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- #61
May I?
Originally posted by Wij
dog's cock
Originally posted by testin_da_cable
that wasn't quite what I had in mind
was going to manipulate myself a bit
's ok tho
Originally posted by testin_da_cable
remember saying that Wij, cos it'll come back to haunt you bwahaha
P.S. I bot men for fun
Originally posted by Ch3tan
A tale about a man, his wife and their dog.
A man is talking to his wife
"we are going on a fishing trip this weekend, u me and the dog"
The wife doesnt want to
"I'd rather stay home and clean teh house"
"no, all 3 of us are going fishing" says the man.
"im not going fishing, i'm staying home this weekend", counters the wife.
"fine" says the man, "you dont have to go... aslong as you do anything I want"
After a moment of consideration, teh wife decides she will give him anything he want to not have to go fishing.
"you have to let me take you up the arse or give me a blowjob" the husband says grinning.
"okay ill gve u a blowjob" the wife decides.
Shes gets on her knees and starts sucking away.
"urghh" she screams, "it tastes of shit!"
"I know" replies the man, "the dog didnt want to go either"
That will happen in the third age of the messiah who came before in teh past, when he returns in the future -in a country.
Originally posted by MrZilla
Well ok let me try to explain somethings...First off Nostradamus did in fact die in 1566 odds are the prediction was made in 1564 not 1654. Then old nostradamus predicted the world would in 3000 something. I want to say 3013. Which we'll all be long since dead.
Originally posted by Wij
The internet is funny like that init
Originally posted by Lazarus
Lol Ch3tan - I ve reconsidered my opinion of you
I never realised you had a sense of humour
Nice 1