Ok, were you a n00b?

  • Thread starter old.shotgunstow
  • Start date


Well, after playing Everquest for a few months i thought DAOC's characters cud be diverse in what they specced in so i put 5 intel and 5 quickness hoping it wud do something. I am still crying about it even to this day. BTW i have a pally :D


well, i know a lvl 35 2h thrust pally with 28 chants :D thats about as gimpy as i know :p shame really, apart from the spec its not a bad char :eek7:


can't remember what i put points in but it was defiantly str and con fucked up spec though


ok well...

Firstly I didn't put any points into con because I didn't know what it did, and the game didn't highlight it in yellow.

I also split points between earth and ice because they were the only lines available to me - first I put them into ice cos it had the nukes, then I thought "ok well these are pretty decent, lets see what else i can get" - I got nothing.

Also when I started out for the very first time I thought you had to hit the combat button once to make each attack. Suffice to say I didn't do too well.

Oh... and at first I thought all the monsters I came across were "blue" because the name over their head was that colour...


avalonian smite cleric who added 10 to intelligence.....thought clerics were based on intell instead of piety :( Rest I put into dex,con,strength i think

Jarahl Valinor

I was very lucky with my Armsman, I made im almost perfect... My intentions was to create a defencive armsman, so I chose Highlander cus he was strongest, and put 10 str, 10 dex and 10 con... This resultet in a pretty decent blocker, with good hit points and nice dmg as well :) Even my spec ended up okay, 50 slash, 50 shield and 28 parry :) Pretty simple ;) I know Gwidoc Nightshade the Mercenary put 10 points into Inteligence cus he thought that would make him a better crafter :D


yes my old skool theurgist has 10quickness instead of 10dexterity :)

i was actually very lucky, on the first day when i made my character a guy from avalon server who was checking out the english servers showed me how to put styles on the quickbar and make macros etc etc

BUT i didnt discover autorun until level 30 or so :eek:

was a bitch getting anywhere :p


My first char was a fire wiz, with 5 points in int, and rest into qui as i wanted to cast really fast -.-

also dident know i had 2 diffrent bolts , and dident understand how root works ... could barley solo blues :p


First char was bahamut(paladin)
made briton +10 str,dex,con
slashing shield and chants from the begining!!!!



Made two chars when I first signed up :eek:

Blademaster - I put 10pts into qui instead of str :eek:
Enchanter - I put 10 pts into str instead of dex :/


Originally posted by _-Coim-_
well, i know a lvl 35 2h thrust pally with 28 chants :D thats about as gimpy as i know :p shame really, apart from the spec its not a bad char :eek7:

and that would be Trethiel no?


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
ok well...

Firstly I didn't put any points into con because I didn't know what it did, and the game didn't highlight it in yellow.

Me being kind of a hardcore p&p roleplayer, I ALWAYS put +con on my chars, regardless of rpg or game.

ps: vampire>all for real rpg, feng shui>all for fun ;)


yup :p damnit he won't lvl it :( would be a very good char with a bit of a respec :D


I made a lot of chars before i sticked to one
my first char i made (some from Flemish Lions may remember that) was a 2h pally
i lvld a smite/rejuv cleric when others (earth theurg, arms, scout, mincer and prolly a few i forgot) didn't turn out nice :)

i stood in the middle of cotswold spamming heavenly visions spell trying to find out what it did.


if only he would lvl it to 40 for the respec...


I didn’t realize there was a difference between hostile, aggressive, friendly and neutral. So if any wandering mob walked by… no matter how low my health was… I would give him a whack! I figured if I was going to go down, I would go down fighting. No wonder I died, a LOT!

I also did not know how to read the stats on jewelry and simply went by where it says Level 30 Item. So for my arms, I would ditch the lvl 25 + to hits, strength, and polearm to keep the Level 35 items with +’s to instruments, slash blah blah. But but but It was surely a better item no? :p

Once I learned how to do Shift I on them, I still didn’t know their were caps on the stats. I had met Kagato when I was lvl 30ish and he had me strip (naughty man!) and my strength was over capped by 75+ The poor man helped me on dancer so much by listening to my endless questions all the time. (Thanks hon!)

There couldn’t possibly be more huge mistakes could there? Mmm think I was lvl 17 when after much frustration on why I could no longer even kill a green con… I learned that you had to buy back con after a death. That was a pricy day when I learned that one ;)


in beta i already wanted to become a wizard, but when reaching lvl 5 i didnt find the right trainer and just got a sorc....the rest of my beta life i suffered a lot seeing the "real" wizzies throwing their fire nukes and my body spells just had so poor effects...

and and i remember beeing really low lvl and visiting tempest in salisbury plains where he did giants (he was like 10 lvls higher, was a pain in the ass getting to him). i landed a few spells on each giant who was pulled and wondered why the group started flaming me as i had NO idea about leeching :)


think i have 15dex and 10quick on my first norse thane, not that bad... :D


Now the question is, how many of you lot can actually use the excuse of: This was my first online game. After playing online since 1986 with Muds (I even remember Lars as a person on the first Lpmuds). I learnt to read everything i could get my hands on quickly. With muds, it was BBS' to find info before i spent ages wasting time on a non-near-perfect char. With being in the UK the games generally release after there US counter parts and therefore you have plenty of time to read up on stuff posted to the US boards on play styles and game mech's. I never intend to gimp a char, unless its on a roleplay server and its for a reason.


I used about 2 hours finding merc trainer in cam back in the days... also i thought Id pretty much figured it all out when I realized u could press shif + arrow keys to repeat commands... that way I didnt have to type /sit and /stand constantly :p


i hope for your sake you've found the sit button these days ;)

SoulFly Amarok

I put:

5 str
5 con
10 dex
10 qui


50 slash
48 chants
27 shield
xx parry

GO ME! 8]


first time i saw a (enemy)keep in frontier i yelled inc mids ( it was the guards) and i straight ran to the (enemy)keep to hide :)


omg, reading so many things and just nodding going 'yep, that was me too' LOL

Like the autorun thing... I even developed an autorun for myself. My digital camera would just balance on my up arrow if I didn't touch the keyboard at all. It was pretty precarious but it saved me holding down the key all the time lol.

Oh and don't get me started on not knowing how to cast spells. Luckily I learnt how to do this in beta. Even there, I thought being a mage I would bash things to death. Which I did until level 3. Then the blues get a bit more difficult to kill with staff only. And I remember repeatedly trying to kill orange con lions or whatever they are called at lvl 3/4, just because of the fact they dropped a skin which was worth 1 silver to merchants.

And what about restoring con? I had 0 on my sorc (beta char) before I found out about that :) No wonder I died so fast ffs!


I really don't know how people make such mistakes tbh.... it's all extremely evident if you read what the game tells you, and/or look at the controls menu, and/or RTFM :p
Stuff like casters putting points in qui, or slash minstrels putting points in dex/qui/cha (hrmngh) is understandable... but I fail to see how anyone would work out that their pyromaniac nuk0r needed high empathy :p


My first char in beta was a Paladin. An Avalonian. Took me some time to figure out why everyone I met seemed to be so happy and laugh and cheer and everything. I eventually re-rolled him as briton after release.
At lvl 7 (and levelling took quite some time at this stage because I dind´t have a clue about where to go after one spot has run dry of blue con mobs) I decided to make a trip to Cornwall because the name sounded promising and adventurous. Kinda like Marlborough Country. Turned out, that even the frogs there were purple+++++ to me, so I had to go back. Unfortunately I didn´t have enough money for the trip back, so I had to walk. Of course, I didn´t have a clue where to walk to (Holy cow! Albion is a LARGE relam innit!) but hey, there a map in my DAOC box. So I used this tiny map to walk all the way back from Cornwall Station to Lethanis, avoiding wolfs, undead, ogres, slices, dices, chains, jigsaws, my grandma riding on a bike giving me the finger.

At lvl 49 (!), after 12 hours of levelling, I had to solo my last 0,3 bubbles to 50 by killing Telamons in Lyonesse. Almost falling asleep over my keyboard, I asked a random caster for an earthbuff. His reply: "I´m a Sorcerer mate, I dont´give eb´s!" That was my most embarrassing moment in DAOC ever. :)


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I made an armsman .. pushed F6 all the time ... only killed green mobs ... picked up EVERY loot, eventhough it was worth like 2c :)

well, I also made a Avalonian Cleric ... +5 int +10 con +5 dex + 10 str ....

both dead now, THANK GOD ! :)

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