


Originally posted by The Kingpin
Why it so hard to type please?

Why do you have to type plz, and make your self look like a thick bastard, who to lazy to type please, so he has to use the "lazy git" way, and look like a fruit..

Please for the love of jebus, type please, not plz.

Thy shall not go to heaven if thy cuts corners!

So, get down to ya local library, get out a dictionary, look up please..
You will soon find out, that by using the word please, not plz, you look alot more intelligent, and organised, so be a sport, and repeat after me..

P L E A S E , Thats P then L then we add an E, then we add a sweeting looking A,S and E!

So, say no to plz, and yes! you heard me, Yes! to Please people!
is it so much to ask, think of the children, if they start takeing shortcuts on words like please? And they type plz on say, an exam? thats not going to look very good is it...

So i'll say it again, Yes to Please and No to Plz!

lol funny ~~

m8, guess u h8 also every other "shortcut" used in forum&chats ^^

btw thats 4 u mmk



Originally posted by Flimgoblin
ta luv

now where's t'cuppa

Speaking as a true Yorkshire girl I use ta nearly all the time and the abbreviation of the word 'the' to t' usually only comes in front of things like:

I had to run fort'bus, it's over there byt'tele, where didt'kids put my damn remote control etc.

As there's not usually a breathing space between the word before t' and the word following it.

The traditional Yorkshire greeting is of course : Ello (insert name here) I just putt'kettle on, fancy a cuppa?

And yes, I agree, text speak drives me mental ;)

The Kingpin

Re: Re: plz?

Originally posted by lofff
lol funny ~~

m8, guess u h8 also every other "shortcut" used in forum&chats ^^

btw thats 4 u mmk


In the words of Uncle Sick(tm)

Now, fuck off.


So where I to enquire 'fit like i' day min?' this would be acceptable more than, for instance, 'wasssuuuupp' ? As it is a readily recognisable dialect ?



Uncle Sick(tm)

Re: Re: Re: plz?

Originally posted by The Kingpin
In the words of Uncle Sick(tm)

Now, fuck off.

I hate to correct you but the trademarked phrase is:
yuo aer teh funneh!!1



Originally posted by cadiva
And yes, I agree, text speak drives me mental ;)

dont really see whats wrong with it. You just speak it out like it is written and you got the same word and it types twice as fast :). Which means you can talk to more people at the same time or more to the same person :). However on boards I try to talk in correct grammar, but when I am chatting or playing daoc. I want to have my message away fast and understandable. So typing plz, imo, idd, tnx, u, etc.. speeds up my typing which means I am less often tied up with talking during killing :). I dont think i say soz for sorry as it doesnt sound the same :) atleast for me :p.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn

You... still... use... ... ... pens?

I thought they were an ancient myth, like Santa or the Easter bunny or Teh Seel.

Sadly shops do not accept printed signatures on creditcard slips, and besides carrying a laptop and a printer on a shopping trip can get tiring.


one you advance to 3rd line support/admin, you will learn that everything you know is false, only reliable for of storage is notes scribled on various pieces of paper/books/your body .

oh and btw, soz is perfectly accetable slang, and all you plz/soz/k/ect/ haters are just a bunch of anal-retentive purists
Languages evolve or die this is just the next step where english evolves into online-english and some modifications will make it back to 'normal' english

Uncle Sick(tm)

"soz" is acceptable slang? :lol:


old.Trine Aquavit

"Soz" is midland slang for sorry. I wasn't aware it was midland slang until someone pointed it out to me - I've been using it most my life, but then I'm from the midlands.

Soz bab.


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
I wasn't aware it was midland slang until someone pointed it out to me -

POinted out midland, pointed out the slang, pointed out that midland is where it came from, pointed out that it came from midland, pointed out that midland is where it's used, pointed out that it was used in midland or that it's a slang and midland is the place where it was born? *innocent look*

Uncle Sick(tm)

Alright, lets all use our local slang in-game then.

Lets rename Prydwen into Gibberish and Excalibur into... well, it's bad enough already.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
POinted out midland, pointed out the slang, pointed out that midland is where it came from, pointed out that it came from midland, pointed out that midland is where it's used, pointed out that it was used in midland or that it's a slang and midland is the place where it was born? *innocent look*

substitute 'the midlands' for 'midland' in the above please ;)

old.Trine Aquavit

erm... pointed out the fact that it was midland-specific slang as opposed to generally used english slang.

You're a strange chap sometimes, Tohtori


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
It's spelled like that in the US - or at least in Maine, where I used to live (shock/horror, Kyra)... :m00:

I actually knew that, you told me once.

And to get back onto subject, I think in the heat of the moment, certain abbreviations can be tolerated. (like if you are dying and the people in your group are not paying attention)

But absolutely not acceptable when you are having a conversation. I am guilty of saying "thx" from time to time or "nn" to people logging. But never have I said "plz" (ok there was that one time I was making fun of some beggar) or m8 (that one drives me batty!) or "ta" or endless others.

The thing is, most people accept that this is how 70% (i'm guessing here) of the gaming population talks while in gaming situations. I very much doubt that most people would dare say/type those things at their job or in an email to family members.

If they want the world to think they are too lazy or stupid to not spell correctly, then who are we to stop them? After all, they will be the ones in 5 or 10 years from now saying "You want fries with that?" and not "My trusted colleagues...". In the gaming world how you present yourself will not make a large impact on your real life. The danger only lies in if you carry it with you.

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