Rant pissing pikeys!!...no not you hun.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Bastards invaded and set up camp at the bottom of our sodding garden...which is bad enough but our garden aint that big and the dirty filthy buggers were so close we could smell em. Yappy dogs, screaming babies and women shitty irish music blaring till all hours of the night and they broke in to our neighbours van, we've got dirty nappies and god knows what else dumped in our hedge, B2 worked from home for 2 days to keep guard on the flat, finally yesterday they were "moved on" and the bastards then moved to the other carpark on the other side of our house!

I really do not care about being politically correct this is the 2nd nasty encounter i've had with the scum and i'm sick of them (first was when i was 15 and a fairground pikey snuck in to my tent on a camping trip and tried to rape my friend) so forgive me if im not socially accepting.

If anyone knows any laws one can site down the phone at the police to get them to come and move the bastards on ASAP i'd love to hear about it because from what i saw they were totally impotent and the pikeys walked all over them.



I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
A bunch of pikeys are living in your garden? Can't you just kick them out? :p


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
t'was in the carpark (hospital staff car park) at the end of my garden, and when they got kicked out they went in the toe carpark next to that at the side of my garden...one good thing about having them there though was it stopped the junkies using the carparks at night to jack up in Oo



Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Not too sure on the laws and so on, but they live off the grid anyway so it's not as if they care what Laws are placed on them. They will move on when they find something better, or get bored.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
If they are playing music late at night get your neighbours and call the council with noise complaints should not take long for them to get sick enough to move them on.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Hippy's, cartmen knows how to deal with them!

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Public nuisance and public menace can be cited, but if your police force is anything like mine, you'll need to video them in the act, and get a community officer in. Once they see it, and the area, they can do something about it.


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
A bunch of pikeys are living in your garden? Can't you just kick them out? :p
Lol, i wouldn't go over a bunch of gypo's if you fucking paid me man ;) Violent motherfuckers, they are like a disease. You punch one of them one of their stinky friends will punch you with the pointy bit of a knife.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Chain their doors and windows shut and torch the fuckers


Part of the furniture
Jul 14, 2007
Pikeys are not nice people, they only look out for themselves and get what ever they want regardless how they do it. The Police have had many encounters with these and not got anywhere with them.

I had pikeys near where I live and 1 night they raided a Ford Car Garage, smashing up everything and only taking the car sterio's. They informed the Police and yet the Police did nothing.

I think the Police have the power to move them on, but dont be surprised if they come back in the near future.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
There used to be a load of them parked up on a road i took to go to football. It stunk so bad i cant believe the dirty bastards could actually live there. The amount of shit they leave behind when they move on to screw up another place is unbelievable as well.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Pikeh, what are your thoughts on this?

I was going to ask the question, but now people have already said kivik's gone too far I'll refrain :(


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Pikeh, what are your thoughts on this?

I was going to ask the question, but now people have already said kivik's gone too far I'll refrain :(

Can't we just all get along? :(

p.s Ez, I r in ur gard0n stealing ur netz!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Even if i can understand the hatred, have to say that it probably doesn't help.

If you're kicked around for all your life, then turn sour and start taking care of yourself, well, it's not to say it's "ok behaviour", but i can see where it came from and how both sides need some work to resolve it.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Even if i can understand the hatred, have to say that it probably doesn't help.

If you're kicked around for all your life, then turn sour and start taking care of yourself, well, it's not to say it's "ok behaviour", but i can see where it came from and how both sides need some work to resolve it.

I'm sorry Toh, but if you had any experience with these scum then you wouldn't be so quick to play devil's advocate.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Toht, I have to disagree with you on this. In some parts of the UK this is a really bad and annoying situation. Police are too chicken-shit these days (Well, PCSOs, since when do we get police?) to do anything, and by the time they get around to it, all they can do is give a verbal warning. Since they're not breaking laws. :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
read what i said again.

"Even if i can understand the hatred, have to say that it probably doesn't help."

Aka, yes, it's bad behavior.

But doesn't remove the fact that the behavior originates from a long long feud between "normal folk" and gypsies.

I doubt the gypsies decided one day in a meeting "Right, we'll start being aholes and steal stuff", no, they did it, in origin, 'cause they were kicked out and hated.

And that hatred was simply from paranoia and phobia.

That's my point, not trying to say "pikeys are cool alright?!"

And that's all i say before someone comes in with some dumba** "you want fight!" comment.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
well they've been gone over 24 hours and it rained all day yesterday and all night and the place still stinks >.<

one is seriously not fucking amused.

the thing that really really pisses me off is that if they could just be arsed to clean up after themselves and not break in to peoples property when they've squatting on their land then i'd have no beef with them wahtsoever, its the sheer stupidity and pig ignorance of the people that makes me so angry.

its like the junkies we get round here, if they pick up their needles and don't die in my garden i honestly dont care what they get up to but when i leave the house and have to watch where i tread for fear of getting stuck in the foot then i get prejudiced against them tbh.

what the hell is it with people being so thick they dont realise if they just make a little effort their lives become easier.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
read what i said again.

"Even if i can understand the hatred, have to say that it probably doesn't help."

Aka, yes, it's bad behavior.

But doesn't remove the fact that the behavior originates from a long long feud between "normal folk" and gypsies.

I doubt the gypsies decided one day in a meeting "Right, we'll start being aholes and steal stuff", no, they did it, in origin, 'cause they were kicked out and hated.

And that hatred was simply from paranoia and phobia.

That's my point, not trying to say "pikeys are cool alright?!"

And that's all i say before someone comes in with some dumba** "you want fight!" comment.

In the uk there are area's designated to them, they have no reason to be setting up in someones carpark in the first place


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
So as long as they are not your problem you don't want the issue dealt with? A bit single minded to think that way Ez.

But hey, I'm not pointing any fingers..I don't give a shit about anything unless it comes in to my airspace either.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
So as long as they are not your problem you don't want the issue dealt with? A bit single minded to think that way Ez.

But hey, I'm not pointing any fingers..I don't give a shit about anything unless it comes in to my airspace either.

nate you boob when did i say that? i was saying that unless someone causes problems i dont have a problem with em i.e. if the pikeys arrived and didnt cause grief i wouldn't complain about them...yes you can clearly see if you look at the words that what i say is that if people want to use the area at the back of my house for illegal activities (i.e. over night camping, injecting heroin etc) i don't particularly care as they are not hurting anyone but themselves, however if they start leaving stuff about and causing damage then i care so i was getting annoyed at the fact that people are too frigging stupid to make life easy on themselves and would rather be antisocial bastards which actually takes more effort.

now go get your goggles on mama needs her corns scraping.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Call the police and tell them you've seen some of the pikeys with firearms. They'll have 3 squads of heavily armed police screaming down on them within 20 minutes.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
lol your having a laugh, my freinds daughter got mugged at knife point (she was like 13) by pikeys and the police told them (I quote) "Its best not to press charges, you'll only make things worse and we'll never catch them"


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Thats true enough...but firearms offences are a whole different ball game. The cops don't muck about when it comes to guns.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
read what i said again.

"Even if i can understand the hatred, have to say that it probably doesn't help."

Aka, yes, it's bad behavior.

But doesn't remove the fact that the behavior originates from a long long feud between "normal folk" and gypsies.

I doubt the gypsies decided one day in a meeting "Right, we'll start being aholes and steal stuff", no, they did it, in origin, 'cause they were kicked out and hated.

And that hatred was simply from paranoia and phobia.

That's my point, not trying to say "pikeys are cool alright?!"

And that's all i say before someone comes in with some dumba** "you want fight!" comment.

For a start they arent real gypsies, they just say they are. The vast majority of them are thieving scumbags who pay no taxes but cost the state a fortune in cleaning up and repairing after they have moved on. They don't care where they park their caravans and un-taxed/uninsured/unMOT'ed vans.

To put it simpley they are scum (and give real gypsies a bad name)

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