Ping = 60 >>>> 999



The Barrysworld servers are probably running custom maps, such as those found here or here. If you have OSP, there's very little reason why it would not connect, other than not having the maps it is running.
I don't know about the ASE, but in Gamespy you can see what mod is running by the 'game' (iirc) variable. For example, if it says 'threewave', it's running the threewave mod, if it's 'arena', it's rocket arena3, 'osp' is OSP mod, etc, etc.
Ping fluctuations specific to you are very likely to be your isp, as there is not much in q3 that would make pings jump to 600, unless you have some very peculiar network settings ....... but I think we covered that. You can try running a tracert (from DOS) to the game server ip (drop the :27998 'port' part of the ip) to see if you get the same erratic ping time responses 'out of q3'.
If others on the server get ping spikes too, it'll be the server. I played a few games of rtcw on blueyonder servers and certaily found either their servers were under powered, or the routing was dreadful, as all clients on the server would get regular spikes to 300 and some bad packet loss.


All i can say is a big :D .. downloaded all the maps and the shit and all ... when onto barryswold this morning and WOW 50 ping and steady no spikeing

OH and what are these CTF Servers ya all play on ???

are they the ThreeWay ones ???


fooking hell threewave CTF 123 meg .. have i gotta download this to ???

and the next one :uhoh:


Many of the custom ctf maps can be found here. The newest threewave maps are in that 3w mod iirc, so you may need to d/l that too.

The BWCTF servers are at

There are seperate 3w mod servers, while the 2 above are ordinary ctf played on many of the 3w maps. The 3w mod is more cutomised and includes things like the grapple, plus you get some more weps and u can do stuff like drop the flag iirc. It's not my bag, but you might like it.
You can see the full list of BW publics here


OK me got map pak ... still kicks me back to the main menu on CTF servers DM is ok .....


Unfortunately I think u will need both map paks and the 3w mod. iirc the map paks contain most of the new 3w maps but not all. Try gettin both those map paks first ..... if it still wont connect, there prolly are maps in the 3w mod that u need.


<------ = 2am sunday morn .. just got files :D

ok been in #threewave a few times not seen the name gibzz .. asked but was ignoired :(

anyway ... gonna try in morning

:sleeping: time


Baaahhhh yet another problem ... DM and TDM servers seem to be fine

Barrysworld CTF 1 and 2 even if i enter when there is a couple of players it get Connection interupted and it puts me in Spec mode

As for ThreeWave i think i fooked up the install on it :( dam kicks me back to main menu all the time lol


So you can get on the bwctf servers and see stuff, but you get connection interrupted / flashing phone jack thingy?
Make sure you have
seta snaps 20


seta snaps 40

in your config. And that rate isnt too high. 5000 maybe.

The only other maps which are in the cycle on bwctf servers are the Chicken Team Maps btw.

It does sound like your isp is very poor though mate ... or maybe you have some piece of hardware conflicting with your isdn adaptor?


I got the connection interuped sometimes on the DM servers and i ping out for about 10 secs then all settles again ...

But its weird the CTF whitch are the ones i wanna get onto lol Kick me straight into SPEC mode ... cant see why though seen as i can access the DM Free For All without a problem and steady at 60 ping ....

Most weird ...

Do i have to have a different config for CTF ???


Soz hitman...look for GibbaTheHutt, I've often crept off by 2am (not always tho)...

maybe what would help when u post is to say which server you were trying and what map it was on when you tried. If you use Gamespy etc, just paste in the details from there....

I'll probably cause some confusion by this, and someone please correct me if I give some duff info...but here goes....

To play DM or CTF you can play in standard Id format, or with OSP loaded depending on the server. Normally the Server name should tell you if its OSP etc. For OSP I think the latest is OSP 1.0 which was about 30Meg+.

Sometimes when you play CTF some servers will use the Threewave maps..this "can" be different from the Threewave mod. There was an initial map pak of 3 Threewave maps, and later another compilation pak. Also there are now some other custom maps like the ChickenTeam maps.

To play Threewave mod which includes CCTF and CaptureStrike (servers will normally be called Threewave something) you need the full 130Meg download to take you to release 1.2. Either by 1.0 and then 1.2 upgrade, or just the full 1.2 at 130meg. Links show by Sar I think...

One thing you can do sometimes is when u get kicked to the main menu, open up the console and type..

/cl_allowdownload 1

this may then try and download a file, sometimes u can leave it, but often its best to use that file to realise what u are missing and download it separately or some servers have downloads turned off.

Sorry of some of this has been covered by others or u know already...try and tell us what server and map its on tho, and we can clarify what mod download and maps u need, or maybe its a different problem. Sometimes when u get kicked to the main menu if u scroll up through the console u may see an error (sometimes have to go up a few pages)

I'm basically wondering if u are trying to connect to normal BW CTF servers with the Threewave mod, which I don't think will work, but come grab us in #threewave again, I should be there most of tonight until lateish.

Regarding configs, it helps if u create a separate one for each mod or gametype (and q3config is autosaved in the respective mod folder, and keep any custom configs u make in the mod folders too...any configs common to all gametypes/mods etc keep in baseq3), but it shouldnt stop you connecting.


Bet me is beginning to bore u lot lol :rolleyes:

I have it all OSP , ThreeWave and update ...

I was gonna reinstall windows tonight but this little game has made me more determined to sort lol

I try to connect to both Normal CTF and ThreeWave CTF and these are both BarrysWorld servers ...

When installing 3W the pak files i guess just go into the baseq3 folder ??? ...

I will pop into #threewave at about 6.30 7pm ish tonight hopefully we will be able to sort and if need be i will setup my pc as an ftp so you can have access to my Quake3 folder and see wether its all in the correct directorys :)

oh just to pass the time check out this HitmanUK Webby

Dont laugh me aint a very web master lol


Some maps in Zip files come with 'Paths enabled' (or summin similar I cannot recall), which often means the files you unpak end up somewhere u didnt quite expect. You should see in the baseq3 folder .pak files and maybe some .bsp files. These will be the mod/map files. You should see pak0 and prollly a couple with '3w' in the name.
There is a bug (although I cannot recall if it is osp or q3) which kicks you back to the main menu if you have a SPACE in your name. It could be this.
When you say it puts u into spectator mode, do you mean that you can see the map, or do you mean the main menu? If your on there but just in spec mode, ESC ---> Join ----> Team Red/Team Blue should do it. Although I guess you mean to the main menu ....


I can follow players around the Map , press the tab and see the teams and scores etc .. everything there ... i use All seeing Eye as well looked at the settings to see if i was on connect as spec but i wasnt ....

Well 5.30 nearly me off home .. catch ya later most proberly lol


You will always join a server as a spectator. If you press ESC and then go to the JOIN menu, you can ...... join :)


Well all i can say is i think all the hard work has paid off ....

AS for my isp i think it can vary from one server to the next as i can play on jolt servers easy and lagg free with no spikeing

Barrysworld are about the same if i mess about with settings and Blueyonder ppfffff no chance on them

But i do like that dam weapon you fire attach to the walls and pull ya self along quicker its just like the translocator in ut :D

Anyway thnx all


Ah the Grapple! It's not in normal ctf, but it is a good laff sometimes in cctf/threewave :) Grapple Monkey!


Yeah thats it Grapple lol .. my word it would actualy be good if you could grap that bugger onto the Enemy Flag Carrier lol /Come back ere with that flag u theif

But all in all i think getting used to the weapons , that dam rail gun gggrrrrrrrrr i hate it already lol /me is a rocket man by heart

but the movement i.e i seem to jump miles and bob everywhere its a bit hard when ya havr the flag and try to dodge (sorry UT term there) i bounce right past the doorway :mad: lol

but all in all a dam fine game i must say .. i caped me FPS at 78 last night :D that for me is good on a V3 16meg


I may be confused, but I seem to remember that you can actually grapple onto someone :) Switching to gauntlet when you reach them would work nicely too :)
Yip you will suffer at the hands of the Railgun if you don't learn it quick ;)
It takes time getting used to the different movement, even just the mouse sensitivity. If you press your 'step left' or 'step right' (strafe) key just before you jump when you are running forward, you can get alot more speed ........ which is good when you have the flag :)

seta r_finish "0" could possibly give you a little more FPS .... but if negligible, it's better to leave it at 1.

I seem to remember that when I set 'seta r_subdivisions' above 90, some servers would kick me for modifying this. I guess it's cos for some people it can have weird visual effects, such as seeing thru walls. If you do get probs connecting to servers, you might try lowering this to 90 or the default setting.

Not bad fps for your system spec tho :) You could get more, but q3 would just be way ugly then.

Please don't blame us when your up every night playing ctf into the wee hours ;)



yeah it all looks a bit weird as to when i first installed hit but it runs smooth as hell now :D ...

ahh so you can grapple someone ;) that my friend will be mastered by me lol ...

Is there any sites i can get Map strategy files from as all these are very new to me .. i seem to stick to one loc in defence and never venture .. the only time i did .. i found the enemy flag ran like fook and ended back up in their base lmao DOH ...

/me n00b :rolleyes:


I think Gibz is ya man for CCTF/threewave map knowledge. We play some of em in vanilla ctf, but even those have stuff located differently than in CCTF/threewave and there are a couple of weps which we dont have, plus the grapple.
There's nothing like 10-20 'map hours' to teach you though ;)
I end up back in the enemy base with their flag nearly every time a new map becomes popular :) hehe you can end up with 10 minutes flag time but no caps the first time you play new maps :)


I just find it so much more hhmmm whats the word me is looking for ...ahhh yes FUN lol .. i was rofl last night when i ended up in the enemy base again stood face to face with 2 heavly armed defenders :D

What can ya do i had spent all me ammo on getting out i had next to nothing in health and armour only to walk staraight back in :rolleyes: ..ahh well down time

The point system on Q3 CTF ????

on UT you get 1 point for a frag 5 points for a enemy flag kill and retreaval and 7 points for a cap ...

do ya got points for flag carrying ?? in q3


My word ... jump in m8 :D

Urban Terror hhmmm what be this then

not another hefty download lol


I've never really made a note of the points scores for each thing to be honest. Suffice to say you will get more points for:

Defending your FC
Killing the enemy FC
Returning your Flag
Capping the Flag

You get the idea ;)


have to say thx and good to know that there are people out there that want to help


Urban Terror is Quake3 but with real world physics and guns.
Has CTF Team Survivour and Team Death Math modes.

Its a mod but taken a little bit further


You can get the files from here
Seems to be one of the popular mods, along with

Rocket Arena 3

Most are quite big downloads ..... but once you have the main files, updates tend to come in more manageable sizes.

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