NGUK dead?



hear hear dread for those of us who did know the chaps well know that all they did was provide one of the best gaming services I ever did play on, period! :)

Anyhow if I know these lads I know that they ain`t gone yet!! They always have something up their sleeves ;P


Originally posted by shazbot
I`m sure the Barrysworld peeps are doing their best to combat cheating to. How about not picking and do something about it !!
Somebody hasn't been reading the forum announcements..... :rolleyes:

^ just to clear that up, soz D R E ad u just posted as I did :)

Originally posted by D R E ad
Why people have to choose one service and declare thier love for them and then say they hate others is silly and immature.
I personally don't choose one service over another, I'm happy playing wherever, whenever be it on Wireplay (doh :(), Jolt or NGUK

However I dislike how NGUK conducts itself and it's business. It attempts to screw the other gaming services (that all co-exist peacefully I might add) so that it can drag out any advantage it can. It's things like the space in the T2 server names that have earned NGUK any malace or ill will in the gaming comunity, nothing more, nothing less.

I also personally think that they did their users a complete injustice by not joining all the other GSP's on QuakeNET but thats another story.


lol we explained that pretty clear i think G (about quakenet) and also we all know that NGUK was too big to have a room on quakenet. Some of us really don`t like quakenet at all and thats why we chose hashnet and are unanimous in this. Hashnet btw will go on it won`t stop so feel free to drop in peeps.

My remark about cheaters was said cos some peeps keep commenting on servers full of cheats, well all we can do as admins is look out for one another and deal with it as and when we can. Surely you can agree with that without pointing to announcements blah blah quote quote. I mean its not actually NGUK who is cheating its the cheaters and the people who make the cheats innit ;)


^ is humour, if you don't have that I pity you :(

oh and as for QuakeNET, from what i've seen user wise on HashNET the BarrysWorld channel contains more peeps than the entire network so how is NGUK "Too Big" as it were?



Someone has the brains to see the joke. Thank you Mystic G. You have re-affirmed my faith in humanity.

old.D R E ad

Originally posted by MYstIC G
Somebody hasn't been reading the forum announcements..... :rolleyes:

^ just to clear that up, soz D R E ad u just posted as I did :)

No probs mate :)

I personally don't choose one service over another, I'm happy playing wherever, whenever be it on Wireplay (doh :(), Jolt or NGUK

However I dislike how NGUK conducts itself and it's business. It attempts to screw the other gaming services (that all co-exist peacefully I might add) so that it can drag out any advantage it can. It's things like the space in the T2 server names that have earned NGUK any malace or ill will in the gaming comunity, nothing more, nothing less.

---They have not tried to screw other GSP's really. The only thing I know of is the space issue. But this has been debated at great lenth so lets not go there in this thread. Thats an issuse between the companies not the gamers.
Like I said, the space thing was due to the huge amount of pressure placed on the server staff to get loads of people on the servers by the 'suits'. From what we can gather, they tried to force them to do other stupid things and thats why they walked out.---

I also personally think that they did their users a complete injustice by not joining all the other GSP's on QuakeNET but thats another story.

Well the official line on this was that they were not allowed to due to some disagreement. But I don't really know and I don't really think its a real injustice to us gamers. I peronally don't really care what server im on, its the people on them who count and we can use both if we want!
Also, HASHNET was run and owned by Topbanana. It was his baby, you can't blame him for wanting to use his own servers


Yes they wern't allowed to link a server to QuakeNET, but there was nothing stoping them using it though, Jolt don't have a server for example.


mystic dont you see yet?? its not about how many people are on Hashnet, its the type of people on there. I have a sense of humour, better than most just the C word really offends me :) yes even I have standards. And Bodhi only people on here would understand your sense of humour. You are right, we don`t have the brains, not ones like yours anyway ;) well I am off for some cs now, cya around.

btw G ancient arguament, face it hashnet is here to stay regardless of whether it pisses you off or not.


Different strokes for different folks..... Hashnet is not somewhere I'll be visiting again, it was like a ghost town :(


aye but even you visited more than twice, saw you on many a time.

Its like the old saying goes "you may have a big one but if you don`t know how to use it you suck!!" ;)


about 4 times in total IIRC m8 and all were because of that other forum thread a while back


This is nothing personal but Bodhi, I got the joke and very funny it was too :)


Originally posted by Wolfcub
hmm well aslong as nguk servers r up i stay there ,the guys there done a brill job an the service was 1 hella lot better than BW even IF nguk die i for 1 will not be playin on bw , plus all the admins n stuff at nguk done a brill job they had to devote most their time to that an they dont even get payed

Typical, as usual a NGUK user makes the first real shot :rolleyes:


Embattle yep.

It still amazes me when a GSP goes down you get the hardcore following saying "my GSP was better, and I'm not playing on yours when mine is gone".

Now when BW nearly got cut off twice, each time I remember us all talking about were we would go, and I can't think of one post on here that said "I'm not going to so and so..."

Nguk guys BW is a GSP like the others. Yes it's different from nguk, but if nguk's plug is pulled then your just being lame if you instantly think "do not go to BW". Now if you tried BW and hated it, fair play you have a valued excuse, but to instantly put BW down when you've not tried the servers for any length of time nor had a look at it's community (note the non hostile reaction to your posts in this thread, we welcome all :)), just shows your being stubborn.


Personally I wish NGUK all the best for the future and I hope it doesnt die.

I also said the same when BW was in danger but that's just the sort of guys we are at NGUK. ;)


Like I said before I have no problem with any of the people that use NGUK..... :cowsleep:


Originally posted by D R E ad
(That said most NGUK admins I know are star players imo)
Hmm, I always remember TopBanana being a right whinger in the MCW :D

(No offence tho :))

<EDIT> Oops, you said admins not staff. My bad...</EDIT>


been there done that :)

and sas BW was too busy slagging off NGUK in their columns and other forum threads to talk about playing there.
Oh well, such is life.


h8 to burst your bubble shaz, but there was one thread in the tribes 2 forum and one in the coloumsn forum. That does not constitue everyone being to busy to talk about gamin.

There were two columna, columns are nothing but the view of teh columist, people still have trouble grasping that simple principle.

Anyway, why are you and wolfcub trying to stir trouble ?

We are discussing our own views on nguk's situation, every poster has their own view. None of us are representative of bw, apart from SAS, we are jsut gamers who use this forum.


When people do bad things they get told, you call it slagging off, I call it pointing out the realities of the situation. :cowsleep:


oh well carry on with your little "discussion" :)
We are all gamers, you are right there. It`s about time we all stuck together then isn`t it.
And ch3ten wolfcub is a gamer like yourself. He doesn`t work for NGUK just he likes to point out his views to. No harm in that as you all seem to think you can say and do whatever you feel and we can`t. Well tough we will and do stick up for ourselves.

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