[NEWS] Police Dogs Left In Car On Hottest Day


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I hate the way we humanise some animals like dogs, and somehow their deaths are more important than others. Have you seen how we slaughter pigs? Fucking hang 'em up, slit their throat and let them bleed out. It is really incompetent, sure, so let him lose his job and move on to worrying about more important things.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I hate the way we humanise some animals like dogs, and somehow their deaths are more important than others. Have you seen how we slaughter pigs? Fucking hang 'em up, slit their throat and let them bleed out. It is really incompetent, sure, so let him lose his job and move on to worrying about more important things.

That is not completely true. Pigs are usually stunned either by electricution, CO2 inhalation or a captive bolt pistol.

The bleeding out is done immediately afterwards to keep the quality of the meat....

And they are mainly bred for food whereas a dog is usually bred for companionship...


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
but that said, I wouldn't humanize any animal ...and I'm very much a cat person. I love them to bits, but would happily kill and eat one if I had to.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
but that said, I wouldn't humanize any animal ...and I'm very much a cat person. I love them to bits, but would happily kill and eat one if I had to.

Yeah...mff...shlrp...if I had to. Burp.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
there are recipes for cat on the interpipes, but it's illegal to take one apart in most countries.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
That is not completely true. Pigs are usually stunned either by electricution, CO2 inhalation or a captive bolt pistol.

Well I've seen it on video. It's not what they all do but I've seen it done :/

And they are mainly bred for food whereas a dog is usually bred for companionship...

Yeah, this is not really something that makes a difference for me. The reason for their existence doesn't make their death any more or less significant. Police dogs aren't bred for companionship anyway, are they?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm sure some places do not kill them humanely...
No it doesn't make them less significant but you would feel more attached to it...especially if you give it a name.

there are recipes for cat on the interpipes, but it's illegal to take one apart in most countries.

Perhaps it would be legal if you could reassemble it and it continued to work afterwards....but there is always something that never quite fits like it used to.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Perhaps it would be legal if you could reassemble it and it continued to work afterwards....but there is always something that never quite fits like it used to.

hehe if I could do that, I'd be flashing my Nobel Prize about :)


Dec 26, 2003
Ah, so the BBC was correct, the officer still hasn't been named. Officially.

No but all the other newspapers etc. have named him and so have ITN news.

He used to do a lot of Police dog handling TV PR work...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
tbh MY ignorance still allows me to label someone who leaves a living creature in a closed car on a hot day a 'tard, and condemn them on that alone.

so you're saying that someone who does the above is exhibiting perfectly valid behaviour?

I'm saying no such thing. If I was I wouldn't be placing any emphasis on his suicide attempt.


Aug 24, 2008
Since when are pigs and dogs related? Dogs are smart, loyal and protective, people have them for 13 + years, like a family member.

Pig is a dirty animal on a farm, people breed for food, who would be so retarded to compare the 2 in these circumstances?? Really, anything retarded these days to cause an argument ...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
What questions haven't I answered? I see, I suppose you don't condemn Ian Huntley either because you haven't "met him"?

What more do you need, he was a dog handler, he left 2 dogs in a car in 30C weather while he was in a meeting. He didn't even bother to open window a nudge. And also, HES A FUCKING DOG HANDLER, have a guess what kinda work that job involves ....

Ian Huntley has been tried and convicted of a terrible crime, the details of which are a matter of public record. So if I wanted to condemn him, I could do so from a position of authority on the subject.

For the third time, do you think this officer's subsequent suicide attempt is normal behaviour? Do you think it might be indicative of a fairly serious personal problem?

You seem to know everything, how about demonstrating the difference between your arse and elbow?


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I'm in 2 minds about this story

Part of me thinks throw the book at him

I'm erring on the side of sacking him, have the magistrates fine him x-thousand, but no prison. He's gonna be regretting this for the rest of his life. I know how strongly we all feel towards animals, but lets not lose perspective here- they're animals - really don't need hysterics. Its not like he left two human babies on the back seat.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well none of us know the full story either way, it could of been something as simple as only planning to leave them for a few minutes but then getting distracted and forgetting all about them but either way it is very sad.


Dec 26, 2003
Well none of us know the full story either way, it could of been something as simple as only planning to leave them for a few minutes but then getting distracted and forgetting all about them but either way it is very sad.

I thought that initially but surely if you had been responsible for the identical death of another dog at the very same place a few years earlier you would have good reason not to forget?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Since when are pigs and dogs related? Dogs are smart, loyal and protective, people have them for 13 + years, like a family member.

Pig is a dirty animal on a farm, people breed for food, who would be so retarded to compare the 2 in these circumstances?? Really, anything retarded these days to cause an argument ...

Actually, pigs are a very clean animal and in fact many consider them to be as smart as dogs. Also, dogs are bred for food in some countries. So there are more similarities than media brainwashed numpties care to imagine.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Since when are pigs and dogs related? Dogs are smart, loyal and protective, people have them for 13 + years, like a family member.

Pig is a dirty animal on a farm, people breed for food, who would be so retarded to compare the 2 in these circumstances?? Really, anything retarded these days to cause an argument ...

Pigs are very intelligent actually and they keep themselves very clean in the wild. Rolling in the mud gets rid of parasites, dead skin and protects their skin from the sun.

People get dirty when shut in a pen with their own shit for company too.

"just sayin"


Aug 24, 2008
Actually, pigs are a very clean animal and in fact many consider them to be as smart as dogs. Also, dogs are bred for food in some countries. So there are more similarities than media brainwashed numpties care to imagine.
When I wrote dirty, I knew someone would jump it and say "actually ..." . In about 3-4 country's some people breed dogs for food, while the world frowns upon it and its being made highly illegal by governments.

Right, so having a pig on a farm, running around in shit waiting to be slaughtered for people to eat. Is somewhat similar to having dogs for 13+ years as a loyal family pet? Or training one from a puppy and working with it / looking after it 24/7 ....

Care to explain "media brainwashed" ? Are you a complete bellend or what? You're that kinda guy that posts about how no one cares about pigs being killed for food in a thread about 2 police dogs dieing in a car. Like its anyway similar, just retarded on all levels.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 21, 2005
When I wrote dirty, I knew someone would jump it and say "actually ..." . In about 3-4 country's some people breed dogs for food, while the world frowns upon it and its being made highly illegal by governments.

Right, so having a pig on a farm, running around in shit waiting to be slaughtered for people to eat. Is somewhat similar to having dogs for 13+ years as a loyal family pet? Or training one from a puppy and working with it / looking after it 24/7 ....

Care to explain "media brainwashed" ? Are you a complete bellend or what? You're that kinda guy that posts about how no one cares about pigs being killed for food in a thread about 2 police dogs dieing in a car. Like its anyway similar, just retarded on all levels.

Are you being serious? The level and manner of human interaction with an animal does not define the worth of its life. Are you honestly so arrogant to assume just because we form an emotional attachement to a certain breed of animal they are somehow sacrosanct? Grow the fuck up.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
Animals should be treated with respect and regardless of whether they are raised for food or work, or simply going about their business in the wild. It is right for us to use animals in such a way, but the onus must always be on us to accept responsibility for the treatment animals that are in the world because of us. There can never be an excuse for cruelty. Dismissing it as "its just an animal" or "who cares" is simply not acceptable and when people adopt such attitudes I feel it is a very sad indictment on humanity as a reasoning, conscious, free thinking species.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
There isn't much that forum warriors won't pick holes in.

Regardless, the dogs should not have been left in the car, the man should not be allowed to remain in his current role and the police force should take measures to ensure it does not happen again.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
When I wrote dirty, I knew someone would jump it and say "actually ..." . In about 3-4 country's some people breed dogs for food, while the world frowns upon it and its being made highly illegal by governments.

Right, so having a pig on a farm, running around in shit waiting to be slaughtered for people to eat. Is somewhat similar to having dogs for 13+ years as a loyal family pet? Or training one from a puppy and working with it / looking after it 24/7 ....

Care to explain "media brainwashed" ? Are you a complete bellend or what? You're that kinda guy that posts about how no one cares about pigs being killed for food in a thread about 2 police dogs dieing in a car. Like its anyway similar, just retarded on all levels.

Well if you know you're wrong and that someone will call you out, why post it in the first place?

I'm not really saying that people should care about pigs, or that people shouldn't care about dogs, but for the sake of logic we need some equality here. Why make such a frenzy over this when worse shit is happening all the time? Because dogs are "better" than pigs? Is that seriously your reasoning?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Actually some people do keep pigs as pets as they are just as rewarding as keeping a dog.

You can keep them in the house but unfortunately pigs can get rather large and also tend to rip up the furniture etc due to their foraging instinct...so it's best if they are kept in a large pen outside.

You can buy micro pigs but they are still fairly large when fully grown

Micro Pigs For Sale - Teacup Pigs For Sale - Pet Pigs - Pint Size Pigs | Micro Pigs
Micro Pigs - Micro Pigs UK- Micro Pig For Sale - Micro Pigs For Sale-Baby Micro Pig-Pet Pig-Mini Pig - Micro Pigs - Micro Pigs UK- Micro Pig For Sale - Micro Pigs For Sale-Baby Micro Pig-Pet Pig-Mini Pig
Micro Pigs | Pet micro pigs for sale | Micro Pig breeder in Ridgemont

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