Off to play Horizons....



Originally posted by sugah
After my expierance with this company i will never again play a game ran by them.

Don't blame you, I would never play another game run by GOA. As for support in Horizons, well they seem to be doing an ok job so far but time will tell I guess.


Leaving DAOC very soon :( But if I do start playing a MMORPG again I think DNL will be the one for me :) I'm an explorer at heart and the gfx/world look great!

Cya there in 6 months /bow out


im going to buy horizons today too. got a £5 game voucher and £5 of 10ps i can change at the bank to make it a bit cheaper :) chodax, whats the verdict so far?


Well.... great choice of classes and races plus the option to multiclass. A crafting system that is beyond anything else around. Horizons has potential, alot of potential. Right now it isn't the game for me, I feel the combat engine needs more work and certain areas need more mobs. Also the loading times for zones is dire unless you have a monster PC. My feeling is that Horizons was released before beta was complete, that doesn't make it horrible but it does leave you thinking that it is a fair few months from being a finished product. Long term it could develop into a very good game, all the building blocks are there and it just needs alot of polishing. For £10 it is well worth a look. I will probably give it another try after TOA goes live.


Oh and don't roll a dragon, right now they suck beyond words and seem VERY unfinished.


Originally posted by cHodAX
. Horizons has potential, alot of potential. Right now it isn't the game for me, I feel the combat engine needs more work and certain areas need more mobs. My feeling is that Horizons was released before beta was complete, that doesn't make it horrible but it does leave you thinking that it is a fair few months from being a finished product. Long term it could develop into a very good game, all the building blocks are there and it just needs alot of polishing.

doesnt this sound EXACTLY like when daoc was released? :rolleyes:

its always the same with these mmorpgs...

i guess this is why WoW is taking so long... blizzard can wait as long as they want with releasing their game...


Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
doesnt this sound EXACTLY like when daoc was released? :rolleyes:

its always the same with these mmorpgs...

i guess this is why WoW is taking so long... blizzard can wait as long as they want with releasing their game...

Aye, spot on. The leaked alpha videos of the char creation screen are very detailed, if Blizzard pay the same attention to the rest of the game it could be superb.


ok, this is my opinion so don't shout at me.

i bought this game with great expectations, but let me tell you something, it sucks.

Graphics - while they can be good the higher they are the longer things take to load, example i played it on my 2.6ghz 516ddr ram ati radeon 9600 and even on 800x600 some npcs would take up to 5 minutes to load (good example is the storage person in New Brommel).

Combat - This system is too simple, there is no mana to run out of, you can't be interupted, there is nothing like endurance, there is no PvP (which generally doesn't bother me) and it generally too easy. there isn't much variety style wise so you can't really do anything interesting. Though the stance system is interesting (this involves 3 different colours which basically represent rock paper scissors format, ie blue beats red (don't yell if i got it wrong but you got the jist of it) though doesn't seem much use at low level as your enemies are rarely using stances

Class System - Now this was an interesting system, sorta like prestige classing, where when you changed classes you would loose most of the abilities of your old class and would start to regain them as you leveled

The World - Not much too look at really, sure it has variety (tundra,desert,tropical) but its mostly empty, people generally hang around the noob towns. Also the capital city Tazoon was completly deserted whenever i went there (either that or people's characters models hadn't loaded)

Crafting - Generally excellent, on this you have to actually go out and get the materials ie, as a tailor (outfitter) you have to collect the flax with a harvesting knife and process it.

Another noticable thing is that there is no real diversity between races, no race can really seem to have a great advantage over anothers at particular area's. That and dragons are over-rated.

i'd give the game 5/10 This is mainly because of the loading time really, it was very irritating when your trying to do a quest and looking for npc and the npc won't load. Also the graphics would have been good if the game was about 2 years older.While the crafting and class system is good this is nothing without a good solid combat system from which this game is also lacking. I feel this game is premature and needs more work before it can be well apprecaited, yes it does have potential, but at the moment it only really has the potential to get on your nerves


I pretty much echo Gadd's comments.

Crafting is excellent (bar not being able to to customize the items appearance).

Adventuring is boring. You can run faster than any mob with a pair of boots with +5 speed. You can recall (port) back to bindpoint at any point as well. Death only gives you a slight lowering of abilities per death point which each take 8 hours (on or offline) to fade and can be reduced by eating food.

Combat is simplistic. Hit atttack hit one special ability which resets the timer on most of your abilities so you have to wait before using another ability. Due to combat lag starting a fight can take a little while as you follow a mob stuck to it and it still says out of range. Also you can't attack while moving which is really annoying if the mob is chasing a group member.

Also no loot as everything is playercrafted kinda ruins half the fun of xping.

And lets not mention the abysmal customer service in the EU where the only contact is by email to a permanently full inbox which bounces your mail.
To give you an idea of how bad it is it made the GU comics cartoon for today:


Originally posted by old.Vae
I pretty much echo Gadd's comments.

Crafting is excellent (bar not being able to to customize the items appearance).

Adventuring is boring. You can run faster than any mob with a pair of boots with +5 speed. You can recall (port) back to bindpoint at any point as well. Death only gives you a slight lowering of abilities per death point which each take 8 hours (on or offline) to fade and can be reduced by eating food.

Combat is simplistic. Hit atttack hit one special ability which resets the timer on most of your abilities so you have to wait before using another ability. Due to combat lag starting a fight can take a little while as you follow a mob stuck to it and it still says out of range. Also you can't attack while moving which is really annoying if the mob is chasing a group member.

Also no loot as everything is playercrafted kinda ruins half the fun of xping.

And lets not mention the abysmal customer service in the EU where the only contact is by email to a permanently full inbox which bounces your mail.
To give you an idea of how bad it is it made the GU comics cartoon for today:

I agree with much of what you have said, the combat system needs a complete overhaul as it stands. It feels and plays like a beta. As for the comic, OUCH! Upto a few weeks ago support was ok but I am told it has turned in a shitstorm in the last week.


Oh regarding the EU customer service I should point out that they did one thing right in that as their payment system hadn't been implemented in time they let people play an extra couple of days beyond when they should have paid until they implemented it.

HOWEVER Monday evening they kicked everyone off without warning during primetime because they'd switched the payment system on. The payment system of course then died for most people (and didn't work properly for most UK people at all) leading to an large amount of unhappy customers. It's run by Bibit the same as Daoc and additionally those paying by direct transfer systems in countries other than the UK e.g. holland and Germany now have to send a signed fax to Holland to enact the transfers which they didn't have to do with Daoc.

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