What's up with your aggression?Minau said:whats up with this clown ? English is the "uni language" LEARN IT ffs
Thornar said:What's up with your aggression?
What about calming down, not everyone learns English in 4th grade.
Minau said:Im v calm.
Svartmetall said:We need a 3rd. English server first
not many ppl on camlann are ml10 you should know that mr ninjakeenWirey said:I've signed but if we start up as a new English RvR server, i'm not pritty shure lots of people from Prydwen/Excalibur/And Camlann. who have wasted their time on ML10's Artifacts Templates or so on will come,
send it to mythic[GOA]Erivoss said:I'll be blunt here: it will never happen. It's not a question about money either, it's just we aren't allowed to. If you really want this to happen, then go convince Mythic it's a good idea.
Grappleabuse !? (Stun immunity anyone?)El3wynn said:What about a 1.69 server? :>