knighthood said:Go on Eggys m8's defend him, say your shit like QQ more noob ect
Yours Disapointedly Quarterstaff
Okay, QQ more noob etc
knighthood said:Go on Eggys m8's defend him, say your shit like QQ more noob ect
Yours Disapointedly Quarterstaff
Puppet said:Lotto was a big mess; despite me saying the Meduza Hauberk wasnt lotto'ed and Eggy's swift reply it was lotto'ed as first
This is the screenshot of the item lotto'ed first:
some ROG-hauberk; and not the Meduza hauberk.
eggy said:I posted the wrong hauberk in the /bc window, but I gave the CORRECT Medusa Hauberk to the winner. Same with the cloth robe, remains, shield etc.
My raids are NOT run for lottos. Frankly if I could destroy all the items without any moaning I would. After sitting at a computer for 12 hours organising a bunch of people who don't listen, and find F8 the best method of targetting, I really couldn't give 2 shits about the lotto.
Beggers can't be choosers, so frankly my dear, I couldn't give a damn.
eggy said:Wednesday the 9th but at 7pm NOT at mid-day like it suggests. I'll get a mod to change this.