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Yeap, absolutely right, that's why a homosexual man is of the female gender.
Yeap, absolutely right, that's why a homosexual man is of the female gender.
There are fundamental physiological differences in how the brain develops based on sexuality, it isn't something you or your parents can simply decide. Sexuality is a product of nature, not nurture.
I'm not sure that this is actually as true as people like to think.
I'm pretty sure its been shown that you can alter a persons sexuality through certain therapies.
This opens the door to the idea that a parent or the relationship with a parent could alter it.
Tough one but practically no complex bit of human behaviour has a purely genetic source - we just arent that simple.
Obviously people can be pressured into hiding their sexuality, but it is still an innate function of brain development. If you tell a child that being left handed is a bad thing for long enough, they may adapt and learn to use their right hand until it feels natural, but fundamentally, the basic architecture of the brain will still favour "right brain activity" and it is exactly the same thing.
How is anyone supposed to tell from the reams of shite you produce?![]()
The brain studies are not very compelling because they are always on a statistically insignificant number of subjects.
Theres a new one out on autism at the moment that drew sweeping conclusions from less than 40 participants.
The favoured hemisphere of the brain is fundamental but sexual preference isnt - there's been many inconclusive studies over the years despite a bias towards wanting to find a difference.
If it was fundamental the results would be clearcut but they aren't.
Sorry, but you are quite simply wrong in terms of Autism and the numbers of people involved with the sample groups in such studies.
Alternate sexual tendencies actually make perfect sense from an evolutionary standpoint.
You can influence your child’s behaviour, you can even make it hate its own nature and hide it from the world, but you can’t change it.
Hmm - no I dont think so - BBC News - Autistic brains' 'genes differ'
"The scientists in the UK, US and Canada compared samples from 19 autistic brains and 17 without."
Which if you understand anything about statistics is not a large enough survey size to mean anything.
Its funny that the Psychologists regard Autism not as a specific problem but as a spectrum where everyone is on the spectrum at some point. If your autism is too marked you exceed the norm and get labelled but everyone shares some of the aspects of it.
That I agree with but humans are not animals.
The problem with this statement is that sexuality is not a characteristic that can be objectively measured.
It may also differ at different times in a subjects life - is a girl messing around with her closest girlfriend who then goes on to live a heterosexual life homo or hetero?
Is a bisexual man who sleeps with both women and men at different times through his life hetero, homo or proof that its not a simple case of genetics?
What of identical same sex twins that differ in sexuality?
Name a piece of complex human behaviour that has been shown to have a solely genetic origin![]()
That is one study, the autistic spectrum is one of the most intensely studied developmental disorders and has been since Lorna Wings work in the mid 90's.
That statement shows that you know very little about Autism. Aspergers, ADHD, High and Low functioning Autism are all on the spectrum it is true and have symptoms in common, but each also has very unique symptoms too.
Also, Psychologists only have one view of ASD - they don't want anything to do with it.
Aside from CBT in children, there are no effective treatments and most Psychologists don't have the training or tools to diagnose ASD.
Yes they are, especially in terms of sexuality.
Sexuality isn't black & white, that much is obvious, there are hundreds of neurological and biological mechanisms at work, but they are all the result of genetic interactions - sexuality is a polygenetic characteristic - as for twins, basic genetics 101 - in two individual but genetically identical organisms, during development the genes are always expressed slightly differently. You can have one twin will develop arthritis and one that won't for example. In the case of sexuality in twins incidentally - there is a 30% chance that twins will have a different sexuality to each other.
Complex human behaviour with a genetic origin: due to genetic variations in intelligence, physical well being, and personality most behaviour is thought to be genetic. There are three strict research environments for standard behavioural genetics research - family studies, twin studies and adoption studies, and to say these studies are undertaken a lot would be a massive understatement. In fact as part of my job I get sent (and occasionally write for) a monthly journal entitled Behaviour Genetics filled with reams of interesting data every month - especially in terms of mental ill health ect.
Which if you understand anything about statistics is not a large enough survey size to mean anything.p
I'm truly sorry rynnor, you are obviously far more experienced and knowledgeable about these things than I.
By comparing it to my previous statement
Reading dear watson, reading.
Whatever - you ignored the direct questions and come back with a load of nonsense - have fun on your taxpayer funded holiday.
Whatever - you ignored the direct questions and come back with a load of nonsense - have fun on your taxpayer funded holiday.
Can you answer my direct question above?
In terms of diagnosis of Autism however, I am absolutely right - it is nearly impossible to get a diagnosis as an adult in the UK at the moment without seeking a private consultation.
Incidentally, the "holiday" isn't funded by the tax payer - working in the public sector, I am forced to take up private sector research to make ends meet. I find the implication that I would misuse taxpayer’s money quite offensive.
I stated an opinion in this thread based on factual research and over 14 years experience, if you have any relevant questions or opinions on it, ask them rather than just assuming you are and your opinion is right and everyone else is wrong..
I didn't think you were serious - do you have any idea how many variables there are in that study that you would have to estimate?
It's pretty much impossible to get a reliable estimate of the incidence of the autistic spectrum. Then there's determining where on the spectrum a given patient is - this is a subjective judgement with its own set of uncertainties etc. etc.
I dont remember asking that question and why are you suddenly restricting the discussion to adults?
Why - as a taxpayer I find the misuse of taxpayer's money offensive - if your on the receiving end of it then you should expect to be questioned on it.
I also think that the NHS went wrong from the moment it allowed consultants to do private work and remain employed by the NHS.
How very NHS of you - did you start out with this personality type or is a learned response inculcated by the system perhaps![]()
I didn't think you were serious - do you have any idea how many variables there are in that study that you would have to estimate?
It's pretty much impossible to get a reliable estimate of the incidence of the autistic spectrum. Then there's determining where on the spectrum a given patient is - this is a subjective judgement with its own set of uncertainties etc. etc.