No Problems Here With GOA



I really don't care about the price hike - the amount of pleasure that I get from my 6/8/whatever pounds/euros a month makes it about the best value money I spend.

But if I was locked out of my account due to a procedural cock-up by GOA and told basically to p*ss off and start again, thats exactly what I'd do, just with another game.


Originally posted by n3wbie
so if i came to you and said give me £10, would you give me it, no questions asked and not even botherd why i would need or want it? doubt you would and GOA are doing the same but with a smaller amount of money.

if you provided a service I enjoyed, and you did an adequate job in providing that service...yes, I'd pay more.

you don't offer any service, but just ask for free money tho, and a lot more then that GOA is asking extra...
in other words, that reply is absolute bull-shit..


Originally posted by Esoteric
Jupitus knows ppl in GOA he's their love bunny.

I know people in GOA but I am not their love bunny, and I will happily raise issues with them which I think need to be addressed. Knowing people at GOA, though, does give me an insight into how effing hard they are working to make this game a good one for those playing it and I get peed off when people waste their time with bullshit stories about being hacked when they've lent out their passwords or just sending stupid requests to their technical team for want of anything better to do during the day.

Newbie, their technical support team can not be asked commercial questions, so don't expect an answer from them. If you were the CSR getting that query, having seen others like you calling them 'brainless fucking morons' on these boards for the past few days, what would your reaction be? Frankly I take my hat off to that guy for keeping his cool.... if it had been me I'd probably have nuked your level 50s on the spot :)

Paying a little extra? I don't care about it, no, because from my point of view the game is stable, enjoyable, and considering the hours of fun I have had from it, very very cheap entertainment.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by *Coolio*
Well, it seems brannor accepted a nice .exe file from IRC...

If someone trojaned there way into my computer, i would see it as my fault, for getting the damn trojan, and letting little Miss hack-alot into my computer...
Nope. It auto-ran on my second PC while I was playing on the other. My anti-virus software picked it up as it ran. IRC was running, but I wasn't actually using it or doing anything on that PC.



Originally posted by n3wbie
i asked through rightnow about why the prices are getting changed and what we are supposed to be getting for this price increase... the response?

Response (CS) 04/08/2003 11:11 AM

We would like to remind you that the code of conducts also apply on the rightnow part. If you fail to follow the COC, your account can be suspended.
Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Umm n3wbie what exactly did you say over RightNow?
For them to say you're breaching the CoC it sounds like you ranted and swore at them over email - I'm surprised they even gave you that polite an answer.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Umm n3wbie what exactly did you say over RightNow?
For them to say you're breaching the CoC it sounds like you ranted and swore at them over email - I'm surprised they even gave you that polite an answer.

I didn't even touch on that part.... the bit where lamers post on here whining about how GOA did this or didn't do that, but selectively omitting various pieces of important information to make it seem like they are squeaky clean and it's all GOA's fault. Of course, he may have been perfectly polite, but I have my suspicions that you may be correct, Flim.


corrected your post for you

Originally posted by n3wbie
i asked through rightnow about why the prices are getting changed and what we are supposed to be getting for this price increase...

my mail


the response?

Response (CS) 04/08/2003 11:11 AM

We would like to remind you that the code of conducts also apply on the rightnow part. If you fail to follow the COC, your account can be suspended.
Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

if that aint good customer service i dunno what is!



/bow Mr Fartshadow...

now get out on the frontier, I want to erm... mez you and run away.


Originally posted by Jupitus
Well congratulations - you succeed in moving somebody with a real technical issue down the queue a little for a cheap laugh.

They are politely telling you to fuck off and not waste their time. Frankly I don't blame them.

RightNow isn't just technical support, its the whole customer support mechanism. Hence the reason why the category of questions are:

How to Play
How to Subscribe
Mentions Legal
Subscription Problems
The game, the univers
Life on your server

GOA didn't even say they were hiking the prices to allow them to supply us with a better service.

The emails about the hikes arrived just after my next month autoactivated, and my next activation is on the same day as the price rises. I emailed them asking if they could clarify if I would pay the current amounts or the increased prices and recieved:


In order to play on the european servers of Dark Age of Camelot, you must :

Buy a european version of the game (France / United Kingdom / Germany).
The game box contains the game, the manual, a map of the realms and a unique CD-Key which allow you to register online and play DaoC. Each game box also include a free month.

The prices :
The English version of the game is sold for 34,91 € or 19.99 £.

Subscription fees :
10 € or 6 £ for a month
27 € or 17 £ for three months (9 Euros/month)
50 € or 30 £ for six months (8,33 Euros/month)

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

How hard did they try to respond to that Jup? They didn't read the question just copy and pasted crap :\


I have so far had one problem with the game that required Rightnow's assisstance. I could not use Rightnow with my account. I followed the procedure as stated and it kept telling me i had an invalid password. Luckily I have access to another account, my wifes, I used her password explained my problem and it was sorted. It was not done quickly, but it was done and I was no longer stuck in that fucking well in TNmB. I lost a couple of days on Gengee because it happened on a Saturday morning. Not a big deal. I remember having far more frequent and longer downtimes when I playe UO on Drachenfels. All in all GOA provides reasonable service for the game. RightNow is not as good as the ingame CSR UO had, but you could wait a very long time in UO for one to turn up and if you logged while waiting you lost your place in the queue.

I think I have rambled enough :D


<waves at Thorn>

I'm not saying their support are perfect (nor have I ever, that would be unrealistic) and that is a good example, although the precise details of your query could be lost on a non-english speaker, I guess, not that that is a decent excuse.

RightNow is for technical support. The fact that there is other information on there is coincidental, for example there are FAQ about subscription information there, and yet GOA tell you to mail for subs problems, not to useRightNow for that.


The reason theres a is because if you don't have your subscription password and/or your account is closed then you cant login to rightnow surely? :d

I cant find anywhere on the website where it advises you to use the over RightNow.

Oh wait I managed to find it after 10 mins of searching, on the Lost Password section:

Enter your game login

Your informations will be sent to your registered email address.
If this one is different now, please contact


Originally posted by Meatballs
The reason theres a is because if you don't have your subscription password and/or your account is closed then you cant login to rightnow surely? :d

I cant find anywhere on the website where it advises you to use the over RightNow.

Oh wait I managed to find it after 10 mins of searching, on the Lost Password section:

oh and

Welcome in the European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support.

All our customer support is based on RightNow, our tool for FAQ / Support.

Everyone can access the FAQs but only DaoC players with an active subscription can ask questions to our Customer Support.
Still cant see where it just says technical support :d


it's not just technical supportm it's customer support too - however if you phone up your gas company and start swearing at them down the phone they're going to cut you off.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
GOA gave us the possibility to play this game. Who are we to "fuck you" them for giving entertainment for hours and hours on end. If it wasn't for GOA we'd all be playing in the "good" old US of A.

It's not all candy and flowers but GOA have done their job better then most companies.

Have u played in the good old US of A

Less lag than EUROPEAN SERVERS?!?! Patches on time and edited where necessary

INGAME YES I SAY AGAIN INGAME helpers so u got a problem call a CSR and poof they are there

Oh and not to mention about 10 servers to choose from including co-op, roleplay and pvp if u wanna bother

So don't even go there comparing GOA to USA they are shite

As for why don't I go there, well I have been for the last 6months actually on Gaheris the Co-Op server lvl 50 Eld WOO


I would be playing on US servers with hindsight :rolleyes:


i aint had any problems with them, all questions i have asked have been answered, and no problems with anything else, if you account gets hacked well that aint really there fault there is only so much you can do to prevent things like that happening.

i recon the diea of a password to delete your char is a good one tho. maybe people should email them with that idea?


what most of the losers who post on the forum fail to see is out of the 3000 odd players who are probably on the english servers how many of them have ever been hacked by a real hacker.
most of the sorry ass case's are due to someone leaving access to there account or brother/sister then saying oh its been hacked then wonder why goa take a firm stance on this issue. its because all the idiots out there that make goa think twice before doing anything to an account. so when someone like loch who might have a perfectly geninue case end up feeling like they been ripped of.
Goa make it hard to hack since they use a random letters and numbers to stop the chances of being hacked. you cant change the password to stop the several hundred morons who would have a username gimp with a password of gimp. So since most of u losers dont even know loch and you dont know what your talking about go and play one of the other games you keep on about since according to you goa dont care so wont miss you and since most of what you come out with is crap no one else will either. minior point the price rise is taking piss a bit after si coming out but then it was cheaper than several other games about to start with as long as they dont think they can do it every 6months.


Originally posted by monkeynutter
what most of the losers who post on the forum fail to see is out of the 3000 odd players who are probably on the english servers how many of them have ever been hacked by a real hacker.
most of the sorry ass case's are due to someone leaving access to there account or brother/sister then saying oh its been hacked then wonder why goa take a firm stance on this issue. its because all the idiots out there that make goa think twice before doing anything to an account. so when someone like loch who might have a perfectly geninue case end up feeling like they been ripped of.
Goa make it hard to hack since they use a random letters and numbers to stop the chances of being hacked. you cant change the password to stop the several hundred morons who would have a username gimp with a password of gimp. So since most of u losers dont even know loch and you dont know what your talking about go and play one of the other games you keep on about since according to you goa dont care so wont miss you and since most of what you come out with is crap no one else will either. minior point the price rise is taking piss a bit after si coming out but then it was cheaper than several other games about to start with as long as they dont think they can do it every 6months.

Wow.... - I am running out of breath just from reading this ... ! ;)

/em runs off to do some circuvascular training


Originally posted by monkeynutter
what most of the losers who post on the forum fail to see is out of the 3000 odd players who are probably on the english servers how many of them have ever been hacked by a real hacker.
most of the sorry ass case's are due to someone leaving access to there account or brother/sister then saying oh its been hacked then wonder why goa take a firm stance on this issue. its because all the idiots out there that make goa think twice before doing anything to an account. so when someone like loch who might have a perfectly geninue case end up feeling like they been ripped of.
Goa make it hard to hack since they use a random letters and numbers to stop the chances of being hacked. you cant change the password to stop the several hundred morons who would have a username gimp with a password of gimp. So since most of u losers dont even know loch and you dont know what your talking about go and play one of the other games you keep on about since according to you goa dont care so wont miss you and since most of what you come out with is crap no one else will either. minior point the price rise is taking piss a bit after si coming out but then it was cheaper than several other games about to start with as long as they dont think they can do it every 6months.

Your logic is essentially flawed for if u had an ounce of common sense you would know that it would be sensible for any individual to have the facility to change their password when and where need be, therefore enabling them to change it periodically thus decreasing the likelihood that anyone even their little brother or sister getting it right if they are not around

USA do it why can't GOA, now that we are gonna be paying more than them in subs

I am not bashing GOA I am simply stating that they provide bad customer service which they do, doesn't stop people bashing BT or Roadworks or anyother company which just cut the meat

In this line of work customer service is key! The only reason that people hang around is they love the game and GOA is the only option they have

I am sure if a competitor came about providing better customer service then u would see a flood of people moving over, they simply have a monopoly of a market, i.e the DAoC market so they have no need to improve as our money is as they say "a sure thing"

Same as BT did before NTL and Blueyonder you can guarantee Broadband prices still be extortionate if competitors hadn't come along

Thats my piece anyhow


Monkeynutter the majority of folks that claim to have been "hacked" fit into 2 categories:

1. Those dumb enough to give their account details to other people.

2. Those dumb enough to use IRC without a properly configured IRC client, firewall, antivirus software and OS patches.

The users stupidity is not GOAs fault.

GOAs poor customer service goes FAR beyond these alleged hacking cases.


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Have u played in the good old US of A

Not quoting the whole post. But, i didn't say the US is shite like you arn't saying GOA is shite. I'm just saying that if there wasn't an european company to give DAoC, i would've never ordered my copy from the states...personal choice really...and i know others here will agree that GOA did make starting DAoC a bit easier in the whole "walk to shop get game" way.

Someone down the thread said a valid point about GOA as well...regarding other companies... mainly AO and funcom. It's not that bad when you look at it.


Originally posted by n3wbie
i asked through rightnow about why the prices are getting changed and what we are supposed to be getting for this price increase... the response?

Response (CS) 04/08/2003 11:11 AM

We would like to remind you that the code of conducts also apply on the rightnow part. If you fail to follow the COC, your account can be suspended.
Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Could you copy/paste the exact email you sent them? I hardly think you formulated it to them the way you make us think you did...

edit: and this is asking kemor why does GOA keep failing us and ask for more money when they carry on being a load of rubbish -

I see no questions here, just rants. No real reason to spend time answering since you seem pretty anchored in your views and nothing I can say will change that. Also, this is NOT Rightnow, this is my professional email. Rightnow reports are dealt with in time with a couple exceptions for tough cases. I personally do not have to answer under 72 hours.

doesnt want to answer the question either. [/B]

Judging from his reply you made the same mistake of ranting&flaming...

Learn this: A kiss on the butt gets you further than a flame in the face.


*gives muppet a kiss on the butt*

You suck you mother of a boobrie!

Wouldn't want to break the delicate ecosistem now do we.


Yes, GOA is a pile of steaming crap. They cant even be bothered to hire someone who can speak/write english ffs.

I played EQ for 3 years, and while I despise Verant as the instrument of the Devil for their policies and dev decisions, technically speaking they are light-years ahead of GOA in terms of CS and general service as far as the game goes.

Add to that the fact that France Telecom and Wanadoo internet infrastructure is about as good as a third world country, and you can see why we would be better off if they were flushed and someone else got the franchise.


Originally posted by old.Glendower
Yes, GOA is a pile of steaming crap. They cant even be bothered to hire someone who can speak/write english ffs.

I played EQ for 3 years, and while I despise Verant as the instrument of the Devil for their policies and dev decisions, technically speaking they are light-years ahead of GOA in terms of CS and general service as far as the game goes.

Add to that the fact that France Telecom and Wanadoo internet infrastructure is about as good as a third world country, and you can see why we would be better off if they were flushed and someone else got the franchise.

well good for you kthxbye and go play EQ again.

if ya don't like the service LEAVE THE FUCKING GAME


This is the thing Addlcove nothing to do with GOA but alot of people I have known have crossed over or gone back to EQ the gfx aren't as good but they get a full massive map to wander about etc. They do have a stable player base and have been operating for a long time.

DAoC has only been out for 1.5 ish years and the number of players leaving the game are not being replinshed by new comers. In fact most lower players running about are old players using new chars.

Combined with the price rise and new games coming out daoc EU won't last. The basic problem roots back to it being hard to get a copy of the game in the first place and lack of advertising. This is the main contributors to the game dieing the way it is. Many many of my friends will be leaving the game after May nothing to do with the infamous swg and want to stay and play daoc but are fed up to the back teeth of various support issues and 3rd server blah blah.

As I have said before I have had no problems with GOA and some people who complain leave out important bits of info. But I do also believe that some cases are genuine.


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