PGR2 Demo



I played this as much as the first time i got the Gran Turismo demo from OPSM.

The handling of the 3 cars in the demo are superb, really heavy and feels nice and the graphics are lovely, really lovely.

Anyone else playing this as much as me? With live this could be my most favourite 4 wheel racing game of all time. Until GT4 that is i suppose but they are certainly different types of game tho PGR2 has exactly the right amount of 'sim' handling that i like.

And people, the cars mash up good and proper!


Yep it's the daddy.

Lets have some lap times posted then! My best is 1:17.9 for both laps combined in florence. Not very good compared to some laps i've seen posted on the bizarre creations forum!



I havent noted any down yet, but ill post some later :)

Does the Live thing work on it? As in, it seems to have a Burnout 2 high score thingemajig but i havent been networked to live yet as i am too lazy.


I dont know why people have been saying this demo is bad, I love it too :D

Graphics are great, vibration feels better too and the game play somehow is better than PGR :D :D


Who needs the demo when I have the full version coming?! :clap: :clap: :clap:

May even be here by tomorrow.;)


Originally posted by Ono
Who needs the demo when I have the full version coming?! :clap: :clap: :clap:

May even be here by tomorrow.;)

Been playing it most of the morning


Thought I'd give this thread a bump as the full version has been out for a while and was wondering what everyones impressions were of the game.

I'll be honest and say that I struggled to like this game to start with, having played MSR and PGR to death I found the handling had been changed quite dramatically. I found it to be a lot less fun, but it's fine now.

The graphics are obviously very refined, but they seem quite dull, especially at night where it was quite a sight in the other 2 games, it's a bit erm.. boring now.

The selection of cars is far better, although I'm not sure if I like the forced catagories. One thing used to enjoy was getting one of the top cars and taking it back to an earlier race where you struggled like buggery and wiping the floor with the little shits :)

A few little things which wouldn't have taken long to implement from the first 2, that should have been included:

Unlockable paintschemes.
Beating a set time in a car to add it to your garage.
Others I can't think of at the moment :p

I'm currently making my way through on gold, it's quite challenging, but not frustrating, well the frikking cone challenges are, no way I'm even attempting platinum on those :)

I haven't had the chance to play it on L!ve yet, although I will this weekend hopefully.


Hate it. So very very disappointed in it.

* The person reasonsible for the night time levels should be taken outside and flogged to death.

* Progression is poor. Get sick of a track, just purchase a better car and all but skip it.

* Because of this it seems to be more like a sight seeing trip. Get into a group, purchase fastest car, win. Repeat.

* The above isn't helped by whats basically 2 new easier medals.

* Car handling seems to be completely different. Whilst most are fun, there are some totally dire cars that you have to put up with. American muscle class really was awful.

* The order of some of the classes is questionable too. Just had the chance to drive 3.0i Z4, Boxter, etc. A few classes later and your stuck in the crappy Sports Utility Vehicles.

* Overtaking in the world series is now un-interesting. In the previous you were going for the likes of 10-16 ish cars depending on your skill. Now it seems like 4-8. Long periods without ever feeling like your doing anything.

There are loads of good things about it too. The new scoring system for Combos, the extra ways of scoring (drafting, good line etc), the selection of cars.

Dont know, I'm still guttered with it. Gotham was my possibly my fav repeat play score based type game since sega nights, and this really doesn't do it justice.


Mundane is my impression of this game.

Just another bog standard racing game. Gets better as you get faster cars but it is just so average.

Handling is nice and the cars are shiny but I just cannot get myself to play it much.

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