Avoid this time completely I only got up early today and what I saw would make any grown Vanu cry.
I will never play this early again only popped on for a quick blast, vanu died to so few their number not cause tr had elite weapons but because tr had elite skills.
I could have saved the whole base myself but not ONE vanu cba to repair me even once and its not as if I could do it myself in a max suit. One of the tr who used to be in my outfit said when I logged haha your the only evil beast on this continent we will now take it all. I hope they do.
I even spoke to one of the vanu:
Wicoa: Can you get a rek then come and hack cc Im killing the entire spawn its safe in this tower.
Noob: Sorry Im not a hacker.
Grr anyone can hack an fing cc :-/
I give up with vanu I really do, I thought all the noobs left when the lasher nerf came in, not one of the vanu even had a lasher.
<cries some more>
I will never play this early again only popped on for a quick blast, vanu died to so few their number not cause tr had elite weapons but because tr had elite skills.
I could have saved the whole base myself but not ONE vanu cba to repair me even once and its not as if I could do it myself in a max suit. One of the tr who used to be in my outfit said when I logged haha your the only evil beast on this continent we will now take it all. I hope they do.
I even spoke to one of the vanu:
Wicoa: Can you get a rek then come and hack cc Im killing the entire spawn its safe in this tower.
Noob: Sorry Im not a hacker.
Grr anyone can hack an fing cc :-/
I give up with vanu I really do, I thought all the noobs left when the lasher nerf came in, not one of the vanu even had a lasher.
<cries some more>