People you work with



There is actually someone who gets on my fucking tits at work. Every single day I hear "oh this day will never end", "oh is it only (insert time in morning here)", "oh its one of those days".

Well tomorrow the fat fuck is getting the sack. So it truely will be one of those days love.

Testin da Cable

heheh who said foreknowledge took the edge off things?

Scooba Da Bass

People I work with are weird, all of them.

It's great/GRATE!


People I work with all hate me because I make them do work. Secretly, they all want to be me, but would never admit it.

Being a gaffer is a horrid thing, especially when the peope in your team are all older than you, and see you as some jumped-up little twat who knows fuck all about the 'real world' :rolleyes:

I hate my not-so-new job. :(


I work with Tremor. Nuff said. :(

He loses 9 customers a day on average, food drops out of his mouth at random moments during the day, his biggest friend is a latent homosexual former steroid chomping bouncer grossburger lookalike ( who beats me up) and I know he wanks in my coffee.

:) He's o.k. really!!


The guy i took over from still works in the same office.
When i started he introduced me to everyone as his assistant.
If a call comes through to him accidentally, he will pass them through to his assistant.
If he refers to me in any context, i'm his assistant.

Urge to kill.... rising......



Originally posted by Lester
I work with Tremor. Nuff said. :(

He loses 9 customers a day on average, food drops out of his mouth at random moments during the day, his biggest friend is a latent homosexual former steroid chomping bouncer grossburger lookalike ( who beats me up) and I know he wanks in my coffee.

:) He's o.k. really!!

You just love being his gimp!!


I work in our IT dept, just the 3 of us.. well 2 and the manager, the guy i directly work with is cool considering some of the cunt's ive worked with, never a dull moment, our Manager (the it mgr) is a nice guy and easy going however he's always trying to tell me what to do when he doesn't have a fucking clue himself, also hes such a lazy fucker, someone will ring up.. he will say yeah i'll pop over and have a look for you, soon as the phone goes down "chris go do this" "you couldnt just do this, or that or the other" FUCK OFF YOU OVER PAID CUNT AND DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN CHAT ON MSN TO YOUR 12 YEAR OLD BITCHES.

One of my projects atm is the office it upgrades, all our branches are getting new IT equipment, the delivery of 13 PCs comes in (a fucking lot of boxes) the 3 of us carry them in, i sysprep one and ghost them all, done.

The guy i work with is on Holiday now so its just me and him, TNT come to pick them up and i'm like.. hi help? he says sorry hes to busy and promptly picks up the phone and looks like hes working.. so i listen into the convo.. hes talking to the architect whos extending his kitchen, meanwhile i have to carry 20 + boxes full of computers out to the front of the building.. C U N T

So as well as supporting a network of 300 + users on my own and the other 100 things i have to do, i am also working the next 2 weekends doing the upgrades, is he helping? lol is he fuck!


oh also forgot, his aim is to step back from IT and just manage projects.. so far hes stepped back from IT and gives me the projects!! F F S


Originally posted by Xtro
/edit: I really do not want to go to bed as that ensures that I have to wake up and go to work...

Spot on. That's how I feel every weekday evening + sunday(bar friday, natch)


well it's Friday folks; what are you all doing for the weekend?!


Originally posted by Lester
I work with Tremor. Nuff said. :(

He loses 9 customers a day on average, food drops out of his mouth at random moments during the day, his biggest friend is a latent homosexual former steroid chomping bouncer grossburger lookalike ( who beats me up) and I know he wanks in my coffee.

Oh I cant wait to show Stu this.

Those damn mother fucking burgers are impossible to eat god damn it!!

I work with Lester, he sings quite often and dances in the style of a gangster rapper when A1 is on the stereo, I do wank in his coffee but that could easily be avoided if HE EVER MADE ONE!!

I'm dreading my new boss taking over tbh :(


Ash. She sounds nice. Leave her alone. I quite fancy her now ! :eek:



Wij I am not having a go at her. Its just she is too god damn nice. I would love it if she said she did something just a little bit out of the oridinary rather than being a plain jane as it were.

I sound a right cunt now. I suppose it cos we dont have too much in common. Her idea of a good concert is Just Trousersnake this weekend and she really believes he is musically talented. Her idea of a good movie is some bilge with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. Again believing there is great acting ability in both of them. Great Story line and all that


Originally posted by Ash!
Wij I am not having a go at her. Its just she is too god damn nice. I would love it if she said she did something just a little bit out of the oridinary rather than being a plain jane as it were.

I sound a right cunt now. I suppose it cos we dont have too much in common. Her idea of a good concert is Just Trousersnake this weekend and she really believes he is musically talented. Her idea of a good movie is some bilge with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. Again believing there is great acting ability in both of them. Great Story line and all that

She's a girlie girl. Not her fault. If it makes her happy and all that...

You meanie ! :eek:


Originally posted by Ash!
I feel really bad about this but there is this Girl who works on the same team as me at work. Good looking, Smart, Polite. I dont fancy her or anything, in fact it's the opposite I suppose. She really fuckin grates on me. Cos she is too nice, too polite, possibly even boring...

I bet she's a firecracker in the sack, the introverted ones always are! Not that I'd know mind, dry patch :(... (probably through using phrases like "firecracker in the sack")

There's one particularly noteworthy "character" where I work, who insists on hanging around my desk telling me shit jokes and generally being annoying. He's one of those people who just intrude on your personal space or distract you for longer than is necessary, if that makes sense.

I.e. if you're going to tell a joke to someone, you tell the joke, gauge their reaction and move on. You don't tell a joke, and then just stand there laughing at your own joke whilst trying to maintain persistent eye contact for about 10 minutes straight. He make some joke about a customer being Welsh yesterday, and then proceeded to go around the office, with a shit Welsh accent, saying phrases that weren't even stereotypically "Welsh", but in a Welsh accent so they must be funny. For about 2 hours... "Im gonnan go out for sandwiches Gareth!!"... Yeah, real funny bud!

To give you an example, someone offered to make me a coffee in the office and I said "cheers mate, you're a star". He overheard this and said "what, he's a big ball of gas huhuhuhhhuuhuhhuhuuh ... <10 minutes later> huhuhuhuh". Wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact he's made this same joke every time I (or anyone else) has accidentally said "you're a star" to someone.

People who over-embellish, over-dramatise or just plain bullshit about their lives in the office annoy me. This same bloke started up a conversation (read: he started talking while I paid no attention at all) by talking about how much drugs he did "back in the day". He even made it worse by saying "hhuhu you know what thats like eh Daz?" (I used to go to school/College with his cousin, and have a little bit of history with drugs). He says this in full earshot of the directors.. "yeah, cheers mate"... He might as well've just sent an "all staff" email really.


Originally posted by Wij
She's a girlie girl. Not her fault. If it makes her happy and all that...

You meanie ! :eek:
I second that.. she's obviously just trying to be friendly. Maybe - shock horror - she just wants to be your friend? Leave her alone you meanie. :(


Re: Re: People you work with

Originally posted by Durzel
Not that I'd know mind, dry patch :(

Oh that's right, you got rid of your skyline didn't you :/



Most girls didn't know what it was, just liked the colour. Was sat at a set of lights once and overheard one say "it looks like a Scooby"... "er :("

That said, there's nothing sexier than a woman driving one.. or any powerful car. Clarkson hit the nail on the head (for a change) when he told Tara Palmer Tomkinson she should get an Evo...


Originally posted by Durzel
That said, there's nothing sexier than a woman driving one.. or any powerful car. Clarkson hit the nail on the head (for a change) when he told Tara Palmer Tomkinson she should get an Evo...

And that vicky butler wassername from Fifth Gear. She could play with my gear stick any day of the week

nudge nudge!






I was going to say no, but Ive just returned from the canteen in a rage cos of this bloke being a twat...

there was 4 of us sitting at the table, shooting the shit etc.. putting the world to rights.

and he plonks himself down and starts talking over the rest of us. He has an opinion on everything, is rascist and sexist. Mine and a couple of the other guys wives work part time, which he thinks is plain wrong as women should stay at home.

He was shouting (he cannot talk in a normal voice) about his son who is 4 and the "attitude" he is getting of him. and the way his son hits other kids, and generally being aggresive. He was scowling and waving his fists about. Saying no matter how much he screams at hi 4 year old or hits him, nothing happens.Like yeah m8, your kid is aggresive cos your a feking mentalist who shouts and scowls all the time. hes prolly scared shitless poor little fecker.

Then when people are voicing there own opinion he just looks blankly at you then starts shouting over the top of you.

You couldnt make it up, hes worrying. I just had to shake my head and leave the table, cutting my break short to vent on here :)


Originally posted by nath
And that vicky butler wassername from Fifth Gear. She could play with my gear stick any day of the week?

nudge nudge!





mmmmm Vicky....


Get together and get him sacked for making rascist and sexist comments. Problem solved.


Originally posted by dysfunction
mmmmm Vicky....

Oh man shes just awful.........

awful, token woman presenter..........

I'm gonna get flamed aren't I?

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by kameleon
Get together and get him sacked for making rascist and sexist comments. Problem solved.

aye. JohnyW, can't you have a senior bloke give him a chat? shit like you just described can really screw up an -otherwise nice- workplace :/


Originally posted by Ash!
Wij I am not having a go at her. Its just she is too god damn nice.

too 'nice' people are annoying and usually fake. like that fat woman in you've been framed. WTF? HOW CAN OYU BE LIEK THAT?


Originally posted by Trem
Oh man shes just awful.........

awful, token woman presenter..........

I'm gonna get flamed aren't I?


She isnt a token presenter...she knows a lot about cars and can drive better than most people!!



Re: Re: People you work with

Originally posted by Durzel
story about annoying bloke

That just reminded me of someone I worked with. He was just like that, he'd never shut up and was generally a massive retard. He used to brag about stuff like if I mentioned a band I like in passing to someone else he'd go "oh yeah I love them - will you copy all their albums for me?". Way to prove you know fuck all about them mate! He also used to go on about how much weed he smoked, which was so impressive omg!

Thankfully I resisted the urge to push him over the rails on the shopfloor (we worked on the second floor) and see him land and break his legs or something.


Originally posted by Testin da Cable
aye. JohnyW, can't you have a senior bloke give him a chat? shit like you just described can really screw up an -otherwise nice- workplace :/

Wise words from kam and the teedeesee. Get rid of him if you can.

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