Student loan rates for the next academic year have been released.
The main student loan for 2002-2003 is £3,905. Those in London can request £4, 815. For those living in their parents’ home, the limit is £2,700 (£3,390 in London). Note: 25 per cent of the loan is means tested.
Those on the reduced rate non-means-tested loan can request £1,915 (£2,365 in London). For those living in their parents’ home, the amount is £1,400 (£1,070 in London).
The main student loan for 2002-2003 is £3,905. Those in London can request £4, 815. For those living in their parents’ home, the limit is £2,700 (£3,390 in London). Note: 25 per cent of the loan is means tested.
Those on the reduced rate non-means-tested loan can request £1,915 (£2,365 in London). For those living in their parents’ home, the amount is £1,400 (£1,070 in London).