OK, Fess up, what incredibly stupid things have you done in DAOC?



Originally posted by Ardwan
P@nd0ra, probably don't remember me as I haven't posted much since the move to Tcom, and the beta test of DAoC :)

Yes, I remember you..:) HI!
I don't post much there now, but I do post at www.tourmanent.com in the GRTFRC forum.
A lot of the GTF peeps ended up there when the GTF turned sour.


Originally posted by old.Gef

Shh you will give me a bad name .. honest folks i'm the best mob puller in town!

He is.......thats the problem ;)

Gef shouts 'Pullling'... Party cowers in fear, mobs rub their evil little hands ;)


I am of course only joking about Gef......... He is pretty good really :rolleyes: Just not as good as me ;)


A few months back, we were getting together by the Yarleys in Cornwall... There were about 6 in the group, all ~lv30. As it happens, one person goes afk for a coffee, then another, then another... until only two of us were left. After 5mins of waiting, I figured both of us could kill rooters(boars) in the meantime, so I walk away and pull one...

But then, the filthy swine called for help and three of them came! I mean, have you ever seen rooters BAF?!

I don't know what their problem was... but one by one the group came back to their keyboards and were like "what the hell happend!?"...

Definately 'not' a good day ;)


A tale about my guildmate

RVRing in odins gate

Our blademaster runs with his blades out all the time - to stop critical hits from stealther types? (I dunno he thought it did the trick)

We run through the glacier giant and he clicks on it for some god awful reason - god knows why. 6 hits later we're all dead.

The blademaster has since been deleted - a shame cos the memory of Gazzaglitter will live on. :D

Most stupid thing I did - I think it was probably trying a group insta in sheeroe last night - the group all got healed and I got killed in 2 hits =}



got 2 classics:

1. Accidently pulling a manslayer (which also baf)in the scavroom because they look so damn much like the scavengers. That will surely put an abrupt end to a lev 30-35 group. Done that with my thane more than once.

2. Joining a group as the only healer, buffing everyone and then pull a purp mob. The main tank gets his hp down to ½ in the first couple of secs, and then when you cast your healing spell you got the buff-quickbar still up and you put a nice dex-buff (or something similar) on the tank which of course dies before you can heal him. Done that with my bard more than once.


Brannor McThife

Varulvheim, party of 8.

Main healer pulls WW Churl with debuff, and then mezzes one of two adds. Backup (noob and lower level) healer decides to try his luck and mezz as well (red purple to me, and backup healer is 4 levels below me). He mis-selects and targets a Wolfaur (the ones that CFH), it CFH and 3 more Churls join in.

Myself and other main tank try our best. I tell main healer to run and others to help him get out. Other tank and I stay to draw aggros, rest leave corpse trail to entrance getting main healer out. As he turns to leave, main healer hits me with insta-heal and then does a group-insta.

I get spammed with 14+ lines of:

You distract WW Churl from ******

Oh crap. 6 Churls and a Wolfaur decide to dine on Troll.

Healer made it though. Backup healer didn't try mezz again.



We were hunting for drops at the lake in malmo and we actually see 2 named mobs next to each other. So normal reaction is "ok, pull". Too bad we didnt check for the hour and when we move one step *POOSH* we only see a tail and a blue-white'ish cloud . You are hit for 2056 damage. Forgot the dragon was out :)



Tried to damage mobs with my AF shield at lvl one


auch, do I really have to? this will get all guards in albion aggro at me :(

well ok, here goes...

we were a group of 6 (level 40-45ish) hunting in lyonesse. We decided (poke self) to try a ceallith (spelling?) guard. Bad mistake. Not only did we all die, we died 3 times since the blasted thing wouldn't leave us alone but attacked every time we got ressed.

ok, so we decided on a super tactic! We all get ressed and run toward cornwall (we thought the guard would stop before we even came out of lyonesse). Well, we ran and ran, guard chasing us with no sign of ever giving up. I remember thinking 'hmm, this is kind of scary. That mob doesn't seem to give up'. Another brilliant plan formed as we were running toward cornwall (8-10 min run from were we first were for you that are not albs). 'We run into cornwall and the guards will kill the aggro ceallith (spelling again) guard!!!'.

When we arrived at cornwall station we sat down to catch our breath. We had sorcerer runningspeed so the mob was a minute or so behind us. We gathered all people we could, some around level 45ish and some just 30. The aggro guard finally entered the station and killed me for the fourth time in 2 hits. The friendly guards, 3 of 'em, started attacking the ceallith guard but this is when we got really chocked. The ceallith guard owned them hard!! 'argh, what do we do know then?! After that mob has killed all guards she'll be after us again'. Well, we got on some horses and rode toward adribards retreat, this is a looong way from where we met the damn thing (in lyonesse). She was still on our tail tho so we all decided, FINALLY, to log out and let her go home again. Everyone at cornwall that even tried to help those friendly guards fight her off died instantly. She was buffed by a dragon or something...

I hope this is fixed in the new patch cause those things are just plain crazy!! She would have followed us to freaking yggdraa if we decided to go that way :)

*sorry for the loooong story, had nothing better to do*


Your post reminded me of the silverscale drakelings the lvl 9-11 mobs every mid lowbie has to put up with. Then all middies learn: mobs can nuke, mobs can come with friends, mobs can call for help, never attack a scout mob, some times the whole camp can attack you. I remember with a lowbie group i was there someone pulled more than we would like we started running then a drakeling chased our tank all the way from their camp to audliten nuking him every other sec...


The most stupid thing Ive done in Daoc?...

Definatly that I even bought the game.


First days of playing... always went to the very end of the horse route because I didn't know you could jump off. :D
Earlier today I got hit by some mid spells on Caledonia then with half-hps I wanted to run but ended falling head down into a river bank and killing myself.

Originally posted by old.kr0n
The most stupid thing Ive done in Daoc?...

Definatly that I even bought the game.

Roo Stercogburn

I generally just turn up. That kinda assures my party's death ;)

Oh yeah, definately done the quickbar wrong button fandango though, especially after patch day when everything gets switched.

"Wonder what this new debuff does?"

"Oh, its area effect"




Originally posted by Arlone
ok, so we decided on a super tactic! We all get ressed and run toward cornwall (we thought the guard would stop before we even came out of lyonesse).

Did the idea that zoning into the dungeon between lyonesse and cornwall station ever occur to you, as that is the best way to get rid of the lyonesse mobs, have done it a few times with the pygmy gobbos on my tail


Daft mistake 1.

While hunting in the spraggon den with a group of approx 6 "mates" someone suggested pulling a root worm (blue to us at the time). Did a check with everyone in group to make sure they didnt BAF as there was about 10 of them in the room. Everyone said nope, they come singally. So I pulled one (Critical shot it down to 25% health), only to find that yes they do BAF. approx 30 seconds later there is a room of dead bodies, and only two dead worms :(.

Daft mistake 2.

While out with a large party (2 groups i believe there was) we took a trip into Koalinth Caverns (I think it was - the one in Moher with the level 25 guards outside). We headed in and ran down doing quite well, nothing had caused any problems for us. So we ran into this one area and stopped for some rebuffs. While everyone was getting buffed up i decided to go and take a look in the room ahead of us. A few seconds later there was 16 bodies in the area as the room ahead of us was full of stunning crabs that really really didnt like us, approx 10 crabs came charging into the room after me, and as fast as we could kill them they would respawn, get called for help and would charge back into the battle.

Daft mistake 3.

While hunting at the parth farm to the east of mag mell the amalgamante parth spawned in. Ok so it was purple to me, but i decided to give it a shot, after all id been doing great soloing parths. 4 arrows later and no damage to the parth i was dead :(. Someone in the guild later explained that it was immune to arrows and magic :'(.



Cailleach guards (this is correct spelling :rolleyes: ), oh they rule so hard :) They never stop chasing, even if you root or mezz for 50 sec and go away on minstrel speed, they keep following untill they die.

Long time ago I saw one in cornwall station tho, I think most players learned to just die and release if one chases them :)

For non albions:
Cailleach gaurds: lvl 60-66 plate wearing female tanks
Boss of the Cailleach: lvl 68 mob needed to finish lvl 50 armsman epic (you need 2 full groups to even make a chance)


Originally posted by razorboy
Long time ago I saw one in cornwall station tho, I think most players learned to just die and release if one chases them :)

Hide in the Cats and they go away.

Very funny if you get them 2 Cornwall Station though they waste the guards there very easy :)

Done lots of st00pid things though.

Most recent one was getting 2 cocky in the lvl25-9 bg when after a blue con stealthed luri.

Spotted him, stuck 2 him and followed him around for a few minutes to see where he was going but unfortunately he wandered up to a couple more luris who weren't blue but were orange and could easily see/kill me :(


Another one i just remembered :).

While hunting the parths at the back of mag mell i had just nailed one and moved away to heal up and rebuff. after just moving away a parth spawned right infront of me, id still got enough health to take him on so no problems. This would have been fine apart from the entire parth farm had been playing counter strike i think. Every single parth on the farm came chasing after me. As soon as i realised it I went to run, but had about 10 diseases cast on me at the same time, dropping my strength and leaving me encumbered and unable to run :(. I promptly died having done nothing more than scratch the parth that had initially spawned in near me.

Oo eek, any more that i remember and it will make me look like a complete nutter of a ranger :).

While fighting in the pit in the spraggon den (level 18 - 25 mobs i believe) i stood up, took aim and shot a sprag on the other side of the pit, then realised that the group was being nailed by 2 sprags that had spawned in our midst. As it was we probably could have survived this, apart from while trying to get a shot i managed to walk into the entrance, just as the spragonix and his roaming mate spawned there, thus gaining us two more agros. Having finally managed somehow for us to kill off all but one of the sprags without anyone dying i proceeded to whip out my bow to shoot the last sprag in out ranks, hit F8 to target him, and fired. Only to find id targeted the sprag that was near to spriggit. This final cock up pull resulted in the death of the group.

Ive done the other usualls, cocked up the quick bars and started to cast my buffs instead of attacking, attempted to attack graves / loot instead of the mob thats wiping out my group, attempted to go into meelee with a mob while weilding my bow.


Brannor McThife


Remember this one last night...

Jorem: "It cons grey." - standing in front of the Glacial Giant. :rolleyes:



hehe tried this today. We were a group of 5 ganking some ww's in Askheim. The 2 tanks was both thanes, began to pull with Mjolnir, the 1st tank pulled Ole with tons of red con mobs after him, while the 2nd tank pulled tons of smaller ww's blue/yellow con. The tanks tanked 1 mob each, while the rest of the mobs ranned to the weaker party members.

The healer haven't found his mezz spells yet, runie got killed in 1 blow while l (2nd runie) were busy with my group fend. After the healer died and l died too, the 1st tanked pulled even more mobs while 5 mobs were ganking the 2nd tank.




Forgot to get my CON back from a healer one drunken night. Was soloing Rock Bounders in Snowdonia and couldn't figure out why they kept killing me, when earlier I'd been soloing oranges and yellows was no problem.

Next day logged in and went to visit healer - 27 points of CON and 5 gold later it suddenly became clear what the problem had been.

Anastasia Lvl 24 Minstrel
-Dead Dragons Society-


Ported to Emain once, in the old days where it wasnt very crowded. Ran back and forth a bit and didn't find anyone to kill, so i decided to exp a bit of the cats and spiders outside Mid TK.

Got a full sack of loot and went back in to sell it to the Necklace Merchant.

All of a sudden I notice a BIG increase in my money and i go WTF!

I scroll back and find that I have just sold my Darksteel necklace :(

Nemesis Warlock

I once pulled 14 Grovewoods while soloing ;)

Call for help sux ;)


I have done the usual things like running from a pooka that was decimating my party stright into the dullahans (night spawn stealther mobs), or falling thru the seam in Corus Mines in the middle of a pull :) And of course back in the old days I used to AE stuff that I shouldn't really AE as there were more neutral mobs around as well, guess every AEer has gone thru that...

BTW Icecreamsheep, it looks like your sig fits you if your stories are anything to go by :)


Oh trust me, if it can kill you ive died to it on more than one occasion.

Other night at level 22 i think it was i was having some problems getting xp, tried the parths and got rushed, died. Went back prayed and went to try my luck with irewoods. Got to them died. Went back and prayed again, tried again against them and died again. Went back prayed and thought sod this ill try the mermen. Ran all the way to connlas well got there, first fight i picked i died. I was bound in tnn so didnt bother running back. Then i went off to the BG, Ran around a bit and didnt see anyone, decided to go back to PK and ran across a load of agro mobs that id not noticed before. I died to them :(. Couldnt be bothered to go back for grave as id got no xp to loose when i died. I then ran to the fishing bear area near basar, wasnt dooing too bad there, managed to get about 10% xp, before i hit a scout and had the entire bear population descend on me, i died. Ran back to pray and got jumped again while praying. I think at that point i gave up for that night as the above took about 90 minutes :(.

While out in RvR before the BG's I was fighting in a group against some Ants i believe, this was going great until i had two more ants spawn on me like novelty slippers, both turned on me, killed me, ignored the rest of the group and walked off. Released, got back out there and was in another fight when one member of the group pulled one of those purply grovewoods. That proceeded to make a beeline to me, even though it was our caster that had shot it!.

In our guild ive even gained my own personal nurse!, and the guild leader has managed to jinx me.

I had one particularly good night in the Spraggon den, managed to finally get off level 22 and get about 35% of level 23 before we disbanded. During all this time i didnt die once, and after our guild leader said something like "Your really good, you didnt even die once". As that message appeared on my screen i had 4 gales spawn next to me with a morhein distorter thingy and I promptly died. I think then over the space of 30 minutes i got mobbed by just about everything i passed without doing anything knowingly to agro them. Its rather embarressing when you die to gray cons :(.



Originally posted by old.Hendrick
crafters classics:
dropping ten fine alloy longswords to the ground, salvaging two and wondering where the other eight went...

crafters classic 2:
Trying to kill enemy by crafting a shortsword hilt

crafter classic 3:
selling your 16.2 dps weapon instead of the junk staff you just crafted

and i cant count the number of times people have been screaming STOP PULLING, when i have just been to busi chain pulling.. once found myself all alone with 4 purple drakulv execs cause the group had moved on, while i was too busi pulling :)


Hum....well, as a level 15ish fire wizzy i got bored killing yellow(and the occasional orange) grove nymphs on the plains, and i wanted to try my other wizzy powers. So i walk over to one of the lower-con groves and AE the entire place dead in about 3 shots and a little staff work....worth a half bubble of exp, was about 10 of them =)

I also did a stupid thing - pulled the ants in the ant room in keltoi - 5 seconds later there were like 20 mobs on us and i just said feck it, QC ae nuke and /release :) did a good 100dmg per mob lol
at level 21 or so :)

the STUPIDEST by far tho was at berkstead a long time ago - mids had taken sursbrooke and we were defending with some SotL and others. My group walks out and a quick-moving guard patrol aggroes us, so we run like hell back - and they kill us, and the group that came to help us, and a group near the door, and then proceed throughout the keep and kill every single albion, while the guards stand there and go "huh?" :) I think that was the worst thing that ever happened lol


Me and another thane aoed the main room in varulv /waves to yar.
It was funny but the end was not so well...

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