he wasn't doing a run at you, he was just pointing that some people do change realms sometimes, like you for example.

:eek2: Is it good to suck dick? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
You know Werrin, this isn't a thread for you to tell the world how much you hate Esselinithia. It's here so people can find the new forums for Albion.
If you got a thing against him/her, go make your own thread, or better yet, send each other PMs full of love so the rest of us won't have to listen to the both of you going at each other.

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