Omglol! Finally!



The following changes to realm abilities for Armsmen, Mercenaries, Heroes, Blademasters, Warriors and Berserkers have been made:

- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Ignore Pain to 8 points.

- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Determination to 1/2/3/6/10 points.

- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Purge for these classes to 2 points.

- Added new passive Realm Ability "Prevent Flight" When active, if the tank's selected target turns and runs, the tank has a 35% chance of hitting and proccing a 50% snare for 10 seconds. Cost: 14 points.

- Added a new realm ability called "Charge", learned by Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers only. To charge, the tank selects an enemy, and initiates this ability. When active, the tank sprints at full sprint speed, with no endurance loss, for 10 seconds towards the target. If he breaks off, or changes target, or the 10 seconds expires, the tank goes back to normal running speed. Can be used every 5 minutes. Cost: 5 points.

All of these primary melee tanks will be able to respec their Realm abilities to take advantage of these changes.

Casters: Im sorry, looks like you got shafted ey?
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I like the idea of that Charge ability.

Someone in Mythic has definately been earning their pay lately.


not really any good changes... sure the reduced cost on the realm abilities is nice.

Charge, full sprint speed? for 10 secs? how is he gonna catch anything with that?

Prevent Flight... on a timer?


Oh jeez, chill out, you're getting something, cheer up!!


Originally posted by Jexa
Oh jeez, chill out, you're getting something, cheer up!!


In order to make everyday life in RvR more fun and compelling for primary melee characters, we've made some updates to the Realm Ability system. These changes and updates are focused on the RvR capabilities of these classes, hence the use of the Realm Ability system to implement the changes.

The intent of the changes is to make primary melee classes (i.e. those melee classes that do not have spells) able to close with their enemies better, and to be able to have the chance of preventing their enemies from escaping once they have closed with them.

The following changes to realm abilities for Armsmen, Mercenaries, Heroes, Blademasters, Warriors and Berserkers have been made:

- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Ignore Pain to 8 points.

- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Determination to 1/2/3/6/10 points.

- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Purge for these classes to 2 points.

- Added new passive Realm Ability "Prevent Flight" When active, if the tank's selected target turns and runs, the tank has a 35% chance of hitting and proccing a 50% snare for 10 seconds. Cost: 14 points.

- Added a new realm ability called "Charge", learned by Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers only. To charge, the tank selects an enemy, and initiates this ability. When active, the tank sprints at full sprint speed, with no endurance loss, for 10 seconds towards the target. If he breaks off, or changes target, or the 10 seconds expires, the tank goes back to normal running speed. Can be used every 5 minutes. Cost: 5 points.

All of these primary melee tanks will be able to respec their Realm abilities to take advantage of these changes.

Please note that this addresses only pure melee classes - we are next looking at some of the hybrid tank classes, especially the Paladin. There is a possibility that Paladins will end up with some of these same changes, but we're going to evaluate their chants first."

thats the fecking 'melee patch', reduced cost on some realm abilities and 2 new abilities... second 'melee patch' thats not a melee patch :p god i hate mythic.


thats the fecking 'melee patch', reduced cost on some realm abilities and 2 new abilities... second 'melee patch' thats not a melee patch :p god i hate mythic.

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

If u hate em so much, quit. save us of your nagging and whining, for once recognize them for doing something good to a neglected area.


Originally posted by old.Arnor

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

If u hate em so much, quit. save us of your nagging and whining, for once recognize them for doing something good to a neglected area.

nah, i like my inf :p

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by old.Pepsay

thats the fecking 'melee patch', reduced cost on some realm abilities and 2 new abilities... second 'melee patch' thats not a melee patch :p god i hate mythic.
THIS IS JUST a YOU *****, more is on the way :p


some much needed abilites for the tanks :)

old.Pepsay: kthxbye~

Orin Askhammare

So my Thane isn't a tank? Oh wait yes, I'm a caster :eek:


Originally posted by Orin Askhammare
So my Thane isn't a tank? Oh wait yes, I'm a caster :eek:

Damn right, but they still need to fix your armor - tis not cloth :)


Pepsay 3x Hero
Marlex 1x Enchanter

Pepsay 2x Armsman
Fearvlatcha 2x Infiltrator
Malex 1x Friar

Wow, with those HIGH level tanks you must know all about RvR................... lol.


Yeah, I'm sorry to see that the thanes still gets shafted by mythic, but youll get your loving, just you wait :)


Originally posted by Orin Askhammare
So my Thane isn't a tank? Oh wait yes, I'm a caster :eek:

next patch. us tincans first :p :clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by _Cask_
I like the idea of that Charge ability.

Someone in Mythic has definately been earning their pay lately.

Actually Zauron has been askin for that for months and months (the ex-merc team lead)


Originally posted by Chenuba
Not doing anything for pallys ?????

I think the reluctance to drop realm abilities on paladins from on high might indicate they're doin something with chants.....


how precisely does a passive RA have an effect when active? (referring the snare proc thing for heavy tanks)

Oh, and please explain how this is of any use?
Charge: had it been faster than sprint, on a less-than-5min timer, and made you immune to CC during those 10 seconds, it might possibly have been useful. As it is, uh.... helllooooo Mythic, about that crowd control thing....
And why only light tanks? Surely all tanks need this just as much...
/em Really, really laughs.
And if ignore pain is reduced in cost, why not speed of sound? Now there's an RA with a real potential to change the face of RvR a bit, if it was slightly cheaper all minstrels would have it and then we'd at least get through the AMG at least once every 30mins ;)

this.... compensates for hib/mid AEinstaCC spells? Nah, i think not. These changes change jack.
Nice of mythic to make a token effort.
Oh, and btw, I'm not whining BECAUSE I'm a tank - i'm whining because this doesn't help them either.


Originally posted by orm-
Pepsay 3x Hero
Marlex 1x Enchanter

Pepsay 2x Armsman
Fearvlatcha 2x Infiltrator
Malex 1x Friar

Wow, with those HIGH level tanks you must know all about RvR................... lol.

well going by your theory I know sod all about rvr too. how wrong are you. I've been playing since game release and I think I know the game and RVR extremely well now. someone's level in game is not necessarily their level of knowledge.


well you can't deny Inqy that a sub-lvl40 tank has a great deal fewer abilities, both due to not having hit the real high spec-point 'income' levels and due to not having the RP's for more than a couple of cheap RA's.


Originally posted by old.Arnor

Casters: Im sorry, looks like you got shafted ey?

No no... the stun/nuke hib casters are still absolutely fine, Arnor. 10secs of sprint isn't going to somehow save you from being stunned, or even just nuked to dust before you get in melee range.
Maybe ALL having determination 3 will defend you from albion's sorcs (all 3 of them) but, erm.... sprint?
I'm sure the casters are quivering in their boots

edit: in fact, i can't think of a single caster that gets shafted by this, except maybe pac healers without high enough spec for the instas, and sorcs. Oh, and any (brain-dead) bard that doesn't spec for the AEinstamezz line they get next patch (1.51)


Phnaargos Resident

Charge, full sprint speed? for 10 secs? how is he gonna catch anything with that?

10 Seconds of sprint at no endurance cost means your oponent wont have any end to fight you if you catch him, and he aint getting away unless he has speed :)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
well you can't deny Inqy that a sub-lvl40 tank has a great deal fewer abilities, both due to not having hit the real high spec-point 'income' levels and due to not having the RP's for more than a couple of cheap RA's.

aye. if I had played perhaps a couple of classes I may have 2 maybe 3 level 50 chars now. But I chose to play as many different classes as possible. I've re-rolled so many times I've lost count. This week for example I deleted my lvl24 hunter and my lvl21 Runemaster to create a skald & sb.

I enjoy the class variation in games like this and I'm still on the search for my favourite class. However I have seen RvR and been involved in it. I've been on keep raids as a tank/caster/support/stealth class.

I've seen RvR from many different ways. It's so different for each class. And from extensive over-examining of character planners (and playing many chars), I've got a pretty good idea of how to spec any class (hibernia or midgard) and what I will gain for doing this. (not alb tho unforunately as I can't :[ )

It must be said the majority of spell/styles are just better versions of earlier spells anyway. So apart from the NEED to be level 50 to not be ganked, RvR is pretty much similar no matter what level you are.


Landshark: every tank will have purge and det 2... and ignore pain...

well every tank with 13 realm points to spend :)

every tank with 2 points will have purge...
I'm just worried about quickbar space ;)


Originally posted by Orin Askhammare
So my Thane isn't a tank? Oh wait yes, I'm a caster :eek:

Thanes are not tanks, we are only trucks.

All we seem good for, is carrying stuff due to our self-str. buff.
But on the plus side, we can carry a ram alone - I really like this when an assassians backstabs me or a casters nukes me, I just put up the ram, and wammo, they run away (not)


hrm that'd be handy for relic raids tho ;)

Can you carry a catapult? :) that'd be funny


Originally posted by orm-
Pepsay 3x Hero
Marlex 1x Enchanter

Pepsay 2x Armsman
Fearvlatcha 2x Infiltrator
Malex 1x Friar

Wow, with those HIGH level tanks you must know all about RvR................... lol.

where did i say that i knew all about rvr?

oh and sorry, i forgot im still not +40 so i have nothing to say about anything, right?


Originally posted by Orin Askhammare
So my Thane isn't a tank? Oh wait yes, I'm a caster :eek:
Hey it could be worse - I'm a Support Rogue™! I get to support the group with my speed song... and I get the crap damage of a rogue, woohoo! And my "fix" this patch? Ethereal Bond, a completely useless RA. Thanks Mythic!
<goes off to roll an inf>

Orin Askhammare

At least in group RvR you can stealth when combat begins and possibly survive long enough to receive some rps ;)

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