Nice spec for a thrust Scout



A scout lives by his bow and stealth, not by his melee.

100's of scouts tryied different specs to enhance melee, but in
the end shield + sword <<<< dw + poison + 50 % evade +...
This is if equal opponents, because yes u can win against a low
sb with crap armor in melee.

Thats why the standard 45 bow, 42 shield, 29 slash, rest stealth
is such a good spec. It allows u to solo well, and even melee a sb
down if u have shoot him some times first.

As for ra's

IP = a must to survive.

Purge >>>> Mob and dodger (removes debuffs and stuns).

Longshoot is underrated. Handy to kill hurt opponents from
out of their friends range, or just to finish of runners.

Volley = not for emain scout, unless his prepared to travel to keep raids.

Dex + fa + moa is nice, but not a must.

TS very handy ra if used in groups or to kill a hurt enemy stealther.

Basically what u need is the ability to shoot in fights, and if
jumped the ability to purge, slam ip and survive. 30 min timers
sux, but u will not be attacked all the time. Use ur bow, its what scouts is about.

If u decided to invest in passives, take them to moderate lv's.

Kurik BHM

the only true thrust scout spec is:

50thrust, 45LB, 34stealth, 12shield 0 leftovers.

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