People you work with



I recently resigned from work, a large(ish) call centre in Northern Ireland.. glad i did leave now before i was pushed :D

the Manager and the other two engineers were cunts, the manager especially. They didn't like the prospect that a guy younger than them knew just as much (and sometimes that little bit more) about what the heck they were doing...

oh and senior management tried to fire me by going through my hard disk in November, pity they broke so many laws and regulations on employee monitoring they fucked themselves over and couldn't get rid of me (especially when i sent the info to the Data Protection Agency, and they awarded it in my favour)
if they really wanted rid of an engineer they could have just offered me 3 months in leu of notice :p

the company?
MM Group

this is my 4th attempt at writing this, the department didn't have a clue about working relations and employment guidelines and broke nearly every rule in the book, in its attempt to be a "relaxed" atmosphere it spawned sexist remarks, victimisation, hurrassment and a lovely feeling of "get the fuck your not wanted" to anybody who entered the office :)


LOL fek me listen to this, my desk is only a couple of feet away from his (not that this matters as you can hear him across the office) and I overheard a conversation he just had with a door suppliers he must have had doing some work at his house.

Insane Guy: "Hello, you have been out to my house and fitted one of your reinforced doors with the metal frame, and the frame is coming loose in the door way"

I cant put in the poor person at this door company obviously. But from what I could gather, the door has a problem and he rang the company to complain.

"Well one of your representatives has just been on the phone to my wife, at what point did you decide that you could ring my house and speak to my wife" (he instigated the process by ringing them first and they returned his call).

"Well I dont care about that, the door is rattling and the frame is loose, I want you to personally promise you will send someone out to repair it.."
"Right, what day then?, OK. I will be there, I do not want anyone speaking to or dealing with my wife"

Hangs up

"Cunts, trying to tell me whats what, well now they know"

Mentalist or what, I could understand if his wife was disabled or couldnt speak english or something. But the he has often berrated her for lazing about eating chocolate all day while he works his bollox of. Poor woman is prolly locked away when he leaves the house.

Testin da Cable

hence the reinforced door to prevent her escape :uhoh:


Originally posted by Durzel

Most girls didn't know what it was, just liked the colour. Was sat at a set of lights once and overheard one say "it looks like a Scooby"... "er :("

I dislike WRX's, hopefully I can pick up a Uk GTs-t next year, with a standard exhaust so I can get my own without feeling guilty!


Reminds me years ago (when I was about 10 I think), my dad caught 2 guys trying to syphon fuel off his van. They legged it, but left the motorcycle petrol tank, and the pipe. My dad stashed it in the kitchen, and went to work the following day.

He came back to work, saw that the tank was gone, and asked my mum where it was. She said that 2 nice men had come round that day, and 'left a petrol tank near your van have you seen it?' My mum, being a generally very nice person, gave it back to them (oblivious to the syphoning incident).

My dad was fucking fuming, but he calmed down when everyone told him he should have told my mum. Classic.


Oh man. Two women have been hanging round in front of my desk all day with tight white jumpers, lovely b00bs and perma-stiff nips :D

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Wij
Oh man. Two women have been hanging round in front of my desk all day with tight white jumpers, lovely b00bs and perma-stiff nips :D

how I miss having a helpdesk in the next office :( the site I currently work at has a male population of 96% or so :(


Haha, were I worked there was about 5 males and the rest were all females........... :D

Testin da Cable

well, in my case about 1500 peeps work at the site so.....there are about 60 women. of those I'd say 55 are married/beyond my upper age limit of 22/dogs/all of the above. :(


Well there were about 10 of us part time kids (I worked full time practically, I just turned up one random days and got paid) and 4 of us were male. One of them was gay. The others were all rather nice young females, including Jess. Who was lush :|

There were a few younger females there working full time who were also quite nice, but the rest were all 30-50 year olds who had a tendency to mother the younger ones :)

Still, it was fun ogling some of the female customers.


Tell you sommat, Virgin Mobile is the place to work if all you care about is eye candy.

Some of the people I've seen working there.. holy Christ... I've almost crashed when out driving past. Typically (in this town anyway) they end up with all the ultra-fit girls who ended up doing hairdressing/beauty courses at College (i.e. too thick to do a proper course).

There's a lot of churn at Virgin though, or "fresh meat" depending on your perspective. "fresh meat", yeah.. Mr Smoooth, that's me.


Durzel should take a job at a secondary school as a career advisor.


I'd rather be a girls PE teacher in a secondary school tbh.
(Sixth Form only mind, before anyone makes a quip..)


Fair dues that. Unfortunately only butch girls take PE at alevel :/


Originally posted by nath
Hey, if there's grass on the pitch..

then it's not Stamford Bridge?

Sorry, I'll get my coat :(


Theres like 200 or so people at the office where i am.. 1 fit bird out of all of them, like FFS?

Only office we have which has fairly reasonable women is the Newcastle office.. their next for the IT upgrade :D

Testin da Cable

lol Durz. you're starting to sound like me :) dry patch you said? fucking sahara mate :/


Originally posted by nath
Hey, if there's grass on the pitch..
Secondary school is pretty damn young though, until Year 5 (and even then thats like 16-17 isn't it).

Shame on you nath!


you gotto remember daz not everyone is 28

16-17 is not bad anyway i still definatley would


Originally posted by Ash!
I feel really bad about this but there is this Girl who works on the same team as me at work. Good looking, Smart, Polite. I dont fancy her or anything, in fact it's the opposite I suppose. She really fuckin grates on me. Cos she is too nice, too polite, possibly even boring.

Every time of the day She will ask the same question about what I am doing tonight. Every Friday at 12.30

"Whats everyone doing at the weekend ?" FFS trying to forget about boring gimps like you

Before every bank holiday "Looking forward to the bank holiday ?"

After every bank Holiday "Glad to be back at work ?"

Its like fekkin ground hog day every day. As I say I feel bad for feeling like this cos she is genuinely nice but her nicities will only serve to push me to a falling down moment ala Michael Douglas

Does anybody else work with people like this or just annoying cunts in general at there place of work ?

Introduce her to anal sex, she'll be fine after that.


Maybe her head is full of air and all she has to say are pleasantaries. My other guess is that she actually dislikes you intensely.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Sawtooth
My other guess is that she actually dislikes you intensely.

that had crossed my mind as well :)


but he did say she talks like that to everyone...

Testin da Cable

so she's a misanthrope. must be a real bummer at parties ;)


everything comes down to bums on these threads:)

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