Omglol! Finally!



I think Purge for 2 points is a big mistake. let them buy it for 2 points less then everybody else instead...


the age of mages dominating is slowly coming to an end (if they don't get boosted terrible to come "on par with recent tank love"
in 1.53 b/c/d/e/f/g/...)

The gimps have suffered enough (except the overpowered albs offcourse </obligatory pseudo flame>) , it's time they nerf the hell out of mages (let spellcrafting be only the beginning muhahahah *evil laughter*) and give us meatshields a reason to play except bashing doors to get casters their power relics and take damage for them in pve.


Can't wait the patch.... maybe the albs hibs will target the people close to them, rather than the guy in black n' yellow churning out hammers

Wish CON would be secondary stat instead of Piety for thanes

Well, I would if we could actually get close to classes wihtout being mezzed, stunned, slammed and whatnot

Maybe giving tanks some resists as they level, rather than nerfing everyone would solve a lot of problems


I sense that a few of my remarks were lost on you, Arnor...
I am fed up of people listing minstrel abilities and stating "look, minstrels can do aaallllll this: bla blah blah" and saying we're overpowered.
I was comparing that to saying that thane is a heavy tank with self-buffs and uber nukes.
It was S A R C A S M..
Xandax, clearly you aren't listening to me and never will. I don't want it all. I don't want charm, I don't want AEmezz, i don't want cure mezz, for fuck's sake i don't particularly care if you removed my chain armor if you actually gave me some ROGUE ABILITIES, such as, hmmm, decent spec points, the ability to do some damage and maybe more than evade2?


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Xandax, clearly you aren't listening to me and never will. I don't want it all. I don't want charm, I don't want AEmezz, i don't want cure mezz, for fuck's sake i don't particularly care if you removed my chain armor if you actually gave me some ROGUE ABILITIES, such as, hmmm, decent spec points, the ability to do some damage and maybe more than evade2?

ehhhh - excuse me for asking .... but why do you play a minstrel then?
Sounds like an infil. is more to your likeing?
You ask for spec points - infil. has x2.5
You ask for some damage - infils. certainly have that.
more then evade 2 - infil.s have that.

Sorry if I am ticking you off, by "not listening" to you, it is not intentionally (this time around :D ) :)
(still the first couple of posts weren't directed at you, you just jumped in, but at the mass of whining "gimpstrels" that *do* what it all, that want their charm and run song while stealth, nuking range/damage on their shouts, yadda yadda yadda )


Fellow casters, grab your ankles and prepare the vaseline!



Originally posted by old.Xarr
These would be namely the Warrior and Thane of midgard.

I'd have to agree 100%. I love my warrior and in the RvR I have been involved in, my warrior has been very successful.

I still think in RvR terms pure melee classes have very very little chance without an extremely good group to back them up. The only real I have available in RvR is Provoke. It does average damage and doesn't require an opening style. Most other styles require me to block or parry.

I'm parry specced at the moment. I have never once parried in RvR, so have never once been able to use my only half useful parry style (lambast) at the moment. My parry is at 54 at the moment (44 +10). Once I get my shield spec up to 42 I'll get my other decent RvR style in slam. Granted it's a damn damn nice stun, but it still requires me to get up close and personal to use, which is very difficult when you're rooted/ mezzed to the spot.

Which brings me nicely to the point of some casters moaning about the purge ability. All I can do is apologise profoundly for actually having a chance to defend myself once every 30 minutes, rather than stand there like a mime artist. Purge is a great ability, but at the end of the day, when we purge, you have a chance to run (I've seen snails run faster than warriors) away and try again. I don't have that chance as ALL my combat has to be up close and personal.

Hats off to mythic. I made my bed when I rolled my character, I shall lie in it, but thank you for removing a few of those shards of glass sticking out from the matress.

I can't see how anyone of ANY class can moan about thee changes. It's a step forwards for pure melee classes and can only lead to good things for the hybrid melee classes in the future. If you think these changes are somehow unfair, then by all means PLEASE roll a warrior/ zerker or the alb/ hib equivilents and see just what high level RvR is like when you can't do anything but a few close range styles :)


Please, accept my apologies. I helped level and used to regularly play my friend's lvl50 R5 minstrel on Guinevere; whenever I get defensive about minstrels, I can't help but consider the situation as it is in upcoming patches, rather than as it is now. And believe me, it's a lot worse in 1.51/2, though even then i won't claim minstrel isn't frequently a bundle of fun and a perfectly viable RvR class.
I just... Ah, I dunno. I just react - overreact, i must probably admit - when people complain my class is overpowered. We're not overpowered. We have huge potential when used by a really expert player (which i make no claim to being - lag! crap computer! excuses 0wn me) but we are NOT overpowered!
anyhow, doubt there's much more for me to say, so... ithankyou, goodbye


Fellow casters, grab your ankles and prepare the vaseline!

MUahahah, and you sorely need it!

Tanks: aim for penetration

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