Once again GoA, what are the plans for Dyvet?


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
For me merging with German/French servers wouldn't work, not that I have anything against our fellow europeans, I just don't want to take a language course just to play a game.

And merging with US Servers is prolly not an option, besides if this was an option I am afraid it will be too late.

Shame really because Daoc is still the best mmorpg around for me that is.

I agree , i play for fun and a non-english server for me would not be fun :(

To merge english clusters with german/french would be just as bad as letting it spiral into nothingness but it would just speed up the decline ...

I would just roll US or start playing a new mmo tbh :m00:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
I don't see it as that hard tbh, you can read between the lines and get all the quest/item names or get the gist of it. Not like you have to speak to the other people on the server, just play with the people you do know... saying that ALOT of german people know english.

Recently went to berlin (first time to germany) and the people there are class, really nice people and easy to get on with.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Or we could all just agree to go back?

Oh happy daaaaays..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'd return in an instant if GOA allowed me to transfer my account and chars to a US english speaking server. I can't be bothered rerolling chars on the US or learning another language to play a game so it's the only way I'd return to the game. I doubt I'm the only one that feels like way either.

Fatload BoysDoCry

Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2006
At the moment there's a normal population dip that we see every year around this time. Despite that, the primetime population is still healthy and we'll keep an eye on it as time goes on.

I can't tell you just yet what the plans are, however they are not just limited to the marketing we're doing currently. I can tell you that we're taking the issue seriously and that senior people here and at Mythic are working on solutions. I don't want to fuel the rumour mill and I don't want to pull timescales out of thin air that may or may not be realistic. All I can say for the moment is that people are working on this now and as soon as we have a resolution it will be in the news.

I would say something smug with a slight hint of sarcasm, but tbh, i really don't need too.

It must be a dip in my need to make sarcastic comments at this time of the year.:worthy:


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Any solution CANNOT be for UK cluster alone, it has to benefit the entire DaoC community.

Recently moved back to WoW, and the one thing that strikes me over and over again is how much better the User Interface is.

Give a totally new, modern user freindly interface, and alllow character transfers to what ever server you like. Give the option to chose what language you want to play in. Even Ultima Online has had its entire base code rewritten.

Mythic, get some of EAs millions and rewrite some feckin code ffs, less shitty excuses, we carnt do this, we carnt do that, Zzz.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Any solution CANNOT be for UK cluster alone, it has to benefit the entire DaoC community.

Recently moved back to WoW, and the one thing that strikes me over and over again is how much better the User Interface is.

Give a totally new, modern user freindly interface, and alllow character transfers to what ever server you like. Give the option to chose what language you want to play in. Even Ultima Online has had its entire base code rewritten.

Mythic, get some of EAs millions and rewrite some feckin code ffs, less shitty excuses, we carnt do this, we carnt do that, Zzz.

Why would Mythic and EA pay for something they have no use for? The code would be only for servers that GoA have, unless GoA stump up the cash I cant see mythic doing a thing. And even then it would take time as they want to use the coders mainly on their things, not full time on this community.
But then what do i know :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Here's what important: WAR Beta Timings

ere are some handy definitions of what the different phases of beta are. I also provide, for the first time, some extremely vague and tentative dates. Some of you have already won betas, and to spare you the whole "having to read" thing, you are listed as "Early Spring 2007." In theory and indeed in schedule, it may be sooner than that - but I am a bitter, cranky, old community weenie who has been through many betas, and I no longer believe in anything I can't grasp in my withered talons.

EDITED, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 2006. Clarifications, mostly, but one fairly giant change relating to my not totally understanding the implications of us becoming EA Mythic. All of my dates are still listed as they were on 7/14/06.

Alpha: What began in July. I made the grievous error of calling it a very early beta, for which I am terminally sorry. I will regret that until I die. Alpha does not have anyone playing who does not draw a paycheck from Mythic.

Double Secret Beta: That is just beyond alpha, and includes people who draw paychecks from Mythic and selected partners. STARTS: Summer 2006

First Stage of Closed Beta (Beta 1): What we are in now. Sometimes called "Friends and Family," somewhat inaccurately, this is a stage where there is actually a game, but it is not usually very complete or even stable for that matter. People who don't work here are in this stage, but usually fewer than a hundred, and they are nearly all such old, old friends that they are often mistaken for employees. STARTS: Fall 2006

EDITED TO ADD, 11/9/06: Tragically, when I originally wrote this document in mid-July '06, I was still learning the EA ropes. I defined "First Closed" with the old Mythic way, because we were a pretty small company. Now, with thousands of employees around the world, this phase of beta is "EA Employee Only." Double Secret Beta is EA Mythic Studio Only. In this first closed phase, we begin including people outside our studio, but bound by the employee NDA.

Beta 1.7, After Things Stop Going Boom Every Day: This is the stage you'll start seeing community testers. People who have tested for Mythic for years, or have been otherwise recommended to us as quality volunteer testers, are starting to be included. There is usually a restriction on how many people get in at this point, and often perfectly wonderful people are left out. STARTS: TENTATIVE DATE: Early 2007 We should be about here now

Beta 2: Still closed and covered under NDA, invitees include prize winners, guilds that win the guild contest, and some members of the print and web media - usually the ones we have relationships with. People who work at GW retail shops are getting in here, and we've got some plans for existing Dark Age of Camelot players to be invited to check out their new sibling. There will be up to a thousand people by the end of Beta 2. STARTS: TENTATIVE DATE: Early Spring 2007

Beta 3: Closed, NDA. This is where Lady Luck will wave her wand. We will be choosing randomly from the giant pool of people who are subscribed to our newsletter. This phase will have thousands of people invited, possibly as many as ten thousand. STARTS: TENTATIVE DATE: Summer 2007

Final Beta: No NDA. Because there is no NDA, people often refer to this as "open beta." But I wanted to be really clear with you guys - we are not planning the kind of open beta where everyone with internet access can download the game and hop in. That's nutty. Right now, we are tentatively considering having everyone who pre-orders the game invited to this phase of beta. This phase will also invite winners from our big media promotions. STARTS: TENTATIVE DATE: Summer 2007

Note comments in beta 2 that DAOC players will get invites. read into that what you like most likey trusted players from DAOC testing, but who knows.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Very enigmatic reply and I can't help notice you totally avoid answering the question.

However, perhaps you have let something slip you didn't mean too. Mythic are working on the solution? Mythic do not run the Euro servers....how interesting ;)

It wouldn't surprise me if we saw the cluster added to one of the US ones as Mythic would welcome more players over there even if they weren't directly supporting them.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
No necessarily - it might also mean they are trying to implement a multi-language cluster. GOA can't code the changes themselves, they have to rely on Mythic for that. :)


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Just hang fire and see what GOA are going to do first tbh. Imo best not to judge the changes/benefits for what they are going to do to Dyvet before it happens. I still say Doom-mongers can FO tbh, this server may yet have life left in it and I for one am saying nothing until I know and use the changes.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Just hang fire and see what GOA are going to do first tbh. Imo best not to judge the changes/benefits for what they are going to do to Dyvet before it happens. I still say Doom-mongers can FO tbh, this server may yet have life left in it and I for one am saying nothing until I know and use the changes.
I used to feel the same, then my entire guild uprooted to US. 7 weeks on we have 1 x RR7, 5 x RR6, several RR5s, loads of ML10s and are having more fun than we have in 2+ years.

I thought I would never say this, but the grass is greener, which is a damn shame. I do wish GOA would find some way to entice people back, but even 50x RPs or insta 50s wouldnt cut the mustard. Sadly also googling for opinions brings people here, and tbh who would want to play with the current threads in the general section, or even worse the RvR bit?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
...and tbh who would want to play with the current threads in the general section, or even worse the RvR bit?

Nail on the head... if anything killed the UK servers its the horrible community.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Agreed. FH caused more damage in the last year than GOA likely can repair. Hindsight is always 20-20, but a forum locked to active accounts would have helped at least a little. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Agreed. FH caused more damage in the last year than GOA likely can repair. Hindsight is always 20-20, but a forum locked to active accounts would have helped at least a little. :)

Not only FH, but the whole community.

Sadly, in this community: If some people had problems in / with the game, many people flamed the player and almost noone helped. With this, noone seen the community as helpful. It is a major reason against the game. I still don't see it changed. People see and feel the same attitude. It would be almost the same on a GOA run forum, but a GOA run forum would have other advantages in communication.

Roll a first level character, and try to ask around in the game, look advice according to the ways listed in the game, and act as a newbie, who want to enjoy the game, including leveling, exploring, etc. and see how far you can get with that approach.

The people who ruined the community are slowly leaving the sinking ship, and looking for a new community to destroy, and it is quite sad. And what is even more sad that there are almost no good community leaders who try to make the dyvet community better, and try to make sure they do the best to keep and attract new players. A lot of it depends on players, and while I realy don't like GOA for many reasons, I think in this case, it is out of their control. And the level of service where it is bad, is bad, because this kind of community demands / demanded a bad service.

Never seen, any of the people who left for Avalon, US, etc. saying: "Ok, maybe we would have more fun with the people we made leave with our attitude, we should try a different approach either on a new place or when trying to get people back to our community."

old.Whoodoo is one of the people, who was among first to flame any player with a problem, said the community and the service is great, and better than elsewhere, and everyone who states otherwise is a moron / liar when I seen such topics. Now he moved to greener grass, but he never thought about why it is greener on the other side, why the community of the PLAYERS are better elsewhere.

Many people want to enjoy the benefit, and not many tried to do anything for it. As litle as: Making wallpapers, fan art, fan fiction, etc. can help, but sadly, many of the helpfull people, the good friends left, after the 6th, 8th. event when they got flamed, and flamed even after the prydwen crash, even when their friends started to leave and seen the community falling appart. Then their friends followed them, then friends of those friends and so on.

DAOC is a good game, and if the community demands a good attitude and good service, GOA should do a good job, since they do that for some non english servers. But it is the community that should work for a long term solution.

Clustering for some more fg fights is destructive, and I feel it will be very hard to make a good solution by GOA and promise anything without knowing their legal and technical limits and trying them. So this time I, who normally posted many stuff against them, can agree with GOA fully.

The question of the topic, should be: "Players, what are your plans for the community, how would you have a living community on dyvet?" Who can do what, and when? Sadly, no active player asked this question yet.

Requiel: I would offer free accounts / expansions to people who are willing to do some good community work. If they send their plans for GOA and they look useful build on them, and free months are cheaper than spending money on professionals who can do less.

I would have movie, screenshot, wallpaper contest, galleries, etc. and would try to put up many good videos on video sharing networks.

Also in addition to invite a friend option, I would use a banner based system: People who put up the banner (to generate trial keys) could get free days, if any trial user coming from their site becomes a subscriber.

I would offer possible rewards (based on quality) and advertising both for quality guild and fan sites.

I would redo the english community site to be more useful, and would try to make subscribtion pages easier to use.

I would allow buying time codes (for real money) and selling the time-code item to other players (for in game money, like in Eve-Online).

(Unopened temporal scroll: When you use it, becomes opened. Opened temporal scroll: when you use it displays a time code that works like game cards in other games)

I would allow buying "gift" subscribtions / expansions for your old mates (specify a character name, email addy, etc) to invite them back to daoc. (for subscribers only, from your subscribtion screen)

I would rebuild the volunteer teams by adding people who are willing to run events for newbies, and have some events in store, if players have to start on a new place for any reason (maintenance, etc).

Since people can buy ML steps, etc. for BPs, etc. I would like to see, ways to make these raids more fun (if you can turn them a bit harder, and if you can run 1/2 events a month with volunteer team). I would also look for a fully PVE way to earn Realm Points, to attract more PVE and Raid people.

I would make a compaign targeting guilds in different games (if they buy 10 subscribtions online at same time, they get 1 expansion, if they buy 20: all expansions, if they buy 30+...) also to allow them to set up chapters in daoc.

Since not many MMORPGs are Vista compatibile, I would try to advertise at stores that sell gaming PCs with Vista as soon as you have the Vista compatibile version from Mythic. And try to build a mini site / forum for Vista / MMORPG compatibility help, and try to look for a good google position, and use it for advertisement (allow people to discuss how to list current games, but make sure, there is a daoc banner on all pages, saying it is the first tested and 100% compatibile, and allow players to go for a trial).

Offer some rewards, who can prove they brought daoc to "knights" and other people who are into history, roleplaying, etc. and try to attend events. (I would start an RP and a Cooperative server when you can afford)

Flood newspapers, TV shows, etc. by information about DAOC, not neccesarily under your name. (if you turn in well, even bad publicity is publicity and used in a marketing campaign)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Lets wait and see what happens:

Lets stop flogging the server like it's a dead dog I mean FFS if it was the RSPCA would help out surely?



Imo the servers going the way of the DODO, anyone got the number for WWF?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Not only FH, but the whole community.

Sadly, in this community: If some people had problems in / with the game, many people flamed the player and almost noone helped. With this, noone seen the community as helpful. It is a major reason against the game. I still don't see it changed. People see and feel the same attitude. It would be almost the same on a GOA run forum, but a GOA run forum would have other advantages in communication.

Roll a first level character, and try to ask around in the game, look advice according to the ways listed in the game, and act as a newbie, who want to enjoy the game, including leveling, exploring, etc. and see how far you can get with that approach.

The people who ruined the community are slowly leaving the sinking ship, and looking for a new community to destroy, and it is quite sad. And what is even more sad that there are almost no good community leaders who try to make the dyvet community better, and try to make sure they do the best to keep and attract new players. A lot of it depends on players, and while I realy don't like GOA for many reasons, I think in this case, it is out of their control. And the level of service where it is bad, is bad, because this kind of community demands / demanded a bad service.

Never seen, any of the people who left for Avalon, US, etc. saying: "Ok, maybe we would have more fun with the people we made leave with our attitude, we should try a different approach either on a new place or when trying to get people back to our community."

old.Whoodoo is one of the people, who was among first to flame any player with a problem, said the community and the service is great, and better than elsewhere, and everyone who states otherwise is a moron / liar when I seen such topics. Now he moved to greener grass, but he never thought about why it is greener on the other side, why the community of the PLAYERS are better elsewhere.

Many people want to enjoy the benefit, and not many tried to do anything for it. As litle as: Making wallpapers, fan art, fan fiction, etc. can help, but sadly, many of the helpfull people, the good friends left, after the 6th, 8th. event when they got flamed, and flamed even after the prydwen crash, even when their friends started to leave and seen the community falling appart. Then their friends followed them, then friends of those friends and so on.

DAOC is a good game, and if the community demands a good attitude and good service, GOA should do a good job, since they do that for some non english servers. But it is the community that should work for a long term solution.

Clustering for some more fg fights is destructive, and I feel it will be very hard to make a good solution by GOA and promise anything without knowing their legal and technical limits and trying them. So this time I, who normally posted many stuff against them, can agree with GOA fully.

The question of the topic, should be: "Players, what are your plans for the community, how would you have a living community on dyvet?" Who can do what, and when? Sadly, no active player asked this question yet.

Requiel: I would offer free accounts / expansions to people who are willing to do some good community work. If they send their plans for GOA and they look useful build on them, and free months are cheaper than spending money on professionals who can do less.

I would have movie, screenshot, wallpaper contest, galleries, etc. and would try to put up many good videos on video sharing networks.

Also in addition to invite a friend option, I would use a banner based system: People who put up the banner (to generate trial keys) could get free days, if any trial user coming from their site becomes a subscriber.

I would offer possible rewards (based on quality) and advertising both for quality guild and fan sites.

I would redo the english community site to be more useful, and would try to make subscribtion pages easier to use.

I would allow buying time codes (for real money) and selling the time-code item to other players (for in game money, like in Eve-Online).

(Unopened temporal scroll: When you use it, becomes opened. Opened temporal scroll: when you use it displays a time code that works like game cards in other games)

I would allow buying "gift" subscribtions / expansions for your old mates (specify a character name, email addy, etc) to invite them back to daoc. (for subscribers only, from your subscribtion screen)

I would rebuild the volunteer teams by adding people who are willing to run events for newbies, and have some events in store, if players have to start on a new place for any reason (maintenance, etc).

Since people can buy ML steps, etc. for BPs, etc. I would like to see, ways to make these raids more fun (if you can turn them a bit harder, and if you can run 1/2 events a month with volunteer team). I would also look for a fully PVE way to earn Realm Points, to attract more PVE and Raid people.

I would make a compaign targeting guilds in different games (if they buy 10 subscribtions online at same time, they get 1 expansion, if they buy 20: all expansions, if they buy 30+...) also to allow them to set up chapters in daoc.

Since not many MMORPGs are Vista compatibile, I would try to advertise at stores that sell gaming PCs with Vista as soon as you have the Vista compatibile version from Mythic. And try to build a mini site / forum for Vista / MMORPG compatibility help, and try to look for a good google position, and use it for advertisement (allow people to discuss how to list current games, but make sure, there is a daoc banner on all pages, saying it is the first tested and 100% compatibile, and allow players to go for a trial).

Offer some rewards, who can prove they brought daoc to "knights" and other people who are into history, roleplaying, etc. and try to attend events. (I would start an RP and a Cooperative server when you can afford)

Flood newspapers, TV shows, etc. by information about DAOC, not neccesarily under your name. (if you turn in well, even bad publicity is publicity and used in a marketing campaign)

erm yes...it all makes sense now.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
FH destroyed Daoc Uk Cluster, okay now i really read em all xD
Ofc it's not the shit attitude of some part of the playerbase, nor the fuckups of the English Team that did it. K folks LOL


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Certainly... a negative vibe in the community is bad for the game..

But an incompetent staff at GoA hurts alot worse.

Poor Warhammer EU. :(


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
FH destroyed Daoc Uk Cluster, okay now i really read em all xD
Ofc it's not the shit attitude of some part of the playerbase, nor the fuckups of the English Team that did it. K folks LOL

Yer right in that it's not the forum's fault (it would have happened anywhere I imagine) but the amount of crap posted on here by people over the years has hardly helped matters.

Shit attitude of some part of the playerbase sums it up perfectly :) though I imagine you and I are talking about different parts...

Moaning Myrtle

Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
The English cluster has died as a result of a number of issues, not any one issue. Some of you are so incredibly bitter, and that reads as plain as day in your posts.

From my perspective, the Cluster is in it's current state because:

1. ToA - This expansion forced a lot of people back into a long period of PVE in order to remain competitive. The casual gamers just gave up, it was far too much effort. Because of restrictions on artifact respawns and the sudden inflation in the market of items, greed became evident; people stealing artifacts etc.

2. Server Issues - The corrupted Prydwen DB forced a further exodus. GoA handled the issue poorly and the complaints of people still waiting for their issues to be dealt with months afterwards really was a disgrace.

3. WoW - Other games were released to the market that grasped the players attention. Some returned, others did not.

4. Marketing - This is the area of the game where GoA have really fallen flat IMHO. Their marketing is absolutely dire. They spend money on advertising in the month a new expansion is released then never again. Because of this, no new players start playing to replace those lost through wastage. This is completely unsustainable.

5. Low Population - This speaks for itself and is a vicious loop. As the population continues to fall, people look elsewhere for numbers. Whether that's other EU servers or in the US.

6. Player Apathy - Evident on these boards. The players that are left poison what remains of the player base with petty arguments and squabbles, further reducing the numbers of active players.

I've played DAoC on the UK Cluster for 6 years now, when I started I can recall there being 3000 players each evening on Excalibur alone. To see the cluster in such a pathetic state is dreadful :(


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
I used to feel the same, then my entire guild uprooted to US. 7 weeks on we have 1 x RR7, 5 x RR6, several RR5s, loads of ML10s and are having more fun than we have in 2+ years.

I thought I would never say this, but the grass is greener, which is a damn shame. I do wish GOA would find some way to entice people back, but even 50x RPs or insta 50s wouldnt cut the mustard. Sadly also googling for opinions brings people here, and tbh who would want to play with the current threads in the general section, or even worse the RvR bit?

fuckme!!!!:eek2: you have changed your tone!!! the amount of flames you used to give out when people even DARED saying that .....


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
fully PVE way to earn Realm Points

Play a coop server!

That argument had some nice ideas for advertising but its too late. Just give it up!

As Woodoo said, the grass IS greener, why flog a dead horse?


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Yer right in that it's not the forum's fault (it would have happened anywhere I imagine) but the amount of crap posted on here by people over the years has hardly helped matters.

Shit attitude of some part of the playerbase sums it up perfectly :) though I imagine you and I are talking about different parts...

Is not like that other Game "Community" Forums are less filled of shit flying all over Flim. As for the different views: well ofc, as usual i'd add also ;) Ya know they say the world is good cause there are different point of views oO
I might also add that doesn't seem that, since we "bad apples" moved the Cluster is in a better shape, but ofc it's my opinion ^^


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Is not like that other Game "Community" Forums are less filled of shit flying all over Flim. As for the different views: well ofc, as usual i'd add also ;) Ya know they say the world is good cause there are different point of views oO
I might also add that doesn't seem that, since we "bad apples" moved the Cluster is in a better shape, but ofc it's my opinion ^^

This is becoming like the suituation at Leeds UTD a few years back! A sort of whodunnit of DAOC

The finger pointing will always take place as the 8mans will blame the casuals for not sticking with it and the casuals pointing at the elitism. Then you have Vladamir pointing at everyone, but that is because he gets sexually excited far too easily :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thadius: While I left DAOC EU, I have DAOC US, even if I very rarely play, but I play on the cooperative server then. BUT(!) if GOA wants to save dyvet they should be able to attract PVE people (old players, players of other games, etc) to dyvet and they should try to make sure people who want to RvR and their friends who want to PVE can play in same community, preferably on dyvet. This is why I looked for this way.

Also with the recent and not so recent changes (ML credit purchase with BP, missions in rvr, etc) it looks like they are trying to make PVP and PVE as alternatives of each other already, for a good reason: You don't want to force PVP people to do PVE again, but you want to give new content to PVE people. You don't want to force low RR PVE people to figt against high RRs to get the most important RAs, and in my experience this effort helps DAOC.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
1. ToA - This expansion forced a lot of people back into a long period of PVE in order to remain competitive. The casual gamers just gave up, it was far too much effort. Because of restrictions on artifact respawns and the sudden inflation in the market of items, greed became evident; people stealing artifacts etc.
6. Player Apathy - Evident on these boards. The players that are left poison what remains of the player base with petty arguments and squabbles, further reducing the numbers of active players.
While I mostly agree with you, these two opinions I can't agree with.

1st: If you are a casual player, you know that you spend less time in the game, will have lower RR, in many cases lower levels, so you can't be competitive, TOA and other PVE content, gives casual players some goals that can be reached in a non competitive manner, and makes the difference in RP, etc. less visible.

But it makes the game longer, and can make it intimidating (TOA wasn't enough for that, in fact it attracted new players), if they don't change how leveling works, and don't make it longer. TOA had another effect: Too many "PL" and arti leveling groups destroyed majority the normal xp groups, which was a hard hit.

And it scared away some of the community. Why? Because some people who came from more "PVP" games (shooters, etc) were unhappy with PVE and for people who came from roleplaying games, it was simply unrelated to the story, which hurts the feel of the game. TOA was introduced in a bad way. Same can be said about a few other expansions.

6th: About Player Apathy: When people wanted to enjoy the game with more friend, helped new friend, formed a community it was good, and while daoc had good amount of community building tools, it was too competitive.

The core of RVR and making a realm level community looks like an attempt to make PVP "Intergrate" the playerbase in big and helpful (for new people) communities, that welcome and need new member, instead dividing people with PVP. Yet, the actual implementation of it was far from flawless, and soon the players started to look for competition instead of cooperation.

You say casuals lost ability to compete with TOA, I said, some new and casual players lost good amount of chances for cooperation before. But TOA which tried to force cooperations with big raids, and looked like an urgent fix on the problem failed misserably, since Mythic underestimated the competitive nature and the greed of many players. Apathy and the current disputes are dirrect results of this.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Thadius: While I left DAOC EU, I have DAOC US, even if I very rarely play, but I play on the cooperative server then. BUT(!) if GOA wants to save dyvet they should be able to attract PVE people (old players, players of other games, etc) to dyvet and they should try to make sure people who want to RvR and their friends who want to PVE can play in same community, preferably on dyvet. This is why I looked for this way.

Also with the recent and not so recent changes (ML credit purchase with BP, missions in rvr, etc) it looks like they are trying to make PVP and PVE as alternatives of each other already, for a good reason: You don't want to force PVP people to do PVE again, but you want to give new content to PVE people. You don't want to force low RR PVE people to figt against high RRs to get the most important RAs, and in my experience this effort helps DAOC.

Wake up and smell the coffee. Dyvet will never change. Why? Because DAOC is old. Sorry to admit it, but it is. People that have left have moved on with thier lives, hell, most have given up on the who mmorpg thing. Mythic implement these changes because they are trying to make it so the remaining lot STAY in preparation for War. Read somewhere they are gonna offer DAOCers the chance to play one of the Beta stages, another incentive(sp?) to stay.

Why should I come back to a server where all the people ARE THE SAME as they were 2-3 years ago? Usually playing same chars and in the same guilds. I was up for quitting mmorpgs for good till i found out about the US servers. They brought a new lease of life to the game for me, new enemies to fight, new people to fight with. Im sure Avalon is the same for most people, hence thats why they go there. Dyvet is what, down to 200 people at Primetime?

Come back, run around a empty frontier and log after 2 hours with no fights. Sure thats worth it. The only way Dyvet would work is if EVERYONE from the US and Avalon came back, not including the countless others who switched to WoW. But that isnt going to happen. Like ive said, people have moved on. Admit it, look back on that server with fond memories but I have to admit it, Prydwen is dead. A lot of fond memories there, im sure if i came back id be bored as I could never relive those memories due to players that i dragon raided with(Talsar, Amanita, Dying) have all gone. My ex guilds have gone too(Griffon Knights and Rigante) as well as the people I used to rvr with (Mactavish, Alaron). I miss my characters on Albion yes, but now its just as easy to get a level 50 kitted out and rvring, no matter what server(classic or toa)

As for your pve suggestion, i think thats why Mythic added the assination missions. Of course they are not as good rps as normal rvr but what do you expect for killing a yellow mob? Hell, you could go kill guards if you wanted to.

Id rather Dyvet be laid to rest before i have to hear of its sad demise with one guy and his bb(a certain sorc by any chance? ;) ) running all over and not getting his garliccy mitts on any rps. Its already sad to see people begging for others to return, in the hope it might all work out.

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