News about Excalibur and some other things.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
is he real? :touch:

Welcome :cheers: atm it´s really annoying when something happends and you hear nothing but rants from angry addicts playing at way to late hours :p
i hope you will survive all the flames/rants


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
The GMs already have a lot of work on their hands, they handle animations for the players (which involve hours of coding beforehand), they handle RightNow reports specific to the community (harrassment reports, bug abusing reports etc etc), they organise the E&E teams for their servers and generally have plenty more important things to do to keep each server running as smoothly as possible.

Is that what they tell you ? Sounds like a perfect slackers excuse IMO :p

Erivoss: Kemor, Zargar, help the server's gone down!
Kemor: Not now Erivoss, Zargar's just found out how to produce the perfect troll-having-sex-with-a-lurikeen animation
Zargar: Yeah it's really good, want to come and see?
Erivoss: No, Excalibur's down, I'm trying to get it back up
Kemor: Oh well we can't help I'm afraid, we're FAR too busy preparing events and stuff
Erivoss: But what use are events if the servers aren't up to run them on!
Kemor: 4 O'Clock, hometime!
<Kemor and Zargar, grab their coats and run out the door leaving Erivoss stuck and confused>


[GOA]Erivoss said:
A zone doesn't crash just because of the people who are fighting in it, it crashes because of the number of people over all and there has rarely been as many people in the same zone as these last few days.

[edit]: when I say zone I mean the frontier in general not a specific place like Uppland or Jamtland, as the whole frontier is controlled by one machine.

And the US servers have never had many ppl rvr. Excal is just a one off ?, why dont you read bout this on US forums where there are many more ppl on some servers or when the pve server went live ;) . Poor excuses..


Nice to have a french, english speaking person tho, not many of them about in goa hey ?, strange for a universal language..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The long standing issue of how much Kemor and Zargar actually do is a longstanding problem in numerous IT jobs. And that is the difference between how much you actually do compared to how much you are seen to be doing.
Being a server support dude myself, I've run into this all to often. Unless you actively tell people what you're doing, they assume you're doing nothing. So much of what they and I do is behind the scenes and if you do your job perfectly then no-one will see anything done at all. Visibility is the key to keeping people happy.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
still nice to see a new face upfront, perhaps we'll get more information from now on. :wij:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
At work, the people responsible for the servers get a message on their mail and on their cell phone telling them that the server is down. Couldn't that be done?

Anyway, great to have you amonst us Erivoss!


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
Think it's because it was about excal server problems originally :)

Me thinks Erivoss plays mainly Excal ;)

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