omg at mid/pryd



Originally posted by -mk-

you say you only care about your own fun and blame other people for their ignorance? :m00:

Try again i say :rolleyes:

How are the two things related?

I use a buffbot for my own enjoyment and don't care whether people think it's wrong or not. For this I cannot make a judgement and call someone ignorant?

Well thought out comment. GG


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

How are the two things related?

I use a buffbot for my own enjoyment and don't care whether people think it's wrong or not. For this I cannot make a judgement and call someone ignorant?

Well thought out comment. GG

so you're not ignorant after all? :clap:

if you want to throw stones, move out of your glass house

and on topic it's just a matter of time until mythic puts timers/range restrictions on buffs


Originally posted by -mk-

so you're not ignorant after all? :clap:

if you want to throw stones, move out of your glass house

and on topic it's just a matter of time until mythic puts timers/range restrictions on buffs

I don't care whether people think it's wrong or not so I can't call them ignorant when they make silly, illinformed comments?

C'mon...That doesn't make sense either. You can do better then that, surely?


i could, but you annoy me :eek:

where's the point in arguing if you can't/don't want to understand what i'm saying? :m00:


Originally posted by -mk-

so you're not ignorant after all? :clap:

if you want to throw stones, move out of your glass house

and on topic it's just a matter of time until mythic puts timers/range restrictions on buffs

ig·no·rant ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gnr-nt)
Lacking education or knowledge.
Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge: an ignorant mistake.
Unaware or uninformed.

Perhaps you are ignorant of the definition?

There you go, now perhaps you can start using it correctly.

For lacking apathy for others, Dook is selfish, not ignorant that other people don't like buffbots.

And if you don't play the game for your own enjoyment, why play? Go feed some starving kids in Africa or something if you're so selfless.


Originally posted by -mk-
i could, but you annoy me :eek:

where's the point in arguing if you can't/don't want to understand what i'm saying? :m00:

I understand what you're TRYING to say. The problem is, it's completely irrellevant and doesn't make much sense.


my bad, mixed german and english use of the word ignorant

but i'm too tired now to correct it :eek:


Wow, that's odd, I looked it up in a German-English translator, and it spits the same word back in a different tense.

Trying to hide behind the crutch of two languages?



ok, here we go:

igno|rie|ren [lat. ignorare = nicht wissen (wollen)] -
absichtlich übersehen, übergehen, nicht beachten

translation: to ignore; to disregard; not to give a sh*t about s.o.

now happy? :m00:

And still buffbots are teh suXx


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

I don't think buffbots are wrong, I own a buffbot. I do so to make the game more enjoyable and playable FOR ME.
why not go play doom II with god mode on? then you have no chance at all of dying much funner if your not after a challenge :)


Originally posted by old.Patrick-S

why not go play doom II with god mode on? then you have no chance at all of dying much funner if your not after a challenge :)

Having a buffbot is not 'Godmode'. Doom II is not an MMORPG. I find DAoC enjoyable and buffbots are a legal way of improving your character.

Now I'm being told I should play another game because I use a buffbot? Geez...


i never said it was but thought if you want to win at any costs might make more sense than shelling out the extra money ;)


I've got a second account just for a bot, but now getting him to lvl 37 and had him out running in the frontier i've started to enjoy him like a "real char" might just go cave. Dunno have not decided yet. Might make another shaman for this. Just spec aug to lvl 40 and respec, when doin the pl. :)


Buffbot user are lame. I honestly think that. It's a cheap way of getting the upper edge on "honest" players and to some extent ruin their game experience. I hope Mythic puts a stop to it, but that's not very likely to happen.

However, I have recently started to accept out-of-group druid buffs when soloing or grouped with other stealthers. Why? Cause I've grown tired of being ganked by uberbuffed assassins. That makes me as lame as the buffbot user themselves, I know. Kinda sad I must say..


Originally posted by revminster
Cause I've grown tired of being ganked by uberbuffed assassins. That makes me as lame as the buffbot user themselves, I know. Kinda sad I must say..
Thats the reason i got the second account. But with the state of rvr well running solo is not an option for a none stealther.


Originally posted by revminster
Buffbot user are lame.

no being killed by stealthed buffbot users is lame... my hunter has almost 0% chance of killing any buffed stealther and about 10% nonbuffed-but unbuffed assasin?! do they exisist?

Have as many buff botts as you want it suits me better, means there maybe some buffs arround for me. Im never going to get a buffbot so im never going to be 1337. I only wish people would share out a few of there buffs :) i mean endregen anyone passing you etc?

Dooks right tho people play this game (99% of people) for their own personal satisfaction, be it nuking the shit outta people or healing others. sure it sucks sometimes but with the power of stealthed classes and the "fun" u have RvRing then why really make anything but these leather clad freaks these days? (buffed to the teeth, naturally)


Originally posted by mid_Efour

no being killed by stealthed buffbot users is lame... my hunter has almost 0% chance of killing any buffed stealther and about 10% nonbuffed-but unbuffed assasin?! do they exisist?

There's unbuffed Stealthers in Odin's Gate most of the time ... too bad that the buff-gimps found out about it me thinks (oooh! easy prey) :(


i never use a buffbot for my infi and never will..i admit to using alchemy potion buffs..but thats what they`re for

i came face to face with Emma yesterday she hit me for 300 and 100 with second weapon i hit her for 80 and 50 with second chance at all

buffbots spoil the game for more people than they benefit and need to be stamped out..if you want to be uber and own everyone go play C&C
don`t spoil it for those of us who wish to use skill and ability rather than uber buffs to play the game with


Point being ?
I saw dioz at apk yesterday
I got three shots off before he was on me.
Got slammed, purged, he blocks almost everything and evades the rest, i used ip and fa, he lost 20-30% of his health...

So I will not go out unbuffed if I can help it.
If buffed I would come across an unbuffed player, he will probably suffer teh same fate as I did ( except an overpowered infil ) and he will make a bot too etc etc.
Point being dont whine at people who use the system, whine at the system or its creators who allow this ( and know it happens a lot ) but dont expect a solution.


Hehe, had a good laugh at all the silly comments in this thread, which really make no sense. As most of you probably know I also have a buff-bot (in epic even!!!) and will continue to use it as long as I play daoc. Or actually, after reading all these whines I'm gonna delete it and cancel my account....yeah right:kissit:
I could give tons of reasons why these buff-bot moans don't make any sense, but because I'm lazy and don't own a type-bot (yet) I'm gonna keep it short.
* First of all, I've seen a lot of posts by people who are never shy to pm you to ask for some buffs, and then come bitch about it here....which is quite hypocritical if you ask me.
* Buffs are a game feature, where someone gets them is completely irrelevant. What you guys are saying about the ones sitting inside a pk makes no sense. So if my shaman would be played by someone else it would be fine? If so, then from now on my shaman will be played by my little brother, but he's always afk.
Hope you feel better now:moon:
* Agreed, it isn't really fair in a 1 on 1 fight against an unbuffed opponent, but then again, as good as no encounters in daoc are completely fair, are they. There's the issue of RA's (your opponent could have way more rp so more ra's...). Come to think of it, there's also the lag issue. If your opponent has a much better pc/internet connection, the game will be running a lot smoother for him, while you are suffering lag. Not that fair either then?
Not to mention the fact that less than 2% of my fights in daoc are 1 on 1 anyway.

Why whine about this, when this game has a lot of issues which are way more important but yet don't get any attention? For instance, I've noticed that a lot of people are bug-exploiting lately, more precisely by doing the lag-warp thing when mezzed/stunned/rooted. These are the real cheaters, so stop the bitching and move on.

P.S.: I've added every Mid with anti buffbot posts to Tormax personal blacklist!!!!!!! :eek6: :eek2:


Hehe Eynar, I could name 4 Mids in this post who are 'against' buffbots but have personally PM'd me for buffs :p

Anyway, 100% agree with Eynar's post.

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