Savage Question


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2012
I am making a template for my CV savage and have it nearly complete.

I am not sure which is the best way to go. I am torn between 2 stats - HITS vs QUICK

All my stats and resists are maxed out besides hits and quick.

Should I go:
387/391 HITS and 57/79 QUICK vs. 347/391 HITS and 72/79 QUICK


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 26, 2004
I'd say download charplan and check which benefits most.
In Charplan under the tab Stats you have a tab Calculations.
Here you wil want to enter 39% Celerity buff, 10% item haste (ToA) and you weaponspeed (5.8 spd for example)

On the left side make sure your buffed Quickness is entered correctly.

ps 1.5 Real speed is the cap so you want to be as close as possible to that.
ps2 after 250 quickness, there is no haste gain from quickness - so never aim for more then 250 qui (buffed)

example: 2 hander savage with a 5.8 spd twohander, 39% self celerity and 10% toa - 50 start quickness + 57 quickness from items - wil swing at 1.93 - 1.97
example: 2 hander savage with a 5.8 spd twohander, 39% self celerity and 10% toa - 50 start quickness + 72 quickness from items - wil swing at 1.85 - 1.88

Hope this helps abit


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2012
yah that does a lot - i never noticed/used that before. thanks for bringing that to my attention!

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