How many 40+ nigthshades can you see on an average night? I find very few, and know of less than I do level 40+ of any other class. Theres me, Nero (if he gets his char bac), Iziz, Fingon, Klazart, and Kirnan (sorry if I missed anyone out). Speaking for myself it dosen't matter what level I am I still get few groups. When I get groups they usually stop after a short while and decide to go to rvr, and some even get surprised when I dont want to go to rvr. Personally I am getting quite sick of the game, which is a shame because I like my character. I know I am not the only of the shades I named that feels this way, and I would guess that if the situation continues that the nightshade population will further decline. ATM I have taken to solo trips to yggdra, and when I refused to group with some people they acted surprised until I told of my reasons. Items while handy will be no use if I am never of a suitable level to use them, and as long as I stay the same level I shall be unable to protect the casters against level 50 assasains. There is the myth that nightshade suck PvE, when this is blatently untrue, yet still noone likes us in groups it would seem.
When there are no more nightshades left then maybe people will wonder why they all went. I would guess there will be few level 50 nightshades for a long time due to the fact that they are genrally unpopular in groups. Group a shade, or you may find yourself being 1-shotted by an infiltrator with no way of having him found.
Now feel free to show your support or flame, I am sure that assasains of other realms feel the same way but id rather that was kept to differnt threads
When there are no more nightshades left then maybe people will wonder why they all went. I would guess there will be few level 50 nightshades for a long time due to the fact that they are genrally unpopular in groups. Group a shade, or you may find yourself being 1-shotted by an infiltrator with no way of having him found.
Now feel free to show your support or flame, I am sure that assasains of other realms feel the same way but id rather that was kept to differnt threads