Ninjitsu is bad for you


It's my birthday today!
Dec 23, 2003
Ssera said:
ah that's true in most cases but there are techniques in aikido where you'll attack your opponent first, without giving them a chance to attack you in the first place. They are quite rare though but it would be foolish to think that Aikido is 'only' countering someone's attack on you. There are ways to make someone grab you too. For example, you go and grab his neck with one hand and start squeezing. 99.9% of the time that person will grab your wrist to get you off. There you go, he's grabbing you, now flip him around a few times :p

Self defence means exactly that, defending yourself. If you see someone walk at you with a knife on a dark rainy night you're not gonna wait for him to lunge out, you're going to take him out first (or run away of course!).

It's not about doing set pieces against specific attacks but adapting to the situation. In most of our training sessions the last hour would be sparring, sometimes with special rules like 'no fists' or 'no pressure points', but there was no set way to do it.

If you're fighting someone and see an opening which you know will bring them down, use it! Not like O'Sensei will suddenly appear and tell you off!

I suppose it all depends on the type of Aikdo practised... isee where you're coming from... i've done the self defense stuff only, ie traditional Japanese style (yeah, we used Katana and Staff, good fun ), and the more combat orientated version when I did Ju Jutsu.... but then, Ju Jutsu was meant to beat the living shit out of someone if they jumped you, using whatever was appropiate (Judo, Taek Wondo, Aikido or karata... usually a combination).

But if I see someone whom I know will probably attack me, I'll just walk (or run) away... A sidestep as they aproach is good for getting them off balance I suppose, it all depends on what type of style you like using.

Atleast when you wait for them to attack, in the eyes of the law, you are clearly defending yourself.... pre emptive strikes, while possible, probably won't hold a lot of water in court.... unless the guy is a maniac, or clearly out to get you.


Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
SilverHood said:
I suppose it all depends on the type of Aikdo practised... isee where you're coming from... i've done the self defense stuff only, ie traditional Japanese style (yeah, we used Katana and Staff, good fun ), and the more combat orientated version when I did Ju Jutsu.... but then, Ju Jutsu was meant to beat the living shit out of someone if they jumped you, using whatever was appropiate (Judo, Taek Wondo, Aikido or karata... usually a combination).

But if I see someone whom I know will probably attack me, I'll just walk (or run) away... A sidestep as they aproach is good for getting them off balance I suppose, it all depends on what type of style you like using.

Atleast when you wait for them to attack, in the eyes of the law, you are clearly defending yourself.... pre emptive strikes, while possible, probably won't hold a lot of water in court.... unless the guy is a maniac, or clearly out to get you.


depends what type of pre emptive, if he has a knife or something, then yeh u can hit him first etc, but, its best just to dodge the first swing or let it hit from a fist or whateva, then go ape shit and floor him :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
SilverHood said:
Atleast when you wait for them to attack, in the eyes of the law, you are clearly defending yourself.... pre emptive strikes, while possible, probably won't hold a lot of water in court.... unless the guy is a maniac, or clearly out to get you.


Hmm I don't know how it is in the UK but here in France it's a bit different. The brother of one of my friends is 5th or 6th dan in jeet kun do (Bruce Lee type fighting) and he was once attacked by 4 muggers in the street. He spent about 10 minutes talking to them explaining that if they got any closer he would send them to hospital, explaining to them that he'd been studying martial arts since age 5 or so etc etc. They didn't listen and ended up in hospital. He was arrested and charged with GBH even though he was outnumbered 4 to 1.

Safest bet is to run I guess, or make sure they can't talk/write afterwards :flame:

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Ssera said:
Hmm I don't know how it is in the UK but here in France it's a bit different. The brother of one of my friends is 5th or 6th dan in jeet kun do (Bruce Lee type fighting) and he was once attacked by 4 muggers in the street. He spent about 10 minutes talking to them explaining that if they got any closer he would send them to hospital, explaining to them that he'd been studying martial arts since age 5 or so etc etc. They didn't listen and ended up in hospital. He was arrested and charged with GBH even though he was outnumbered 4 to 1.

Safest bet is to run I guess, or make sure they can't talk/write afterwards :flame:

its actually legal to hit them here, aslong as you explain that you can actually do the martial arts, or at least it was.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Basically if 4 people attack you, and you send them to hospital, you deserve a medal.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
i think the law was, u had to tell them 3 times, and have a witness you did, before you can use martial arts on them. at least thats what i was told when i was younger, altho i never did any martial arts or anything, i wish i did now tho :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
About the whole cracked rib thing though, if it hurts to breath deeply and if you push it hard and it still hurts, chances are its cracked or badly bruised...I did this whilst playing american football, some big bloke elbow dropped me.. but even going to hospital wont help much, *if* they even bother to x-ray you, the only thing they can do for a broken rib is give you pain killers and tell you to take it easy as strapping them like they used to do means the ribs cant heal my advice; get doped up on some painkillers and relax for a bit! :D


Dec 22, 2003
Healer McHeal said:
i think the law was, u had to tell them 3 times, and have a witness you did, before you can use martial arts on them. at least thats what i was told when i was younger, altho i never did any martial arts or anything, i wish i did now tho :(

'I know martial arts so please back off or i'll break your legs ya' bastard'
'I know martial arts so please back off or i'll break your legs ya' bastard'
'I know martial arts so please back off or i'll break your legs ya' bastard'

Erm.. just stay here 10mins while I go and find a witness too .. :(


It's my birthday today!
Dec 23, 2003
Cyfr said:
'I know martial arts so please back off or i'll break your legs ya' bastard'
'I know martial arts so please back off or i'll break your legs ya' bastard'
'I know martial arts so please back off or i'll break your legs ya' bastard'

Erm.. just stay here 10mins while I go and find a witness too .. :(

If there's more than one of them, then you have a potential witnes... of course, they'd lie if they got 50 quid for their grandmums teeth, so no luck there I guess.

General rule I use: don't use more force than they're (attempting) to use on you. (which is the law in some countries)

So if they're trying to stab you (attempted murder), beat them up good.
If he's throwing a punch, don't beat him up *that* much. Maybe a kick in the nuts.



Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
Healer McHeal said:
i think the law was, u had to tell them 3 times, and have a witness you did, before you can use martial arts on them. at least thats what i was told when i was younger, altho i never did any martial arts or anything, i wish i did now tho :(

what kind of law is that? you have some kind of link or something with official statements?

so people can try to mug you but you're not allowed to stop them??

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
i was told about it when i was younger, i dont honestly know if its true, its just what i was told by one of my friends who did martial arts, ill see what google brings up


It's my birthday today!
Dec 23, 2003
can't find any links to UK law sites (finding UK law on the net is a pain, at best)

but, here's something from New Zealand, which must be pretty close to what's in place here:

Self-defence and defence of another - Everyone is justified in using, in the defence of himself or another, such force as, in the circumstances as he believes them to be, it is reasonable to use."

The law is reasonably straightforward and indeed common sense. There are three main parts to it. They are:

1. Everyone is entitled to use force or violence to defend themselves or someone else from attack
2. The person on the spot is entitled to assess the level of risk or threat that they are facing
3. But in defence must only ever use such force as is reasonable

It is quite obvious that the level of force you are entitled to use to defend yourself from, say, a shove from a drunk in a pub is quite different to that that you are entitled to use if you confront an armed intruder in your own home.

There is no set requirement that you must attempt to run away from an attacker before you are entitled to defend yourself. This is particularly so if you are faced with an intruder in your own home. However as a rule of thumb the best defence to an attack is not being anywhere near the attacker.


Dec 22, 2003
gunner440 said:
what kind of law is that? you have some kind of link or something with official statements?

so people can try to mug you but you're not allowed to stop them??

To be honest with the UK law being so screwed up, it wouldn't surprise me :(

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
the uk law atm, if u have a bat under your bed for if intruders come in, and one does and u use it to "knock him out", but dont cause serious damage, u will still be arrested for using it, but if u use the bat and u didnt have it there for that reason, u wont be, so fucked up you cant have a plan to protect your home, if some one enters your house with a gun trying to kill you, your not alowed to shoot him, WTF?


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
this is so stupid

so theoretically i can go and try to steal someone's mobile or something but in a 'non-violent' manner and if the guy punches me i'm allowed to hit back and say i'm being unfairly assaulted??

i never knew about this law

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
basically, yes, you will still be done for attempted stealing, but u will take him down with you for hitting you,

this countrys laws are stupid, you will get a warning, he will get a couple of days in or a fine for abh/gbh.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Any judge with any sense would dismiss such claims. Its only people who use what with hindsight is seen as excessive force, or keep a baseball bat under their bed, that get in trouble.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
all i can say is, if some one breaks into my house, ill give them hell, the bat aint under my bed, but its against the wall with a mit at the bottom of it, if there stupid enough the break into some ones house, ill hit the fker with it.


Dec 17, 2003
jaba said:
About the whole cracked rib thing though, if it hurts to breath deeply and if you push it hard and it still hurts, chances are its cracked or badly bruised...I did this whilst playing american football, some big bloke elbow dropped me.. but even going to hospital wont help much, *if* they even bother to x-ray you, the only thing they can do for a broken rib is give you pain killers and tell you to take it easy as strapping them like they used to do means the ribs cant heal my advice; get doped up on some painkillers and relax for a bit! :D
I've been self-medicating quite a lot for the last few days. The breathing deeply and pushing hurting is exactly what I'm having at the moment.

And I only went and did it the same day that my new bike arrived.

As for the complaints about the law in this country...have any of you actually heard of a case like that? Nah, because it is covered by case law, all those years of previous court judgements.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
i was only stating what the law actually is, but no i dont really hear of cases of it, there has been a couple tho, where some one has broken in, and got hurt or something, and sued the person :/.

remember that person that broke into someones house, was trying to get out via the garage, the garage door was broken, he was stuck in there for a week, and survived on dry dog food, and a crate of pepsi or something, and he sued the house owners because of it caused him some mental illness or something.


Dec 22, 2003
Will said:
I decided to go along to a Ninjitsu class on Tuesday evening. Since I took up cycling, I've been impressed with the sudden appearence of muscles, and I felt I should do something with them.

So along I go to the class. Get through the warm-up fine, my cardio-vascular is pretty good. Then there is some work on grabs, locks, and throws. I felt a twinge in my back when I got thrown once, but thought nothing of it.

Get home, and the next morning I've really stiff. Not unexpected, I've been using totally different muscles from normal. Two days later, the stiffness is gone, and I've got full freedom of movement again...

...except, I've done something nasty to one of my left ribs. I've either bruised it really badly, or I've cracked it. It hurts to breath deeply, and walking is very sore indeed. Though for some reason, cycling is ok (just).

I might take up Aikido instead.;)
Does it hurt when you laugh?
Sharp pain when you take a deep breath?
Tender if you press anywhere along the rib?

If you answered yes to any 2 of them, congratulations you have a broke rib :D

ahhh the joys of having parental doctors



It's my birthday today!
Dec 23, 2003
Or the farmer who shot the guy running off with his silverware....

that said, preccedent shouldn't always be taken at face value.... Rio Ferdinand learned that the hard way (ok, not exactly self defence law, but I can't think of a more appropiate example)

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
SilverHood said:
Or the farmer who shot the guy running off with his silverware....

that said, preccedent shouldn't always be taken at face value.... Rio Ferdinand learned that the hard way (ok, not exactly self defence law, but I can't think of a more appropiate example)

i remember that one, he got arrested for man slaughter because the kid died after being shot as he was fleeing with the stolen goods


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Healer McHeal said:
i was only stating what the law actually is, but no i dont really hear of cases of it, there has been a couple tho, where some one has broken in, and got hurt or something, and sued the person :/.

remember that person that broke into someones house, was trying to get out via the garage, the garage door was broken, he was stuck in there for a week, and survived on dry dog food, and a crate of pepsi or something, and he sued the house owners because of it caused him some mental illness or something.

It didn't happen, that's one of the 'bogus' Stella Award stories - third one down.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
ah fair enough :p, but still, heres another fuckup of UK,

your not alowed to drink and drive, but yet every pub has a car park

EDIT: but i bet if it did happen he would of probbly won the case :/


Dec 17, 2003
Tilda said:
Does it hurt when you laugh?
Sharp pain when you take a deep breath?
Tender if you press anywhere along the rib?

If you answered yes to any 2 of them, congratulations you have a broke rib :D

ahhh the joys of having parental doctors

Well, I have a broken rib then. Joy. How long does it take to heal?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
6 to 8 weeks? and remember to wrap up tightly. better see a doc for sure.


Dec 17, 2003
TdC said:
6 to 8 weeks? and remember to wrap up tightly. better see a doc for sure.
Bollocks. That's far too long to be healing. I want to go out mountain biking tomorrow.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Ah, martial arts. I took up Taekwon-Do last autumn, great fun it is too - even if I am too uncoordinated to get the jump kicks right. It's getting better. I took my second grading yesterday, tedious process but will be nice to get another coloured belt for my efforts :)

There's really not a lot of taking to ground in Taekwon-do actually... certainly not until the high-middle grades. You might want to try that?

As a random tip, if anyone is going to mug me, go for my left hand side. I can break through 'harder-than-wood-aparrently' training boards with my right hand, but if I try it with the left I come out with 5 days of bruising... needs practice methinks.

Get well soon Will :)

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