Ok, were you a n00b?

  • Thread starter old.shotgunstow
  • Start date


Originally posted by mestoph
Now the question is, how many of you lot can actually use the excuse of: This was my first online game. After playing online since 1986 with Muds (I even remember Lars as a person on the first Lpmuds). I learnt to read everything i could get my hands on quickly. With muds, it was BBS' to find info before i spent ages wasting time on a non-near-perfect char. With being in the UK the games generally release after there US counter parts and therefore you have plenty of time to read up on stuff posted to the US boards on play styles and game mech's. I never intend to gimp a char, unless its on a roleplay server and its for a reason.

I tried eq for 2 days whilst waiting for daoc to arrive in the post so this is technically my 'first' mmorpg ;)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
I really don't know how people make such mistakes tbh.... it's all extremely evident if you read what the game tells you, and/or look at the controls menu, and/or RTFM :p
Stuff like casters putting points in qui, or slash minstrels putting points in dex/qui/cha (hrmngh) is understandable... but I fail to see how anyone would work out that their pyromaniac nuk0r needed high empathy :p

Well, when you read about the different stats when you make your char all seems pretty good don't they? It doesn't really if you are an armsman piety is useless.

And I remember in the beginning when you couldn't see how the different styles worked. I used to just randomly try them all to see what did the most damage. :)

My beta char was a Merc with + to ALL stats. And he was specced slash and thrust (Though I quickly found out that I couldn't use the thrust style with my weapon.) and also shield and DW.


Originally posted by Arnor

ps: vampire>all for real rpg, feng shui>all for fun ;)

feng shui zzzzzzz
but i agree in Vampire is NICE, but NOTHING beat's AD&D 2nd edition not even D&D 3rd edition which suck's horrible ;)

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