Not only Necros...


The Real Redi

As far as a discussino on the templar boards have gone, these new classes are too hard, and need sorting out rapidly...

Animists can stop moaning about the Necros abusing the LoS bug, as sitting your 'shrooms behind walls and bombing away HURTS! Im not going to start whining, as its not worth it, but that is no different to the Necro/Chanter/wiz LoS buggery.

Bonedancers - From meeting the blakbyrd family, many of our order can certainly see how ridiculous these walking boneyards are. Two infils, one 47th, one similar, both hit the orange eyed BD at snowdonia keep, whilst he was sitting - PAs both hit, both blades procced their venom (have no idea what). Now, a caster sat on his arse should either die, even orange eyed, or at least be so crippled survival is not an option, but within a few seconds, both Assassins lay dead at his feet. No.

So far, we have one class of each realm from the SI package, that NEEDS a tweak - i know that Mythic promise the LoS bug is going to be sorted by the next patch, so that should neutralise the Necros and the Animists using that caper to distill whine, but Bonedancers, from what i have heard, maybe poop in PvE (pets randomly attacking EVERYTHING and such), but in RvR they are not even worth attempting to beat.

Anyone who has beaten a boney one on one, please post here and explain how? (im guessing it will be a pallie, or something similar, but i'm guessing scouts and casters have a much better time of it)

Roo Stercogburn

You used the completely wrong tactics on the bonedancer for a start, though I'm not going to tell you what they should have been ;)

And tbh the Blackbyrds are amongst the best players on Pryd so you really got a tiger by the tail especially after using the wrong approach.


Since when do u meet a BD 1 on 1 ? it´s rather 5 against 1 and ofc u cant beat that ? even that som pets are green/grey con.

And that fight ure explaining i cant belive. ivé been 1 shotted alot of times u cant both have hit and both ure weponds procc that just alot of BS from a big whiner ass like u ! Givf pictures of that fight plz. People need to relise that ure not fighting a BD 1on1.
Supp specc might be a slight Op :) thats wy im not full supp specc so i dont get spammed by whiners when i kill them, and those 2 stealthers must been so noobish it makes me cry imo, Bd´s cant do that much dammage evry fight takes wery long fore a BD. U longer the fight keeps going the bigger chanse Bd wins, but Bd´s are np fore those who can do alot of dammage at once like nukers etc. stealthers etc. Bd´s healers cant keep up whit fast and hard hits.

Sarabi Inc lvl 50 Bd prydwen 43/33 Ba/supp
Ps.Join Vn whiners u lamer


I have plans for a boney curious to give them a whirl

Gradually starting to learn how their mind works too :p


Originally posted by The Real Redi
Bonedancers - From meeting the blakbyrd family, many of our order can certainly see how ridiculous these walking boneyards are. Two infils, one 47th, one similar, both hit the orange eyed BD at snowdonia keep, whilst he was sitting - PAs both hit, both blades procced their venom (have no idea what). Now, a caster sat on his arse should either die, even orange eyed, or at least be so crippled survival is not an option, but within a few seconds, both Assassins lay dead at his feet. No.

Heh, that will be his zerg of healers keeping him alive along with the possible dmg absorb shield they have if specced right, and the nice dot's they have and the buffed tank pet they have.

Nice class a bd, but you are right, all the new pat classes need a nerf.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Tyraette
Gradually starting to learn how their mind works too :p

"Du'h, me stand here. Wait for enemy."
<someone attacks the bonedancer>
<bonedancer selects target>
"Du'h, me press button 1 for debuff, den me press button 2 over and over."
"Me win! I pwn! \o/"


And they said Enchanters have it easy? Enchanter has to (a) stun, (b) Debuff (c) cast (d) keep out of melee range.

Supp BD's have to... (a) debuff IFFFF they feel like it. (b) press 1 button repeatedly. :m00:



I meleed one of the red con demon mobs leading from the mid entrance to the Mid Prince in DF last night. lvl 50 BD with 48 Supp...

Casters should not be able to do that ffs :(


kill the commander. All pets die then. I usually go for a PA/CD on commander but its tricky with the pathing issues with the pets :/

when he's dead BD is easy. His lifetap doesn't do so much dmg and i can take his life down real fast.

Although Failed PA on commander = dead :p


The Real Redi

Originally posted by mid_Inc
just alot of BS from a big whiner ass like u !

OK, Thanks for that constructive comment, l33t boy. I intended for this to be a constructive thread but obviously thats beyond some... or am i not quite l33t enough for you, Mid_inc? :bore:

I don't even own a stealther class, however i have met these armies of dog toys, and they are a very hard class, even being pwned by myself, as a 43.5 merc, i could see that. The two infils in question may have attacekd the commander, i have no idea, but its not rocket science to work out that anything orange eyed and wearing a dress, should fall - explain to me why they have installed a, basically, souped up cabalist, with three extra pets, that can open up a keeps doors, as part of a duet?

I thought along the lines of a necessary CCer with you to stop the lot of them, then perhaps you would have a chance, but seeing as i dont own a CCer either, xept in the form of a thid fire wizzy (not exactly CC, but kinda), perhaps i am

Originally posted by mid_Inc
just alot of BS from a big whiner ass like u !

<facepalms> sometimes i wonder why i come on here, i really do...

EDIT: after reading up on otehrs who have taken on those two aprticular fine players, the blakbyrds, i have been told that those healers can heal for more than he could hit them for, so again, all kudos to playing that class to the absolute fullest, but still, its a bit harsh! lol!


ZzZZzZZ glau ! Moron ! Steal more drops and log ore even better just log!
And videx dont u know the diffrence between Caster and Pet clases ?

Wanna kill a BD easy ok heres a hint mezz pets and then i vount have a hard time kill any specced BD, instead of trying to run away from Bd that many people do as soon they c a BD
And i know not all classes cant mezz but realy if u run around alone in emain/odins etc. u have to know that u prolly meet someoe that can kill u and if it´s a BD \o/ ul prolly get owned :)

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by VidX
I meleed one of the red con demon mobs leading from the mid entrance to the Mid Prince in DF last night. lvl 50 BD with 48 Supp...

Casters should not be able to do that ffs :(

I solo red con mobs all the time. Its a pet class thing and not regarded as anything special tbh. Umbroods, execs, jotuns, traffic wardens, etc. I go looking for them all to try them out just to see.

Regarding the damage absorb that bonedancers have, its no use on the bonedancer himself. Bonedancers have the same self-only damage absorb as other casters. The buff being referred to earlier in this thread is only any use on non-casters ie in Mid thats rogues, vikings and seers. It doesn't stack with the self-only buff and also its not as powerful as the caster self-only damage absorb.


And dont worry supp specced Bd will prolly get some type of nerfing soonish, just hope that BA and dark specced Bd´s get some lovin then becudr there u have 2 specces that realy sucks!Dots doing 60 per tick imo cant even kill grey cons whit it.And pets killing eachother imo sometimes it look like Fight Club of Bd secret society.
And darkness that get more then evry second snare resisted. imao even doing less dammage then a dark runi. onley good thing whit BA specc are the arrior pets and dammage add.

Kerram Darktyde

Originally posted by The Real Redi

Bonedancers - From meeting the blakbyrd family, many of our order can certainly see how ridiculous these walking boneyards are. Two infils, one 47th, one similar, both hit the orange eyed BD at snowdonia keep, whilst he was sitting - PAs both hit, both blades procced their venom (have no idea what). Now, a caster sat on his arse should either die, even orange eyed, or at least be so crippled survival is not an option, but within a few seconds, both Assassins lay dead at his feet. No.

So far, we have one class of each realm from the SI package, that NEEDS a tweak - i know that Mythic promise the LoS bug is going to be sorted by the next patch, so that should neutralise the Necros and the Animists using that caper to distill whine, but Bonedancers, from what i have heard, maybe poop in PvE (pets randomly attacking EVERYTHING and such), but in RvR they are not even worth attempting to beat.

Anyone who has beaten a boney one on one, please post here and explain how? (im guessing it will be a pallie, or something similar, but i'm guessing scouts and casters have a much better time of it)

Both PAs could not have landed else while sitting he would have been dead.. Unless they landed a good few seconds apart then the healer pets could have healed him up . Or the Infils have totally gimped spec... with 2.5 points you would have to be a moron to be able to gimp an Infil...

Bonedancers can be beat and One on One but not by an Infil Unless he is very clever or lucky..

Ooo dear a class that can beat an Infil one on one what a shame..... Assassins have had it thier own way for too long..
And A BD if Supp spec is not a True caster... More a hybrid with cloth a bit like the Valewalker..

all the new classes are more powerful than the old in some situations.. they were made that way... Else no one would bother with them.. None of the new Classes are impossible to beat if you use your brain.

I have seen more and more animists abusing the LoS bug though... Bad Hibbies....


Brannor if Bd´s onley need to spam one button the class should be made fore u !


*goes to local junior high on monday and signs up fore basic english class* imo



Originally posted by mid_Inc
Brannor if Bd´s onley need to spam one button the class should be made fore u !

He's right though, on the US servers I had a bonedancer in BG 1 and with MCL I took down about 12 hibbies (1 by 1) by pressing 1 button. I gave the class up a few months ago after getting it to level 28 because it was so boring to play.


Can agre on that in Bg1 Bd´s are owerpowerd but it gets harder u higher u go .. havent ben in Bg2 and 3 becuse of lack of peps playing in them on Prydwen. Might be good there to but as lvl 50 bd it can be realy hard.


Originally posted by The Real Redi
Anyone who has beaten a boney one on one, please post here and explain how? (im guessing it will be a pallie, or something similar, but i'm guessing scouts and casters have a much better time of it)

Yup i've killed bonedancers with my infil, but 1-on-1 you'll need some skillfull targetting to pull it off...

The key is: infil CD doesn't need to be on the same target as PA.

Use the slowest weapon you can find, guarded rapier...just PA the Commander... heal pet starts healing the Commander, quickly switch to the bonedancer himself before next swing and get the CD on him. the healer pet will still be healing the commander while you're mowing down the stunned Bonedancer himself.

Not easy to pull off, but if it works it brings a smile to your face :)

Brannor McThife

That's a sweet trick Muppet. But most non-mid (critblades) assassins go for fast weapons. But still, a good reason to carry a slow blade.



Re: Re: Not only Necros...

Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet
Yup i've killed bonedancers with my infil, but 1-on-1 you'll need some skillfull targetting to pull it off...

The key is: infil CD doesn't need to be on the same target as PA.

Use the slowest weapon you can find, guarded rapier...just PA the Commander... heal pet starts healing the Commander, quickly switch to the bonedancer himself before next swing and get the CD on him. the healer pet will still be healing the commander while you're mowing down the stunned Bonedancer himself.

Nice 1 m8 keep up the good work :)


scouts cant kill em.. I tried earlier.. pets healed him to 100% while I was reloading and then his bone commander started whacking then he started nuking ;p


Use disease poison on bonedancers, then the pets can't heal very well = easy win. I had 3% hp left the other day after killing Mr Blackbyrds savage friend and I dropped him to around 60% hp, however due to only having 3% in the same time he was able to staff me to death. Still, on a full, or even 50% bar of life I could've won that no probs. They are still nasty tho, they either need to lower the heals, up the cast time on the heals or cut down the amount of heals.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
That's a sweet trick Muppet. But most non-mid (critblades) assassins go for fast weapons. But still, a good reason to carry a slow blade.


Almost all infils i see around have 2 long dirks hanging from the belt and 1 guarded rapier strapped to the back :). Including me.

You can't beat the frontloaded damage g-rap does... at keep(re)takes it rocks.

The Real Redi

see, this is more constructive! :)

So, what are the healers cast times then? long enough that they are still healing the commander, and ignore the BD, im assuming, as that really is a neat trick, Mr Muppet, thats where skill enters this game :great:


Originally posted by Falcon
Use disease poison on bonedancers, then the pets can't heal very well = easy win. I had 3% hp left the other day after killing Mr Blackbyrds savage friend and I dropped him to around 60% hp, however due to only having 3% in the same time he was able to staff me to death. Still, on a full, or even 50% bar of life I could've won that no probs. They are still nasty tho, they either need to lower the heals, up the cast time on the heals or cut down the amount of heals.

It takes 4 sec fore a healer pet to heal and they dont heal u fore that much usaly the life taps that keeps a BD alive.


I dont really see the problem with the bd, they have crappy dots etc, they are only good in 1v1 and to interrupt. Since they dont have stealth they cant pick their fights, ie they are fine.
Now, almost all the other classes that are good in 1v1 can pick their targets, so just lay off the bd ffs. Let him run alone till he hits a fg/zerg/someone with cc

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