Pet Hate.... If you do this I will kill you...



I'm an AMS deployer, one thing that irritates me no end is when people get in trouble and come running back to the AMS thinking "if I hide in the cloak shield they won't be able to see me and I'll be safe".

Enemy thinks "ooh I've found an AMS, how handy" */s ENEMY AMS AT MY POSITION! WP PLEASE*

There's me swearing lots as 3 Reavers follow this n00b back to my AMS and blow the crap out of it :rolleyes:

(There's a reason for it having a cloaking shield, it's not supposed to be seen, don't show it to the enemy please)

Another thing, people that daydream while waiting to respawn and forget they're playing. When I respawn and am stuck behind some afk dufus or a dufus who refuses to move and the only way out is to turn round and disappear into the spawntube again and hope to come out the other side.


I've told our regular AMS driver to pack a sniper rifle and cap any noobs who bring floods of enemies back towards our spawn before it can be spotted ;)


Originally posted by Xavier
I don't think that's the point though now is it?

I didnt say that all players are intelligent :)

My point (again*sigh*) is that this is their choice and not your right to tell them what to do (unless they are in your squad or lower ranked outfit members).

The origional poster believed that if someone wanders into a CC and fires a few shots into the wall, or gets in the way it gave him a right to tk them.

Intentionally TKing players just for doing something that you think isnt "right" but doesnt hurt anyone is wrong.

Xavier - Remind me never to drive an AMS for you :)


LOL Omniscieous, that is annoying, why do people respawn in battle and not move, if they'd been afk when they died, eventually they'd respawn at sanc and no one would have cared but...AAAAAAAAAAAARRGGG



I'm calm, honest

Noir BR12 Adv Hack/Infil/Mosq/AMS/Medic
Rigon BR6 Spec Assault/Eng

Serving WRK and The Vanu Sovereignty

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Faeldawn
My point (again*sigh*) is that this is their choice and not your right to tell them what to do (unless they are in your squad or lower ranked outfit members).

The origional poster believed that if someone wanders into a CC and fires a few shots into the wall, or gets in the way it gave him a right to tk them.

Intentionally TKing players just for doing something that you think isnt "right" but doesnt hurt anyone is wrong.

This guy is correct, listen to him.

Also moaning about people running in to get kills is surely you just being pissed that you didn't get the kill. As long as the other team goes down why does it matter who kills him? Move on, let the desperate people fight to get their 6 XP for a freshly respawned enemy and stop stressing about a game.


i TK'd a bloke last night. the idiot walked infront of me while i was sniping, so i blew one of his legs off. then he started shooting at me, and i didnt think he'd stop. was either me or him, and since he had 1 leg missing and about 1/4 health, it was me :D


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
i TK'd a bloke last night. the idiot walked infront of me while i was sniping, so i blew one of his legs off. then he started shooting at me, and i didnt think he'd stop. was either me or him, and since he had 1 leg missing and about 1/4 health, it was me :D

ROFL :great:


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
This guy is correct, listen to him.

Also moaning about people running in to get kills is surely you just being pissed that you didn't get the kill. As long as the other team goes down why does it matter who kills him? Move on, let the desperate people fight to get their 6 XP for a freshly respawned enemy and stop stressing about a game.

I's not about the XP, it's about killing the enemy quickly - if soft bodies get in the way of MAX fire it's not hitting Terran scum - which means they'll live longer and thus those that are dead have a chance to spawn from below. Surely that's simple enough for you to comprehend? :rolleyes:

Scooba Da Bass

There is absolutely no difference between your max killing someone and the guy in front of you killing him. Especially as VS maxs suck so hard indoors.

gb2stealing cutie.


AI maxes can kill enemy grunts faster than anyone else indoors (from VS)

so, xavier is right

Scooba Da Bass

So you believe that the time difference is SO significant (I'll go and time it if you're that concerned) if someone is in your way you should kill them as well.

'Oh dear'


all of a sudden it's not important when someone disagrees with you? iiiinteresting ;)

Scooba Da Bass

What are you on about now stealing cutie?

You gunning down your own team to get a kill means your team now has one less person on that base. If you want to play like that VS is deffo the wrong race for you. TR is much more your thing.

old.pala hellraiser

One thing I REALLY hate about this game is supposed 'friendlys' driving into me, GRRRRR!!!!!

The amount of times I have been stood still in a base area or standing still somewhere else while typing or looking around then a dumbass vehicle driving into me giving me 10 grief points and almost killing me just takes the piss!

Accidents happen and I am an easy going guy, if they say sorry then fine these things happen but it's when they just stop and look at you without saying anything then turn and drive off that really gets on my tits:eek: , it's been getting worse lately and I don't take it anymore, a 'friendly' drove into me and just drove off so I followed him and took him out with my phoenix. It made me feel a little bit better.


friendly stealthers running between me and whatever i am pointing my rocket rifle at, and then complain that i killed them


Originally posted by old.pala hellraiser
One thing I REALLY hate about this game is supposed 'friendlys' driving into me, GRRRRR!!!!!

The amount of times I have been stood still in a base area or standing still somewhere else while typing or looking around then a dumbass vehicle driving into me giving me 10 grief points and almost killing me just takes the piss!

Accidents happen and I am an easy going guy, if they say sorry then fine these things happen but it's when they just stop and look at you without saying anything then turn and drive off that really gets on my tits:eek: , it's been getting worse lately and I don't take it anymore, a 'friendly' drove into me and just drove off so I followed him and took him out with my phoenix. It made me feel a little bit better.

Yeah now although I can see it from the driver's point of view (being a Lightning and magrider driver on different chars), I agree with this as well.

Like earlier today, when I was crossing a bridge in a stealth suit. I see a lightning coming towards me, so I head for the side of the bridge to give him room to pass. He veers to the side and neatly squishes me before roaring off into the distance. I didn't get grief points but it was annoying. I message the guy to say "hello what were you doing you deliberately swerved to run me over" and he says "sorry i didn't see you".

Now, I moved specially so he had space, but he veered to the edge of the bridge. Nowhere else for me to go. If he didn't see me, why did he swerve?

But the thing I hate as a driver is when people are ahead of you, and you think you've got just enough clearance to get past, and they stop dead suddenly (to type or whatever), and you can't stop in time, or swerve, and you run them over and they act like you've done it deliberately. Personal pet hate tho ;)


When I'm running over a bridge, I'll jump on the rail.
Firstly you avoid any mines on the bridge, and secondly the blind pensioners that driver the vehicles can't hit you there.

Oh yeah, not to mention the useful tactic of jumping off should an enemy reaver etc turns up.


Good plan will have to make sure I do that in future...

Although I'm not normally running over a bridge, I'm normally in some kind of vehicle...

But will have to try that!


Grabbed 30 mins play at lunch.

Fighting in 3-way battle, much fun. More VS than TR attacking us (surpise).

Found a TR AMS a fair bit away from the base but near 2 towers, died as a result.

Spawned at base, grabbed Mosquito and was just about to step in when I get shot by a guy stood at the v terminal. I say "wtf" - no answer, so get in Mosq after respawn with the aim of flying to the TR AMS and taking it out with my AV.

I get a pm 10 seconds later "Get an ant." I say "did you just shoot me?" and he says "exactly". I check power of facility (20%) and also note the 4 fecking ants presently filling it up...(we own it). I /tell listen dickhead the day I take orders from some **** like you who tries to tell me how to play this game is the day you pay my f**king sub you ******** ********** now **** off.

Ignore slapped on before the meathead replies, see him 10 mins later ejected out of Mosquito so it landed on him and I log out to get back to work.

Should I have stooped to dropping the Mosquito on him and lowered myself to his level? No. Did I piss myself laughing after I had done it? Yes.


Why do some people need to kill stealthed friendlies in bases?

Time after time, I'm crouched, waiting for a hack - guarding a stairwell/door/terminal/something. A friendly will wander up, take a look then kill me anyway.

Bah. Green = Dont kill peeps. And a dead green Opium from one of these TK's (unless apologised for instantly) means a boomer up the arse everytime I see you for that session, or again until apologised.

I also play an alt with a rocklet and a thumper. If I'm watching a stairwell, or as usually happens, firing down one, and you run in front, you WILL get hit. Firing on auto empties the clip on the rocklet. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop it. So don't whinge :p
Likewise, if enemy are at the gates, and I'm raining thumper frags onto them, dont complain when you run into the explosion radius.. I wont fire if there's friendlies there, but if you run in after I fire...

I follow these rules, because I dont like being TK'd. Other folks should know to keep as much of an eye on your own team as you do on the enemy. When I stealth up, if I run into an occupied stairwell, I dont expect you to stop firing - I'm chancing on getting through & Im ready to die. But if I leg it through, then some folks decide to follow me, it does get annoying to be shot in the bum :)

Still, the nice thing about PS is the quick - fix. Everything's so fast, dying means little and can be forgotten quickly. There really are some Stupids around tho :)

Anyway, some random thoughts from a bloke who really enjoys this game, especially the friendly fire...

(and by the way, my grief points have never gone above 50 as far as I remember)



Xtro - gotta love it.

Take it the mosq killed him? Too right.. he'd no right to tell you what vehicle to get.

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