planetside this friday



Originally posted by deygos
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeah wanna go private? :D

i got me raybans and helmet also.

LOL don't say such things in front of Hienrich he'll get most upset :p


Originally posted by [PS]Angel
LOL don't say such things in front of Hienrich he'll get most upset :p

Aye, look at the ring on her finga :D

Mind you I suppose I can try and sound like a lady.

I'll probably end up sounding like a big gruff german dyke though. :eek:


Doubt I'll get it til after the weekend :(

Gives me some time to make my comp though :)


Any idea what you're going to play? Not that we're recruiting or anything :p


Keep changing my mind tbh, was thinking of the NC but also considering VS, will decide for sure after playing a little I think :)


a few of my mates all going online tomoz in the morning...VS...decided a looongg time ago


Originally posted by deygos
a few of my mates all going online tomoz in the morning...VS...decided a looongg time ago

If you want into the outfit, all your mates are welcome as well of course ;)

What time in the morning, any ideas so we can make sure someone's on?


well i gotta go get mine asap from i'll prolly b back in by about 11am so..err 11:01 lol :)


Originally posted by deygos
well i gotta go get mine asap from i'll prolly b back in by about 11am so..err 11:01 lol :)

OK I'm sure one of us will be on then, but if we're not, we'll make sure to log in.

Char names in mine and Hienrich's sigs :)

Just remember, /tell was case sensitive in beta.. can get a tad annoying ;)


I believe there is some form of player search but I could be wrong.

I'll be on as Venom all day tomorrow want to get him up CR and BR asap.


Originally posted by [PS]Venom
I believe there is some form of player search but I could be wrong.

I'll be on as Venom all day tomorrow want to get him up CR and BR asap.

I'm a bit of an alt freak.. so will probably change who I'm on as depending on mood ;)

Knowing me I'll never get one char to BR20, I'll just have 4 BR10's ;)


curious about your spec and outfit goals

im gonna go reaver+eng first

then infil+hack...wanna b a utility man so may then go medic

do u guys intend to make garrisons?


Originally posted by deygos
curious about your spec and outfit goals

im gonna go reaver+eng first

then infil+hack...wanna b a utility man so may then go medic

do u guys intend to make garrisons?

Well I have my 4 chars.. spec goals on individual chars are as follows:

Angel - infil/medic at moment. Eventually going to be infil/Adv medic/engineer and don't know after that. The idea behind this is to be invisible and go around and heal/repair people - got the idea from someone I saw in beta.

Paladine - gal/eng at moment. Eventually going to be gal/comb eng/AMS/sunderer and don't know after that. This was my main in beta and it worked very well, dropship pilot to get people in then mobile base that I can defend with turrets and mines and stuff.

Nova - infil/hack at moment. Eventually going to be infil/adv hack/mosquito/wraith and don't know after that. This was my secondary char in beta (with different name tho) and it works like a dream. Go in in a mosq, bail out over base cloaked, sneak in, hack base, get vehicle, move on.

Purgatory - Comet MAX/Quasar MAX at moment. Eventually will be infil/hack/Comet/Quasar then don't know, probably other MAX. This is fun tho because you sneak into base, hack equipment terminal, buy MAX suit and gun the buggers down from behind, inside their own base :)

As for outfit goals, give us a break, we've only just started it up... seriously, we think at the start we'd just like to get some balanced squads with some fun people, and have a laugh. As (if) we grow, we'll get more serious, with organised squads and possibly divisions within the outfit for different types of chars (eg. engineers, medics, pilots, MAXs).

Not sure what you mean by garrisons.. not something I'm familiar with.


yeah soz i know its early lol to ask about goals air cavalary - which is all pilots..reavers..bombers etc....then all grunts, which is the ground force for clean up -

ground assualt garrision which would be all maxs for attacking base

then mobile support such as ant drivers,medics etc

just easier to co-ordinate attacks with garrisions and sub co's


Originally posted by deygos
yeah soz i know its early lol to ask about goals air cavalary - which is all pilots..reavers..bombers etc....then all grunts, which is the ground force for clean up -

ground assualt garrision which would be all maxs for attacking base

then mobile support such as ant drivers,medics etc

just easier to co-ordinate attacks with garrisions and sub co's

Yeah in that case, that's what I meant by divisions in my earlier post.

We probably will do something similar, but not until we have considerably more members than just Venom and my 4 ickle chars :p


VS - the Ribena soldiers with dinky helmets and lasers


Seriously though, the VS pulsar > cycler & gauss rifle

sniping aint really viable at first, as someone said

To be an effective sniper, you'd need to be around BR10
Med assault 2
Sniping 3
Reinforced Exo suit 3
Light Vehicle 2

Sniping without the darklight implant is also a major pain... and likely to see you dead very fast

XP system is pretty fucked up atm tho, Devs did some tweaking that wasn't neccesary, and utterly shafted support/command roles


I think I'll start with some big guns.

Then once I've learnt the game a little then I'll think of something else. :)


the best sight i saw in beta was 2 gals flying over a base dropping 4 Max's 2 harassers and 16 grunts.

i love it when you have 2 groups co-ordinationg together :)

another trick i learened, inf + hacking + anti-personelle MAX. hack into base, hack console, re-equipe to MAX... give em hell ;)

im not sure if i'll my planetside yet, but if i do ill play VS on the EU server i think.



Well if you do play VS on euro, tilda, look us up! You'll be welcome in our outfit :)


Hurrah! Items Despatched today!
Hopefully ill see you planetside tomorrow!


We'll be online all tomorrow afaik, we've already got 1 person from BW in our outfit hopefully more tomorrow so just message one of us, Warhawk! Great to have our resident psycho ;)

Or should I say pink and purple giggling fairy? :p


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