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Originally posted by Phunkeh_Monkeh
Instead of mocking me, wouldnt it be much simpler to tell me what it stands for......

ooooo oooooo oooooo "want a bannana?" lol sorry just had to do it :)

the SS we're a hitlers little SchutzStaffel or protection squad (in english) basically they were made to carry out hitlers "final solution" against the jews through concentration camps and execution squads.

hope that informs you :) now you can understand why it's so offensive.

btw what are you going to do now that ITV digital has had it's plug pulled??

lol sorry i'm not one for missing an opportunity :) just messing with ya :)


I had to deal with Osama Bin Laden last night after complaints by some ppl.When asked to change his name or leave he just changed it to Osamas Goat!!! after several kickings he kept coming back thenj left,i have his IP and have spoken to Starman about banning him.


In your ignorance you assume that all monkehs' like bananas, this is not the case. I only eat popcorn ;)

Thank you for clearing that up for me, and I fully understand why its offensive, but unfortunately being a racist is not illegal. :(


that's debatable. I know most RTCW players have sick names (not me though) BUT we're in EF and there is no way I'll let some sick dude ruin the game OR polute kids with his ideas around me...


Originally posted by Phunkeh_Monkeh
In your ignorance you assume that all monkehs' like bananas, this is not the case. I only eat popcorn ;)

Thank you for clearing that up for me, and I fully understand why its offensive, but unfortunately being a racist is not illegal. :(

lol o.k. im ignorant :)

right for example lets compare EF to a block in a US city,that block has a possible 10% jewish community.If a person walked into that block with a great big sign saying {SS}Adolf hitler strapped on his back what would happen?

1.the police would be called (us being the police)

2.the police would come and ask him to remove his sign.

3.failure to remove the sign would result in him being removed from said block.(removed from server)

4.he would be given a warning as I doubt something like as minor a sign with hitlers name is going to get him arrested.(BW admins mail him when they have his email addy and give him a warning)

5.he wouldn't be allowed back in that block unless he didn't have that sign on him (failure to totally remove the sign would mean he was banned from the server)


Originally posted by MAS|Bull33tPr00
that's debatable. I know most RTCW players have sick names (not me though) BUT we're in EF and there is no way I'll let some sick dude ruin the game OR polute kids with his ideas around me...

Dont get me wrong I dont think its nice for him to use this name, but who cares.
How will he polute kids, they teach this topic in school , do they not?

Just ignore him, he loves the fact that his name annoys you. People like you are the reason he keeps the name, it gets him attention.


Originally posted by widdy


ok ok, dont get me wrong. I DO NOT AGREE WITH HIS NICKNAME, ITS OFFENSIVE. However its either all or nothing my friends.

Should you have a player called Cancer (im not picking on you m8, im just using you as an example), because several people in my family have died of cancer.
Should you have a player called LegsWideOpen (hi m8 ;) - i like the name by the way m8) What about all the kids playing the game..

thats just two i can think of right now, but there must be hundreds....

You cant persecute one person for their beliefs (however extreme and racist) and then not persecute another for theirs.

just my 2p ;)


Originally posted by Phunkeh_Monkeh

ok ok, dont get me wrong. I DO NOT AGREE WITH HIS NICKNAME, ITS OFFENSIVE. However its either all or nothing my friends.

Should you have a player called Cancer (im not picking on you m8, im just using you as an example), because several people in my family have died of cancer.
Should you have a player called LegsWideOpen (hi m8 ;) - i like the name by the way m8) What about all the kids playing the game..

thats just two i can think of right now, but there must be hundreds....

You cant persecute one person for their beliefs (however extreme and racist) and then not persecute another for theirs.

just my 2p ;)

lol love that quote :)

yeah I can understand that,but legs and cancer (which could also be the star sign) are certainly not as extreme as adolf hitler.I admit there are alot of people out there that use offensive names for example with swearing in them (lol i used to be called MRF*** when i first started playing).but the point is most either change thier name when challenged or just change it because they realise it's stupid after a while.


Yes i do agree that adolf hitler is far worse than the suggestions that i have presented. But what doesnt offend you or me, may offend another person significantly.

Basically what i am suggesting is that you ignore him, dont feed his desire to attract attention from you. He will either get bored of it soon, or grow up. Whichever comes first ;)

PS - what quote?

PPS - whats with this penge resident - what does it mean?


Originally posted by Phunkeh_Monkeh
Yes i do agree that adolf hitler is far worse than the suggestions that i have presented. But what doesnt offend you or me, may offend another person significantly.

Basically what i am suggesting is that you ignore him, dont feed his desire to attract attention from you. He will either get bored of it soon, or grow up. Whichever comes first ;)

PS - what quote?

PPS - whats with this penge resident - what does it mean?

lol i am ignoring him,i'm only discussing it on here to see what could be done about yet i have even seen him on a BWEF server.

what quote...................the one where you changed it to say.........originally posted by widdy




OT: how do you post pictures in threads and signatures, the standard vB tags do not seem to work. Or is this something that is disabled??



for an image you have to upload it first to your ftp from there you can post it. am not sure it is possible in your signature.
after that there is a button called IMG up there


hmmmm ok let me put this out clearly :

First :

I never thought you were ignorant I just thought you were pulling my leg on this one (which could well have been wide open... anyway...)

Second :

I was in the first guys to spam RTCW related forums when the game came out as test version (as a software quality expert it was clearly my duty to play) and I saw a lot of kids change their names for nazi related names (even on allies side du'h!) because it was "cool". If a kid finds calling himself Adolf Hitler "cool", he may be an easy target for extremists to recruit (remember the kid who drove his airplane through a building in Texas to act like Ben Ladden?). I am just being very cautious with normal acceptable things. As a shameful french I know nazism can come very fast if you don't have it under control at all times.

Third :



Originally posted by MAS|Bull33tPr00
hmmmm ok let me put this out clearly :

First :

I never thought you were ignorant I just thought you were pulling my leg on this one (which could well have been wide open... anyway...)

Calm down m8 ;)
Im just voicing my opinion. Nothing like a debate at 9am to get the blood flowing thats what I say.! :D



:upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :flame: :eek6: Jesus boys and gals

I AM NOT! that SS guy And i would like to say stop accusing me my name was S: :S :) :) |^: :^| OK! and i have not been on GSA for a few days apart from this morning and i have witnesses it wasnt me so stop accusing me. CUZ it is bluumin annoying :clap:



lol does anyone know who this geezer is?


I think this is a little out of hand now, one person called himself {ss}adolf hitler. I dont think we need to worry about the National Front or Combat 18 invading EF of any other game just yet. Maybe he called himself it so when peeps killed him they killed adolf hitler, irony perhaps? AS for banning him which is imposible, maybe someone should have a word with him first.


Originally posted by SHY-FX
Maybe he called himself it so when peeps killed him they killed adolf hitler, irony perhaps? AS for banning him which is imposible, maybe someone should have a word with him first.

I very much doubt it's irony mate,if it was on RTCW then yes it probably would be irony...........but EF?.I doubt I'm going to feel happy when I frag him "yay i fragged Hitler,thats got some revenge" lol thats almost like saying you would cry if you fragged a player called lassie :clap:
Many people have had words with him,I haven't seen or heard of him in the last few days so maybe he's got the message :)


You might not feel happy and I wouldnt feel happy when I frag his ass, but he might, that why I said speak to him first. lets hope he has got the message.


Originally posted by Phunkeh_Monkeh

ok ok, dont get me wrong. I DO NOT AGREE WITH HIS NICKNAME, ITS OFFENSIVE. However its either all or nothing my friends.

Should you have a player called Cancer (im not picking on you m8, im just using you as an example), because several people in my family have died of cancer.
Should you have a player called LegsWideOpen (hi m8 ;) - i like the name by the way m8) What about all the kids playing the game..

thats just two i can think of right now, but there must be hundreds....

You cant persecute one person for their beliefs (however extreme and racist) and then not persecute another for theirs.

just my 2p ;)

Sorry to post so l8 on this but I havent been keeping up with the forums at the mo.

I agree with Phunkeh_Monkeh in that there are other names as well that are offensive. Although I have not seen him for a while there was a guy who went by the name AntiChrist! As a Christian I find this most offensive and made sure I was never fighting by his side (he was a pants player anyway).

There are also allot of players on the servers with profanity in their names which would worry me more if my wee lad was old enough to play EF.

Maybe what should be done is that the Public Admins should bind the following text to a key –

“You are about to be kicked from the server because your name is offensive, if you change it you will be allowed to stay! You have 15 seconds to comply” ala Robocop :p

then kick they guy of he says he wont change. This will be a busy job for a while but the people with offensive names will soon get the message and will do 1 of the following things……….

1. Change their name because they will get frustrated at the fact that they cant get a decent game because of being kicked!
2. They will stop playing on BW servers

Either result would be acceptable!

Just my thoughts


P.s. May I also say that if you use the All Seeing Eye it’s a much more effective way to track your buddies, or enemies! It will track them in the game no matter how they connect!

It is currently 11:10am (UK) and I have just had a wee look with my EYE at all the EF servers with people in them………………all is well with the world :D


Originally posted by [DAD]Monty73

Maybe what should be done is that the Public Admins should bind the following text to a key –

“You are about to be kicked from the server because your name is offensive, if you change it you will be allowed to stay! You have 15 seconds to comply” ala Robocop :p

lol as long as you don't start shooting innocent people thats fine ;)


Dead or alive you are coming with me!

Now an ED209 in EF would kick butt :p


Originally posted by widdy

lol as long as you don't start shooting innocent people thats fine ;)

I just realised what you meant :p

Disco PhoolCat

Originally posted by widdy
lol as long as you don't start shooting innocent people thats fine ;)

The blokey that ED209 shot up was in no way innocent - he was on the board ffs!!!



lol oh yeah I forgot he was on the board :rolleyes:

"bet you think your pretty smart huh?.....................think ya can outsmart a bullet?"

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