Nightshades, love them or lose them (rant)



[sorry for the double post]

@Aeiedil: if u think to find a group on later lvls is only for NS hard then hear my story - i seek since lvl37 for groups and it's so hard to get one - I solo now MOSTLY and got lvl39 losing about 50g on the way due rez-costs. :rolleyes:

I'm a bloody mentalist ... support class - I have to beg for groups.

Maybe we should start a group together next time we meet and invite all who are not welcome ... ;)

btw, thx to tarakiwa who invited me to a EZ-Group last week which really rocked -> 5b in about 3-4 hours was exceptional.


Hmmz i played a shade in Beta, was great, but hard to xp, and harder to be usefull to group. I still wanna play a shade now, and im hoping the x-months i put in as warden and mentalist support chars will mean folks remember the hours i put in and group my shade in the months to come.

Internal to our alliance we level our own shades, including them as much as possible in groups - tho tbh 95% of our players picked a more group friendly char as their main, saving their shades to level later, maybe we do stuff different to other guilds/alliances?

Gotta ask tho, this shades watching the mages back thing... ya right, if you get your shade to 50th the only mages you will be interested in will be invaders, are you really sincerely suggesting that your motivation to level up your shade is to use your detect hidden ability in RvR to keep the mages of your realm safe from harm? :puke: Pull the other one.


hehe hatchet, then be surprised :) if i see a death message from an assasain i come back from wherever and do my best to find them :p i hate assasains as much as the next man, especially when its an alb\mid doing my job :)


I must say me hats off to ya all. Shades/Rangers and such. I tried a Ranger and got him to lvl 5 or 6 and gee whiz I just don't have the knack to make him any good. It takes patience and determination and skill to get a good one. So I have a new appreciation for IMO two of the hardest char types in the game to master. :D


Sorry Hatchet that is bollocks

Come to emain and see how many invaders get to perf me m8 lol

Why ? well there's this rather sexy lurk that hides near me all the time :) <blows a kiss to Iziz>

How do I know ? Creep said on irc that he f**kin hates when Iziz is near me in emain lol

So we have a lvl 50 SB getting annoyed by a lvl 45 NS because he cant get to stab me .

Now think again and tell me that a NS cannot do anything in RvR

Also I have lost count of other ppl they have uncovered well before they got near me.

Question for u Hatchet have u had a NS once your ass in RvR yet ?


Hatchet on sunday night at the alb wall you were standing there with your other char too, twice I unstealthed assassin that were close to you and a group of people jumped on them, I unstealed well over a dozen that night and even more archers on the hills. I dont try to kill them all I'm doing it hitting them with garotte and getting them after me.

I didnt save your ass specifically, but I'm damn sure I helped that force out a LOT.

I know I wasn't the only NS out there doing exactly that thing, I dont see myself as a killing machine and spend 90% of my time close to the fringes of our force or up in hills looking for archers.

I know 1 on 1 I probably cant take an even con infiltrator or shadowblade, but when they lose stealth close to your force they're usually ganked and having to /release.


Aeiedil, I'm finding myself in lvl 40+ XP groups starting out in Innis every night at the moment - usually doing EZ or pooks/dulla's etc.

I'll happily make a condition of my joining such groups that you get to join too if you want, although you may find the groups too low level? Seems to me that if every bard adopted a luri NS we'd get you all leveled pretty fast :p


Originally posted by Tylar
Sorry Hatchet that is bollocks

Come to emain and see how many invaders get to perf me m8 lol

Why ? well there's this rather sexy lurk that hides near me all the time :) <blows a kiss to Iziz>

How do I know ? Creep said on irc that he f**kin hates when Iziz is near me in emain lol

So we have a lvl 50 SB getting annoyed by a lvl 45 NS because he cant get to stab me .

Now think again and tell me that a NS cannot do anything in RvR

Also I have lost count of other ppl they have uncovered well before they got near me.

Question for u Hatchet have u had a NS once your ass in RvR yet ?

Hehe you sad lil muppet. Find where in my post i said a NS cannot do anything in RvR? You cant cause its not there.

NS are fecking great in RvR, great at killing people, taking out casters n ressers, scouting etc. Sure they can detect too, but if ya try and tell me that they level up to protect casters, rather than to sneak about and asssasinate folks... :puke:

Amusing that you still chat with the middies on IRC tho <grins> ill quote that next time u CF monkeys go into denial.

Btw, on your rise to 50th, how many times did you include a NS in your group? Or is that a rhetorical question?


Hatchet I dont see your point here, if a NS ever gets to level 50 and goes out killing casters during RvR (less likely once the no now 1 shot rule comes in) then surely that helps our side?

I'd leave off Tylar if I were you, he's done a lot for Hibernia and many of my friends. Try for once to be constructive please, seems that most of your posts now are nothing more than incoherant flames.

I didnt realise that being GM of a guild meant you had to insult people, thought you were meant to set a GOOD example for others. You've got the makings of a good leader mate, really dont see why you have to resort to it.


Originally posted by Halfmad
Hatchet I dont see your point here, if a NS ever gets to level 50 and goes out killing casters during RvR (less likely once the no now 1 shot rule comes in) then surely that helps our side?

I'd leave off Tylar if I were you, he's done a lot for Hibernia and many of my friends. Try for once to be constructive please, seems that most of your posts now are nothing more than incoherant flames.

I didnt realise that being GM of a guild meant you had to insult people, thought you were meant to set a GOOD example for others. You've got the makings of a good leader mate, really dont see why you have to resort to it.

Which part of "NS are fecking Great in RvR" do you have problems understanding, cause im real confused. Where did i say NS do not help our side in RvR? Please tell me where i said that? Where did i say NS killing enemy casters was unhelpfull to our side?????


My only point with shades, is that the primary motivation for playing one, IS NOT to stand at the back with the mages using a passive det hidden skill!!!! How hard is that to work out? is that what made u play one? Did you roll up your shade thinking "omg i so cant wait to be able to keep our casters safe from harm"?

I seriously doubt it. And it's NOT why i wanna level up my shade either, i wanna level up to kill people. Sure if we stood about in emain or where-ever resting a det hidden is damn usefull, but it is NOT NOT NOT the prime reason for playing a shade, nor is it what they spend most of their time doing in emain.

As for tylar, he flamed me first... should have kept his mouth shut, if he didnt want a flame back. Glass houses n stones and all that.


LOL Hatchet you really are a kid :p

you wrote:

"Gotta ask tho, this shades watching the mages back thing... ya right, if you get your shade to 50th the only mages you will be interested in will be invaders, are you really sincerely suggesting that your motivation to level up your shade is to use your detect hidden ability in RvR to keep the mages of your realm safe from harm? Pull the other one."

Thats precisely what I do, I go out and kill too but NS are meant to take on lone people or low groups not take on a whole army on thier own, during large battles they're best used to scout or protect casters and archers (my opinion). I can go to middie and alb anytime I want and kill but I find the bigger fights far more fun and frustrating people attempts at killing MY side is always a buzz. You seem to think that everyone plays a class for exactly the same reasons, that assumption is complete bollocks. Some of us play for a TEAM or for the REALM something that apparently you cant grasp.

you also gibbered:

"As for tylar, he flamed me first... "

boo hoo he flamed me first lol

You really are funny sometimes :clap:


A shade posts level me or ill quit detecting, np, very reasonable, I suggest Night shades are more assassins than detectives and i get flamed.

Odd how some people can come accross as reasonable, right up until someone suggests the class they play has weakness's or drawbacks, or leans toward a particular play-style.

Then lots of the high lvl members of that class flame whoever said it, (usually me :D ) few of their mates respond in kind telling the person they talk bollox.

I wonder if i said tanks play rvr to tank rather than stand at the back with their fingers hovering over the intercept ability to protect casters, would a few of them would write texts about how they do exactly that?

Perhaps i should just shut up and cast the power-regens eh? After all, that's obviously why i levelled up my mentalist, so i can keep my realm mates in power, so the enchanters can cast more damage adds to help the tanks (who will be at the back with the casters fingers on intercept), the elds can er... AoE mez, and the naturalists can heal & rez more?

Hmmz, maybe i should turn over GM of DDi to someone nicer too? Who doesn't speak their mind, ignors flames, /dances a lot in game /bows and /salutes enemies rather than attacking them, and spends all their time helping new chars at MM? They could make a point to personally /invite every hibbie onto any raid they plan, ally with mid and alb at the same time, and create a cross-realm feeling of warmth and happiness, killing finlaiths all the time just for the joy of handing out the toys they loot to needy children...


I can't think why folks shouldn't like Nightshades or Rangers in their groups - if the Shade uses his poisons (with L40 you should be able to wear a 2nd or 3rd pair of poisoned blades around) and the Ranger his arrows they are a real addition to the team.

And if you don't find a group nor people to make one - team up with a fellow stalker of the other class. Nightshade and Ranger make a pretty nice team especially when both sim-crit their targets or the Shade uses that "stop-style" so Ranger can keep on shooting after a pull.


Well dont see me flaming you, just finding you rather humerous :p

Odd how some people can come accross as reasonable, right up until someone suggests the class they play has weakness's or drawbacks, or leans toward a particular play-style.

Actually NS dont lean to any particular play style as they are gimped (IMO) compared to the other ones, but they're ace at scouting and detecting/unstealthing others (no other stealth class can do it as well).

Then lots of the high lvl members of that class flame whoever said it, (usually me ) few of their mates respond in kind telling the person they talk bollox.

I dont know Tylar that well, spoken to him... ooh once I think but I know of him and what he's done and I give him credit for it. I'd give you credit too if you'd lead a raid with more than your own guild (I'd happily come along too if you wanted me too!)

I wonder if i said tanks play rvr to tank rather than stand at the back with their fingers hovering over the intercept ability to protect casters, would a few of them would write texts about how they do exactly that?

Get another lollypop and think that one out again please. I told you what I do in RvR I didn't make up stories about it and I have people that know I'm around unstealthing rather than on the front line. I know where I'm best used just now and I stay there and dont run around like a headless chicken ;)

Perhaps i should just shut up and cast the power-regens eh? After all, that's obviously why i levelled up my mentalist, so i can keep my realm mates in power, so the enchanters can cast more damage adds to help the tanks (who will be at the back with the casters fingers on intercept), the elds can er... AoE mez, and the naturalists can heal & rez more?

Why not if that's what you want to do. There's no set rules for how you should play your character.

Hmmz, maybe i should turn over GM of DDi to someone nicer too? Who doesn't speak their mind, ignors flames, /dances a lot in game /bows and /salutes enemies rather than attacking them, and spends all their time helping new chars at MM? They could make a point to personally /invite every hibbie onto any raid they plan, ally with mid and alb at the same time, and create a cross-realm feeling of warmth and happiness, killing finlaiths all the time just for the joy of handing out the toys they loot to needy children...

LOL you always come back to the alliance with midgard, fact is it weakened Albion and probably stopped them having a go at our relics that weekened. I've met quite a few DDi people around Hibernia and not met any I dont get along with yet, they seem to play for fun and not personal fame which perhaps is something you should try, even if only for a few days. I'm sure you help your guild members out a lot, why does it have to stop with them?



After joining Hibby on Excal from Albion, Pred, I created a chanter as a primary and a NS as an alt.

My chanter gets into groups easily - and solo is just as good (but boring).

The NS however is a nightmare to get into any groups. I know it's early days but I hate the tedium of solo killing (and tasks).

If I start creating groups at later levels, I think I'll make a point of including a NS just because I've started to find how difficult it can be.

Oh and I'm still an ickle puppy with both chars at the moment:

Bacon (lvl 26 chanter)
Enesta (lvl 11 NS)

Oh and if anyone fancies a group session sometime give me a shout - I'll join up with you.


it was only a matter of time until this went into a flamefest

Sure they can detect too, but if ya try and tell me that they level up to protect casters,
You do know that assasains are worth a lot of rp? the main reason i became an assasain was cause i was fed up of them being such pests, and as a nightshade i can easily stop them, or when thats not needed i can go off killing

Btw, on your rise to 50th, how many times did you include a NS in your group?
Tylars grouped me more often than the once youve grouped me Hatchet, and thats including before he joined CF

seems that most of your posts now are nothing more than incoherant flames.
Usually a strong opinion behind them, and can bring up some lively discussions when they arent just blatently insulting ;)

A shade posts level me or ill quit detecting
if that was directed at me then thats not what i meant, im sure its obvious to see that if someone groups me ill be more inclined to help that person over someone who dosent group me

Then lots of the high lvl members of that class flame whoever said it,
i didnt flame, just pointed out that your pre-judgments based on my class were misplaced

Actually NS dont lean to any particular play style as they are gimped
how many times do i need to say, WE AREN'T GIMPED, they just seem so if you spec badly or are trying to play as they arent intended

Sigh, try to make a discussion thread and it turns to flamefest :D

Tank Init

well Aeiedil u cant get groups and u in a guild CF i believe and tyler is lvl 50 and a few more of CF are level 50 if these ppl will not power level u i can only suggest one thing LEAVE THE GUILD as aint that what guilds are for to help out other members.

if they cant do anything for u then dont do anything for them

nuff said




It's not "level me or I'll quit".
It's "don't be a complete ass"!

It's people who say "yes you can join the group", but then go ahead and group someone else coz they think that they'll reduce down time by about 2 secs per pull (which is probably rubbish anyway)... that is what is pissing us off.

I don't know how many times I have to say this before you'll understand the message. I don't think I'm asking too much, just to have a bit of common curtesy.

Please tell me if I'm the one in the wrong here.


Originally posted by Ying Yang
well Aeiedil u cant get groups and u in a guild CF i believe and tyler is lvl 50 and a few more of CF are level 50 if these ppl will not power level u i can only suggest one thing LEAVE THE GUILD as aint that what guilds are for to help out other members.

if they cant do anything for u then dont do anything for them

nuff said

yeah, that's the right way "PL me or i quit!!!" - blackmail your own guild, really nice idea - NOT

Tank Init

says a lvl 50 CF player lol wonder how many time u invited him into your groups



I see as usual this forul is no short of wise ass and givers of lessons.

Why don't you shut up and go group some shades instead Ying?


Ying many people think that guilds are primarily for groups. that's utter garbage.

Guilds are about helping each other, but that does not mean doing everything for those who's level is lower than you. Many of the level 50 peeps are utterly fed up XPing (who can blame them!) so saying "power level me or I'll quit" is totally lame.

People who want power leveled are just lazy.

NUFF SAID :rolleyes:



Well I never PLed anyone that's true.

I often grouped with people being lower level (guess!) and sometimes way lower but never felt I was PLing them. Cause it was people I knew, some of them from beta too, and it was always fun and friendly doing so.

Some people think that guildmates have the obligation to group with them, then they forget it's a game, not a job.


Originally posted by iziz


It's not "level me or I'll quit".
It's "don't be a complete ass"!

It's people who say "yes you can join the group", but then go ahead and group someone else coz they think that they'll reduce down time by about 2 secs per pull (which is probably rubbish anyway)... that is what is pissing us off.

I don't know how many times I have to say this before you'll understand the message. I don't think I'm asking too much, just to have a bit of common curtesy.

Please tell me if I'm the one in the wrong here.

Your on the wrong on the rubbish part, i would think that a bard who actually play end song AND power song will reduce downtime with a good 2 secs(if not more).

The real question is if it actually matters to have 2 secs less downtime..... ;)

But still, i dont say no to a shade just because its a shade, unless im in a group with 7 players and not a single healer except me(and take my word on this, i CANT heal ;) but more importantly/accurately, i cant rez).

Its just a matter of asking the right person at the right time.. Heck, some days ago we had 2 CHAMPS each double tank 2 finlaiths each without guard but with bubble, and we actually survived, i mean champs... cmon :) if i have 2 heros, and need a tank, and a shade asks, why not? theres no logical explanation to why you should NOT join the group.

As someone else so wonderfully quoted.

Its a perception problem.


says a lvl 50 CF player lol wonder how many time u invited him into your groups
I've been with him in groups plenty of times, same with most CF folk :p You however I have never heard of :p Stop trying to stir up a fight inside a guild please ;)


Sorry if Ying is pointing out that CF suck :p
Sorry,, Some of there members Attitudes suck,

Aeien, ur major gripe is that U find it hard to get a grp,, if U cannot find one withing ur guild then U shudnt be in that guild.

What other reasons is there to be with a guild other than grouping?
Leave me alone im in CF i must be better than U??
YeY my guildies are lvl 50, no I they dont help me lvl, but YeY they lvl 50 *lols*

A Guild *should* be a group of ppl who get on,, no matter what the lvl ranges/classes are, how UBER you can be,,

At the end of the day I play this game to have fun, wether Im lvl 5 or 50 it doesnt matter to my friends as long as we have a laugh :D

Just my 2 cents


heh, the reason i stay in cf is because of the company :p cant imagine playing the game without that green text ;) and after being in cf since about a month before the end of beta it just wouldnt seem right to be anywhere else :)

Aeien, ur major gripe is
there is no N in my name, how many times must i say that? thats a bloody champ :p (Aeindil)

hmdedum, so far onto day 12 of level 41, and up to about 3.1 bubbles (and btw the only groups i have been getting lately are because of members of the guild, either because of a group that they were forming, or from one of them leaving and winding up me getting a spot) :p


Soz bout name ack,, just done a 15 hour shift and im back in 7 hours :/

But just to put this into perspective to others,,
And i quote:
I have been getting have been pretty, well very much CRAP, regardless of class, the guilds priority should be its members, and all i've been doing is getting questions ignored and very minimal help, I think unless this guild starts putting its attention more on its members, lower and higher, than individual levels, there is going to be problems,

Now, I the person who said this isnt important at all,, But its about a guy,, who as his support char is grpd by the guild, yet gets squat as a NS


Just a lil info

Muirne Level 34 as of today!! :flame:
13d11h56m :eek6:
And that's inclusing a helping hand (3 levels) from my fellow high level mates.

To compare:
My druid Kilex (retired) :sleeping:
Level 38
400 Armorcrafting
And I waisted lots of time just chatting.... RvRing... crafting etc since it was my first char

That just makes you wonder.

And yea teaming is not easy as a NS... no doubt about it

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