New Rule for the Galla raids that me and Diriah will make



Anyways, your raid, your rules...

However, please do a favour to those of us who ain't too familiar (or just got a bad memory ;) ) with the different raid leaders etc, and point it out so those of us who doesn't wish to join under your rules, won't unwillingly participate in your raids... Pretty please :(


v good rule, and those of u who are whining, the thing is that its not u that make the gallaraids keep going, its the ones that keep showing up everytime so its important to keep em showing up and not getting screwed by onetimers.


Good rule aslong as everyones scores are kept properly.
I think it may cause a few problems with people saying they should have more points than they have.


These rules are used on both albion and midgard on prydwen and it's working out fine in both realms so shouldnt see a problem in it being used on hib/exc too. It really makes the epic dungeons more accessible for the whole realm instead of just guilds (that's how it works on mid/pryd usually anyway)

I myself lead then mid once's, working out fine so far(9th raid was sunday), everyone has a chance and I see lots of high modifier dudes loose lottos every raid. Only downside with the system is that it's stressy as hell and I wouldnt recommend doing modifiers + leading + MAing at the same time from experience. :p

- Pathfinder -

/em wibbles Wyleia :m00:

A fair explanation of the system ;) For those of you who have played EQ, you might want to compare this system with DKP. Basically, while it is true that a firtst time attendee is unlikely to win any "uber" items (highly dependent on class mind you; it is -much- easier to win cabalist items than infiltrator ones, I'll let you figure out why :eek:), you still have a chance (few people these days have "extreme" mods), and there's always "lesser" items; the casual player might well appreciate the non-BP parts etc that drop.

However, if you do want a specific item, you will win it eventually - you simply have to attend the raids. Eventually, one or more copies of the item you're after will drop, and you'll have a chance to win it. I've seen someone with a +120 modifier lose a roll for a weapon (losing to a guy with a +30 mod), though he evntually did win it.

10 people attending? Last time I looked in my mod sheet, there were over 300 different Albion players noted there - that's quite alot, and our server is smaller than yours in terms of population levels. Obviously all of these players do not show up for every single raid; they don't have to. They come when they want to, and can use their mods accordingly.

As Shanks said, Midgard uses the same system with a few variations, and afaik the Hibernians do (or did) as well. It also caters for people who do not wish to be part of guilds, or who belong to small guilds; your RR, guild affiliation and similar doesn't affect your chances to win.


Originally posted by old.0xygen
I don't like this. It will result in people going on raids just to get points until they have enuff. Then when the item they are after drops they get it and nobody else has a chance

That's the point - it rewards effort. It's pretty frustrating if you got to ten raids and on the final raid the drop you want appears, only for you to lose to some Galla noob on his/her first raid :( If you put in the hours you will get what you want.

I go to the ones on Alb/Prydwen with the +10 rule and it works fine. I should add that they have 2 other features; first, if you are rolling for an alt, the alt must be 50 and you must state this to raid leader before setting off. Also, they frown upon reselling (and ban ppl who do this). They keep a vault full of sidi items that ppl can exchange their modifier for or hand in things they dont need (100% dur ofc) for a new modifier.

Check their link out:


The system works really well i think... sure u won't walk away with a drop each time just because u are a lucky roller but it's a rather fair system.

However... i doubt this will work on Exca since some people really have an attitude problem concerning drops here.

But... if u succeed... it will save you lots of time in lottoing and lots of whining about fair or not fair. Oh, and make sure u let people rolling for alts say before the raid starts :D


Originally posted by Ziva
However... i doubt this will work on Exca since some people really have an attitude problem concerning drops here.

Don't allow these people on the raid :)


Originally posted by venerable
Don't allow these people on the raid :)

But then you will have the problem with only 10 showing up ~~


Its good system,

The only thing is how to keep track of all the peeps attending to the raids en what their modifier is.
Wouldn't be a good idea to make a special named crafter, or a very trusted one, to make trinket tokens as proof for attending?
The point is that the crafters name is embedded in the tokens, so you can check they are genuine.
Just hand out tokens after the raid en let the peeps show them as a check for the lotto and hand the token(s) over in trade for the drop they win with the lotto.
It will get a lot of the burden from the raid leader(s) and those who are attending have something of proof in hand that they can show....

Next thing what will happen is ofcourse TRADE, but don't think of that as a downside because the people that really want the drops (and use em i think) will buy, those who don't care will sell.
There will be a good drive to attend to the raids because of this, and raid leaders can even do cross acceptence of token for +% chance for drops.

What about it , anyone....


I won't attend anyway i dont have SI on this char so i come for the xp with another...

What are the rules for modifiers for 49- chars anyway?


Originally posted by Sim^
But then you will have the problem with only 10 showing up ~~
most hibs aren't twats

there are only a few exceptions like me :p


imo quite good rule. lol xfear ur english is funny sometimes it confuses me. ur gonna be v busy wiv all the PM's about the +5 points after losing and +10 pts for not lottoing.
one bad thing the lotto time will take ages =/


Originally posted by mimo
Its good system,

The only thing is how to keep track of all the peeps attending to the raids en what their modifier is.

Just make a screenie with names right before entering the dungeon and half way the raid. That way u can check if everyone is still there.

Oh people who can't join the whole raid (e.g. they can't wait for the lotto to finish, or have to leave after u done like half the mobs) should get +5 points too since they did help but couldn't make it the whole way.


Kinda like this new rule. If worked out properly I think many people can benefit from it.

I also like (both) your effort in giving people a chance in attending raids on different days and times. LKike mentioned above, not everyone is able to attend raids that start at 6 euro time during weekdays etc. (nothing bad meant for those that organise these 6 euro time raids btw :D).


We are a small group in mid ~1fg that raid our Epicdungeon (TG) with this system. I think its fair, especially if you get the same people there every time.

I wouldnt go on a raid just to have +10, then have to attend 5 more just to have a chance of winning an uberdrop.

If same ppl, its a good addon imo


Sorry to sound pesimistic but I give it max 5 raids before 1) the raid leaders stop doing raids due to whines and cries and stress or 2) people start getting pissed cuz those who have 40 hours a week to play can attend raids building up to +80 or whatever while those who have 10 hours a week can only build up to +10 and they stop comming to the raids all togeather.

I can understand the need to adjust the lotto system, trust me, after doing as many as I have I know how unfair it can seem. The only problem is that this rule will reward those who have plenty of time, and punish those who have out of game obligations and less play time. But all in all, it's none of my buisness really, I just find it entertaining as hell to watch a bunch of people make a game into a life.


Originally posted by xfear
We will try to make that galla raids, at different days/hours each week, to let people who have work, or classes, or something like that to come , if u cant come to a raid, its NP, u will be able to come to other raid, we will put the days/hours of each raid, at the amotd Celtic Fist Alliance, and CBH Alliance too, if CBH guild is up for that :)

HELLOOO?!!!!!!! YOO-HOO!!!!

more than 2 alliances in Hibernia u know

btw, if anyone goes afk for more than 20 mins.. do they still get to lotto? :p


i think it should be a bit easier to obtain some of these items that u go on raids for ..this game isnt designed well for people that work i wish i was ten years younger and started playing could happily devotee hours every day to it ...hopefully wow will allow the casual gamer some fun :)


Originally posted by -Dreama-
Sorry to sound pesimistic but I give it max 5 raids before 1) the raid leaders stop doing raids due to whines and cries and stress or 2) people start getting pissed cuz those who have 40 hours a week to play can attend raids building up to +80 or whatever while those who have 10 hours a week can only build up to +10 and they stop comming to the raids all togeather.

I can understand the need to adjust the lotto system, trust me, after doing as many as I have I know how unfair it can seem. The only problem is that this rule will reward those who have plenty of time, and punish those who have out of game obligations and less play time. But all in all, it's none of my buisness really, I just find it entertaining as hell to watch a bunch of people make a game into a life.
It works on prydwen, I don't see any reason it can't work here tbh. The main thing is it;s a lot of work for the raid organisers, so don't jump into leading a raid with this system without being prepared to spend a lot of time organising.


It works on prydwen, I don't see any reason it can't work here tbh.
Well, to be perfectly honest, it won't work on Excal for one main reason. Excal players have proven themselves many times over to be extreamly selfish and non cooperative players.
In an ideal world it would work perfectly, however, excal is chopped full of loot whores and whinners. It's that simple. You can hate me for saying it, but it's a fact we all know to be true, anyone who has done a large raid and the lotto's that follow will agree with this.


Kama only 1 question, Do u want to come back to DAoC, and want to restart making galla raids?, its only curiosity :)


So if i lotto for an item & dont win i get +5? If thats the case its worth entering every lotto is it not?


Kama only 1 question, Do u want to come back to DAoC, and want to restart making galla raids?, its only curiosity
My sub has ran out and for the time being I can't think of why I should renew. I have far too many things I could be doing besides stuck in my room starring at the PC for more than about ½ an hour a day. Untill RL gets so borring that I can't stand it anymore, I seriously doubt the return of Kama.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
Well, to be perfectly honest, it won't work on Excal for one main reason. Excal players have proven themselves many times over to be extreamly selfish and non cooperative players.
In an ideal world it would work perfectly, however, excal is chopped full of loot whores and whinners. It's that simple. You can hate me for saying it, but it's a fact we all know to be true, anyone who has done a large raid and the lotto's that follow will agree with this.

I've done a non-vgn only raid. And i would say it where fairly big, and i dont agree.

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