No Problems Here With GOA



I know alot of people will disagree with this, and no, I don't want to know the reasons, and also I am not writing this to start a flame war, but I do honestly believe that you should give credit where it is due.

I have been having correspondence with GOA for around the last 72 hrs. They have been honest, efficient, prompt, and have totally solved my problem in a very polite and sociable manner.

Seems they're not all bad.


GOA gave us the possibility to play this game. Who are we to "fuck you" them for giving entertainment for hours and hours on end. If it wasn't for GOA we'd all be playing in the "good" old US of A.

It's not all candy and flowers but GOA have done their job better then most companies.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
If it wasn't for GOA we'd all be playing in the "good" old US of A.

Actually if it wasn't for GOA some other company would have got the contract and maybe they would have done a better job.,

It's not all candy and flowers but GOA have done their job better then most companies.

Such as?
Robert Maxwell Pensions Limited?
Gateway Computers?


The game is working, right? Right.

You can log in and play, right? Right.

Give a good "fuck up" by GOA and i'll think otherwise.


....funcom (Anarchy Online)....say no more :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
The game is working, right? Right.

You can log in and play, right? Right.

har har


Have to agree with this... i had some issues and i got all the answers i needed and they helped me solve some issues.

Sure, no company is perfect but i do believe the high uptime from this 24/7 game is amazing compared to some others and afterall thats the most important thing cause most people just wanna play :hat:



Come back when you are in the position of Lochlyessa or another poor soul whose account has been hacked etc etc.
We'll see your attitude towards them then.


Lucky you.

Sadly everyone isnt always as lucky - if/when your asking one of GOAs support staff for assistance when it seems they just cant be bothered to either help or even read the support issue properly your attitude will change.

I know mine did.


Originally posted by scarffs
of Lochlyessa or another poor soul whose account has been hacked etc etc.

Yeah...bring that one in -here- as well.

Again, as Brannor said in one post, we don't know the facts. Hell, Loch mnight have deleted the chars willynilly drunk after a barnight. (And no don't go saying "Loch doesn't drink" or something like that, it was an example).

Anypoop...people like the way GOA work, people don't like the way GOA doesn't work. HEll...plenty of choices out there and if you don't like the heat you can..i repeat...-can- leave the kitchen.

EDIT: only first line is towards scarffs directly.


I got to agree, uptime is superb.
The few times i needed support i got reply's fast.

As for poor sods who get their accounts compromised, it wouldnt happen if they had taken a few simple steps to secure their password in the first place


Originally posted by scarffs
Come back when you are in the position of Lochlyessa or another poor soul whose account has been hacked etc etc.
We'll see your attitude towards them then.
I feel very sorry for Loch, but I don't blame the bank if someone pinches my wallet, I blame the thief who stole it.


Originally posted by Alrindel
I feel very sorry for Loch, but I don't blame the bank if someone pinches my wallet, I blame the thief who stole it.

Totally different things, you don't carry your characters around in your back pocket do you?

They are stored on GOA servers so they have the responsability of keeping them 'safe'


Originally posted by Cronn
They are stored on GOA servers so they have the responsability of keeping them 'safe'

and you have the responsibility to keep your account details safe...

I agree that some of the individual cases are quite sad, but jumping on the "GOA is teh s00k" bandwagon acomplishes nothing, nor is it all that true...
if it was, they'd have no customers left by now instead of a steadily growing number..


Originally posted by Cronn
Totally different things, you don't carry your characters around in your back pocket do you?

They are stored on GOA servers so they have the responsability of keeping them 'safe'

You should be the only person in the world that knows what your password is, it is your job to keep it safe.
GOA keeps your characters save, i have never heard of anybody accessing GOA's databases and deleting chars from there

I have on the other hand seen a few pc's with files like daoc-password.txt on the desktop, people sharing their password... THAT is how you lose chars, and that is when you got yourself to blame in the first place


Originally posted by Cronn
They are stored on GOA servers so they have the responsability of keeping them 'safe'
GOA has the responsibility of keeping their servers secure and making sure that only people with valid logins and passwords can access player accounts. If you give your password to someone and they are untrustworthy, or someone else intercepts it, or you write it down on a piece of paper and someone else finds it, or you left your password in an e-mail message on your Hotmail account and someone else accesses it, or you stored your password in a DAOC_PASSWORD.TXT file on your desktop and someone else accesses your computer and gets it that way... GOA cannot protect you from any of these things, and blaming them for it afterwards is, well, like blaming the bank after your wallet gets stolen.


The silent majority speaks....

I'm happy for you and all the other non-moaners, I wish I was as happy with GOA as you. But believe me your tune will change if you find yourself in an "account closed" or "characters deleted" scenario that is not of your making.


Originally posted by old.davidlqs
I'm happy for you and all the other non-moaners, I wish I was as happy with GOA as you. But believe me your tune will change if you find yourself in an "account closed" or "characters deleted" scenario that is not of your making.

Got my account closed a few months back. I had paid the fee but the account remained closed. I waited for the next day, and the day after that, then started to play when the payment finally went through.

No cries, no whines, wait and recieved. Also got a free day for the wait period, all without even saying "Umm, something wrgon with my account" to GOA.

Brannor McThife

And I had my account hacked, and suspended (and the mark to go with it). Do I blame GOA? No. I blame myself partly, for my own stupidity. And I thank the fact that kr0n wasn't "an evul kiddie" and figured that he may as well delete my chars. He actually went so far as to put my character back where it was before he used it, 1/2% durability less, but pretty much the same.

Had someone not posted the picture, I would never have guessed.

Yes, there are certain policies I may not agree with, but I understand WHY. Once you understand WHY, you'll find that you hardly have much to complain about, :rolleyes:



I don't see how you're account can be hacked if you're carefull...

First, don't ever give none of you're Details out...

From user name to CD-Key....
Don't store you're password on you're PC,

If you do that, not sure how they can get ya details...
First, if they know you're E-mail, they can try the request for details via Rightnow, but for that, they have to know you're Account User name, if you are smart, you will keep it you you're self...

Also, make suree you using a good E-mail service for you're account...


i asked through rightnow about why the prices are getting changed and what we are supposed to be getting for this price increase... the response?

Response (CS) 04/08/2003 11:11 AM

We would like to remind you that the code of conducts also apply on the rightnow part. If you fail to follow the COC, your account can be suspended.
Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

if that aint good customer service i dunno what is!

edit: and this is asking kemor why does GOA keep failing us and ask for more money when they carry on being a load of rubbish -

I see no questions here, just rants. No real reason to spend time answering since you seem pretty anchored in your views and nothing I can say will change that. Also, this is NOT Rightnow, this is my professional email. Rightnow reports are dealt with in time with a couple exceptions for tough cases. I personally do not have to answer under 72 hours.

doesnt want to answer the question either.

Brannor McThife

Man, I still get a twinge whenever I read this...

Originally posted by kemor
Brannor being in the E&E team changes nothing; we have logs, we check them, we have policies, we apply them.

At least kr0n got smacked. :p
Serves you right ya bastard. ;)



Aye, and with GOA good greifers rules,

He can just get anuther account and carry on playing..



Originally posted by n3wbie
i asked through rightnow about why the prices are getting changed and what we are supposed to be getting for this price increase... the response?

Response (CS) 04/08/2003 11:11 AM

We would like to remind you that the code of conducts also apply on the rightnow part. If you fail to follow the COC, your account can be suspended.
Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

if that aint good customer service i dunno what is!

Well congratulations - you succeed in moving somebody with a real technical issue down the queue a little for a cheap laugh.

They are politely telling you to fuck off and not waste their time. Frankly I don't blame them.


Originally posted by Jupitus
Well congratulations - you succeed in moving somebody with a real technical issue down the queue a little for a cheap laugh.

They are politely telling you to fuck off and not waste their time. Frankly I don't blame them.

cheap laugh? no im asking why they are increasing the prices, are you seriously saying you dont really care that they are asking for more money and not giving even a tiny bit more of a better serivce?


Originally posted by n3wbie
are you seriously saying you dont really care that they are asking for more money and not giving even a tiny bit more of a better serivce?



Jupitus knows ppl in GOA he's their love bunny.


Originally posted by Jupitus

so if i came to you and said give me £10, would you give me it, no questions asked and not even botherd why i would need or want it? doubt you would and GOA are doing the same but with a smaller amount of money.


Don't you think you might feel a bit more strongly about it if you had lost all your characters, Bannor?


Originally posted by old.davidlqs
Don't you think you might feel a bit more strongly about it if you had lost all your characters, Bannor?

Well, it seems brannor accepted a nice .exe file from IRC...

If someone trojaned there way into my computer, i would see it as my fault, for getting the damn trojan, and letting little Miss hack-alot into my computer...

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