Piety question


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2005
What is the average piety for you casters out there? I don't rember my RM's atm, but I just can't seem to sewer damage somebody. Assume I'd have full spell dmg and pierce and an ok temp, what would my piety be? Where should I aim? And, are most hibs/albs weaker to energy or cold? :england: Ty.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Arabnisse said:
What is the average piety for you casters out there? I don't rember my RM's atm, but I just can't seem to sewer damage somebody. Assume I'd have full spell dmg and pierce and an ok temp, what would my piety be? Where should I aim? And, are most hibs/albs weaker to energy or cold? :england: Ty.

i think between 290-320


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
Arabnisse said:
What is the average piety for you casters out there? I don't rember my RM's atm, but I just can't seem to sewer damage somebody. Assume I'd have full spell dmg and pierce and an ok temp, what would my piety be? Where should I aim? And, are most hibs/albs weaker to energy or cold? :england: Ty.

if at creation you did 10 piety, with 100 piety and buffs and aug acuity 3 you have 318. That's using creation piety as 60(obviously 70 after spending points). for something like frostalf you do +15. giving you 333.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

Arabnisse said:
What is the average piety for you casters out there? I don't rember my RM's atm, but I just can't seem to sewer damage somebody. Assume I'd have full spell dmg and pierce and an ok temp, what would my piety be? Where should I aim? And, are most hibs/albs weaker to energy or cold? :england: Ty.

Well your piety will range from 290-320 as Vavires said depending on your starting race (and assuming you too 10 in creation ofc!:). If you are a kobbie you have 290+ something (with +25/26 to piety from template) and on Frostalf 318+ or so (same on template ofc)

Thats total with buffs etc!:)



Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Arabnisse said:
What is the average piety for you casters out there? I don't rember my RM's atm, but I just can't seem to sewer damage somebody. Assume I'd have full spell dmg and pierce and an ok temp, what would my piety be? Where should I aim? And, are most hibs/albs weaker to energy or cold? :england: Ty.

i would say you should aim for a template with 101pie and 101dex, 8-9spelldmg (depending if you want to use tartaros gift or the champion staff) and 10% spell pierce. when specc:ing RA:s for dmg you should go prioritaze (spelling?) Mastery of magery first, then Wild power and last augmented aqurity (see this thread and this link).

i would reckon that albs and hibs keep their cold resists higher than their energyresists because of elds, darkSMs and darkRMs do abit more dmg than RC-RM's and hib PBAoE (since you tend to get caught in that one less often than getting nuked). but since most RM's tend to go for cold nukes there must be something better with them i would think. dunno what though, i'm shit with casters.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
Arabnisse said:
are most hibs/albs weaker to energy or cold? :england: Ty.

hibs weaker to energy (druid does elemental resists)
albs weaker to cold and energy to a degree (cleric does physical resist)

both realms cap cold resists ... well ... i say that, but albs like to neglect templates full stop and walk around in cool shiny arti's XD

go for dark spec, you'll love it


think i have 297 on my sm with no aug acu 10 at creation + kibbie tho fair bit more as frosty obviously ^^


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
I got 307 acui on my wee kobold, iirc and 407 dex.. and i lub it!

Reason i use cold (dark) nukes is a couple of simple facts.. faster cast time on them, and higher dmg. wether u go dark or RC/dark as i just been specced (was awesome dmg but crap util if u ever solo or duo), i seem to find overall dmg of darknukes>RC energy nukes no matter what ppl are weak to, i might add that most are weak to cold after a 50 debuff ;)


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
islef said:
I got 307 acui on my wee kobold, iirc and 407 dex.. and i lub it!

Reason i use cold (dark) nukes is a couple of simple facts.. faster cast time on them, and higher dmg. wether u go dark or RC/dark as i just been specced (was awesome dmg but crap util if u ever solo or duo), i seem to find overall dmg of darknukes>RC energy nukes no matter what ppl are weak to, i might add that most are weak to cold after a 50 debuff ;)

Can't quite figure out what U r saying there ;)

But if U say darkcarver has crap util U are sadly mistaken.

I'm darkcarver (48 rc/22 dark) this is hugely loved in grp's as they allrdy have either dark rm or sm. Try darkcarver dou with dark rm/sm. This is a very nasty duo with insane damage output. I've taken down charging mercs before they reach ML abuse range in such a duo cause of the lovely 1k+ nukes tend's to make em die fast.

as darkcarver I nuke for around 400 no crit on fully resist buffed ppl (more ofc when they go for the shiny stuff instead of capping cold). Oh and I still believe that base dark nuke is faster cast than spec dark. And those nice bolts for when they try to escape.

Drawback is it sucks pow as hell QQ and ofc the pure dam output of dark rm is higher.

Oh and for pie I got 318 atm as dorf rm :drink:


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
Bistrup666 said:
But if U say darkcarver has crap util U are sadly mistaken.

Well i played a dark carver same spec as you from rr7-9 mate and in solo or duo rvr any rm spec with some supp has more utility. Pure dmg is what you are talking about, not utility. On that note i think i said that dark carvers are nice for dmg and bound to be nicer with the bolt love in next patch.
But think about it.. a sm/rm duo with a darkcarver will get owned by any duo with a CC'er who has a clue, NS>everything solo and duo.
Currently running full dark/supp on rm since im trying out aug dex 5, might go back to dark carver with next patch and try mom5 since i will not need that much dex cause of the lower cast time on basline dd.

Hope that made my post a bit more clear.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
got 309 on my sm with buffs and aug acu II.... if i remember right i loaded all in dex at creation


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
islef said:
Well i played a dark carver same spec as you from rr7-9 mate and in solo or duo rvr any rm spec with some supp has more utility. Pure dmg is what you are talking about, not utility. On that note i think i said that dark carvers are nice for dmg and bound to be nicer with the bolt love in next patch.
But think about it.. a sm/rm duo with a darkcarver will get owned by any duo with a CC'er who has a clue, NS>everything solo and duo.
Currently running full dark/supp on rm since im trying out aug dex 5, might go back to dark carver with next patch and try mom5 since i will not need that much dex cause of the lower cast time on basline dd.

Hope that made my post a bit more clear.

well as darkcarver U got ns so don't see the problem ;)

But never tried a pure dark has been thinking bout it so might respec at some time ;)

the point with util imo is in the fg. Where both dark rm/sm and bd base nuke is cold and they luv the debuff. 11 sup is the reason why I only spec 22 dark ;) but with +20 dark nukes r still ok (got crap to dark atm in template tho QQ).


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
Bistrup666 said:
well as darkcarver U got ns so don't see the problem ;)
Darkcarver = 48rc/24dark wich means u dont have NS afaik.. you debuff and use baseline darknuke.. wich is why you need to throw your spare points in dark so you get less varience on the baselinenuke (you also need +11dark from template).. so that is the problem ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
islef said:
Darkcarver = 48rc/24dark wich means u dont have NS afaik.. you debuff and use baseline darknuke.. wich is why you need to throw your spare points in dark so you get less varience on the baselinenuke (you also need +11dark from template).. so that is the problem ;)

So so true:fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 3, 2004
most people drop 2 points in darkness for the extra utility of the grey nearsight, so go 48/22/11. 2 points less isnt that much variance tbh.

me personally though have always been 48/24, and i think i always will be :p

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