Ging said:Film feel free to cut my "html skool for pissed scotsmen" lesson to bring this fine thread back onto topic![]()
Toggers said:/random insult
and bed![]()
Ging said:Film feel free to cut my "html skool for pissed scotsmen" lesson to bring this fine thread back onto topic![]()
Drav said:Lame tbh plannin a raid around ML raids which are gonna be packed, just as ACing is, but wont be surprised if we have them back by the end of the weekend cos obviously Mids and Hibs dont care about the relics as much as certain Albs who decide to rr in the early hours./QUOTE]
this raid had been planned way before yesterday. the one who organised never reads albs forum nor has he any reason to. he picked a day, organised a raid, found out later you had a ml3 raid.
/shrug, rr's hardly happen and they should be worth leaving a ml raid for. thing is that its so easy to do half assed raids that most of the time people kinda cba. with a fg its already easy to annoy a realm by hitting the wall down with trebs, unless you're constantly alert for such things, eventually, the keep will fall.
Vodkafairy said:/shrug, rr's hardly happen and they should be worth leaving a ml raid for.
Infanity said:Such edit of my post ;<Vladamir said:Jamie spelling a name wrong, and totally wrong quoting!. How fucking original :<Infanity said:Wow, Vladamir spelling a name wrong, how fucking originalVladamir said:Wow, stupeh flaming someone, how fucking original
Straef said:Oh boo-hoo, Albs would rather gear up some new character rather than running around with 1fps in HW with their group ld'ing every other minute ;<
Crocky said:lol synergy blaming ppl for loosing relics because they went on a ML raid.![]()
Crocky said:lol synergy blaming ppl for loosing relics because they went on a ML raid.![]()
elbeek said:Synergy is not blaming anyone, I am. I was also very critical the last time it happened. I guess you better get back to your comfy rock.
Flimgoblin said:fear my posting skills, I read beeks's mind and posted it just before he did!
Flimgoblin said:Ging - where's that drunken html guide? I could probably do with it.
Ging said:mostly filling up page 2, feel free to remove both mine and his posts for Tog's sake, he was having trouble editing, bless him.
Yea and i did get a phone call from him, he was kind enough to tell me he was gonna have a bash at getting laid with his extreamly goodlooking g/f (the bastard). I hope he got the mechanics of that activity right for his sake![]()
Gorse said:This thread should never have been started!
It is sad and stupid.