New RP System on US servers


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2006
i call out FREE TIME GEES.

but yeah nice thoughts, not gonna go that way coz for example the age of account is like anti - new accs.

and they still wanna get more ppl and shizzle.

Also would nerf crafters (playtime wise)...

friend of mine got PLed everything, Lvl, ML, CL, RR.... playtime 16 days rr8. PRE 1.81 that was
so dno.



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Avokz said:
i call out FREE TIME GEES.

but yeah nice thoughts, not gonna go that way coz for example the age of account is like anti - new accs.

and they still wanna get more ppl and shizzle.

Also would nerf crafters (playtime wise)...

friend of mine got PLed everything, Lvl, ML, CL, RR.... playtime 16 days rr8. PRE 1.81 that was
so dno.




Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2006
oh well....

my wiz has like 50 day playtime and is rr4 on that server xE

just too much fucking around and solo'ing for lvls back then =)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Jupitus said:
Didn't I warn you about spamming???????
Didn't he warn you about ehr.. leaving such threads open for the spammers? :<


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Kados said:


ffs.. going back to 41 in cave then on shaman... GIVE RPS !.. wonder if disease will give RPS also


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Wilburn said:
ffs.. going back to 41 in cave then on shaman... GIVE RPS !.. wonder if disease will give RPS also

disease does give rps (if i remember correct), but it does only count as 5% of the total dmg done to a target, mean if its 8vs8 you still get 100% anyway


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Avokz said:
friend of mine got PLed everything, Lvl, ML, CL, RR.... playtime 16 days rr8. PRE 1.81 that was

PLing to 50 and doing ML1-10 including all group steps would take approximately 3 days played if rushed through with no problems. That leaves 13 days to get 2.8million rps.

2.8m/13 = 215,000 rps per day.

Assuming you need 7 hours sleep a night, that leaves 215,000 rps every 17 hours, or around 13k per hour constantly.

I find this highly unlikely...or do you mean on the new system?

Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
eggy said:
PLing to 50 and doing ML1-10 including all group steps would take approximately 3 days played if rushed through with no problems. That leaves 13 days to get 2.8million rps.

2.8m/13 = 215,000 rps per day.

Assuming you need 7 hours sleep a night, that leaves 215,000 rps every 17 hours, or around 13k per hour constantly.

I find this highly unlikely...or do you mean on the new system?

16 days playtime. Still tough going at 9k an hour constantly, but maybe the zergs were there, willing to be farmed :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
If you got an opted set grp with a good base of players at decent rr's and all ToA'd etc, and you shove 1 last guy in there, on an active server, 9k / hour is easy!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ah playtime, that's my bad - didn't see that part.

Yes, in that case that's possible. My merc was RR4, TOAed, MLed in under 4 days player so I guess so.

My apologies.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Chimaira said:
I must quite frankly say, This is the most lame change they ever EVER implented in this game.

a single nuke or offhand hits gives you several hundred RP´s
Not to mention when you roll out your brand new rvr grp you get so much rps for semi high rr enemies its not even funny.

Ive stayed in this game purely for the fun factor of rvr, My own guild thats been around here and there with loads of different players kept me ingame.

Who wont remember those 100K runs or maybe even more for those super guilds that exists heh. I know atleast those nights we managed 100K we where oh yeah, and yeah they are rare :p Sleep is needed to u know =)

but NOW, Mythics new concept that for some reason they implented have in some cases increased rp reward by 500%. Your clerics and counterparts horde in rps just healing whatever, (even standing in oil getting healed from clerics on fop gives them loads of rps)

This whine thread is made on the basis that they more or less implented a new E-peen measurement that actually doesnt work. Its overdone and overkilled with this new system. I hope for certain that they nerf it atleast by 50%.

For you guys that lately ding rr10-11 here Be happy peeps, cause those who will ding patch 1.81 and forward wont get so much as a chewing gum cow in the grats thread.

Myself I hope there is a chance Mythic consider this change in a soon patch.

And you that havent deserted GOA as of yet. Have fun until 1.81 cause the leeching havoc will begin. because its so many rps you get while leeching so its actually worth it.

Im pretty sure a everyday playing archer or adder of any sort will make rr10 in 4-5 months without breaking a sweat with pure adding.

Thanks for reading my useless whine post

And hope you all have a good year and x-mas was good

somehow i can't feel sympathy when somebody's whining about the increased ammount of RP a normal player will get, and not only the super l33t 100k+/night making fotm lamers... :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Righthandof said:
somehow i can't feel sympathy when somebody's whining about the increased ammount of RP a normal player will get, and not only the super l33t 100k+/night making fotm lamers... :twak:

The only difference is, that now fotm lamers will get 1 mill+ rps a night, while the "normal" players get 100k+ a night.

I think this new system will make alot of players quit. When rr no longer have any point, the gg's will stop playing more and more as their activeness and dedication no longer will be rewarded with a bonus vs the enemies in form of extra abilities.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Arethir said:
The only difference is, that now fotm lamers will get 1 mill+ rps a night, while the "normal" players get 100k+ a night.

I think this new system will make alot of players quit. When rr no longer have any point, the gg's will stop playing more and more as their activeness and dedication no longer will be rewarded with a bonus vs the enemies in form of extra abilities.

a very dedicated play will get around 200k per night, and why do people play fgvsfg? for the fun part not because of the rps, if you want rps you go farm the zerg, if you want fun (for me and other people there enjoy fgvsfg) you do that (a good trick atleast on us is to make a post, works wonder and you its allowed)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2006
Righthandof said:
somehow i can't feel sympathy when somebody's whining about the increased ammount of RP a normal player will get, and not only the super l33t 100k+/night making fotm lamers... :twak:

chimie's RL is making him a NOT 24/7 fotm lamer tbh ;p just RP wise ppl like him and me for example actually would get more rps coz we're not playing every day.

but yeah, fotm lamers :eek7:


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Arethir said:
The only difference is, that now fotm lamers will get 1 mill+ rps a night, while the "normal" players get 100k+ a night.

I think this new system will make alot of players quit. When rr no longer have any point, the gg's will stop playing more and more as their activeness and dedication no longer will be rewarded with a bonus vs the enemies in form of extra abilities.

So with 1 million RPs per night, you can get to RR13 in about 2 months?

I'd like to see that :>

I think people will definitely make slightly more RP, hell, they might even make double the norm? I really can't see it turning us all into super RP making machines, you still have to kill the people at the end of the day, it doesn't make you kill any better, so if I killed 10 people in 1 night on average before the change, I will still kill 10 people and just get slightly more RP.

All it means is lowbie toons will become middle of the road toons quicker, more fun for them as it is easier to compete, and everyone is happy. Ok Mr I play the game 24/7 have RR10+ and an uber leet may whine a bit as people will be able to get there slightly quicker, but getting to RR5+ in this game is already a very good achievement, maybe after this patch getting to RR7+ will be where people think - hey - I've done pretty well to get this far.

Now stop whinging, stop typing /stat every 10 minutes :> and just don't look at the RP bar all evening and enjoy playing the game!

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
illu said:
So with 1 million RPs per night, you can get to RR13 in about 2 months?

I'd like to see that :>

I think people will definitely make slightly more RP, hell, they might even make double the norm? I really can't see it turning us all into super RP making machines, you still have to kill the people at the end of the day, it doesn't make you kill any better, so if I killed 10 people in 1 night on average before the change, I will still kill 10 people and just get slightly more RP.

All it means is lowbie toons will become middle of the road toons quicker, more fun for them as it is easier to compete, and everyone is happy. Ok Mr I play the game 24/7 have RR10+ and an uber leet may whine a bit as people will be able to get there slightly quicker, but getting to RR5+ in this game is already a very good achievement, maybe after this patch getting to RR7+ will be where people think - hey - I've done pretty well to get this far.

Now stop whinging, stop typing /stat every 10 minutes :> and just don't look at the RP bar all evening and enjoy playing the game!

Oli - Illu

well said, the good thing about daoc is, there isn't really an end game. People set themselves goals eg. RRs reach time, then then set new ones, hell even if u reach RR13 on 1 class you got 30 or so others to start on :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
illu said:
So with 1 million RPs per night, you can get to RR13 in about 2 months?
I don't know how much you need for RR13, but i don't think you'll have a superpwn evening (which in "old" days would mean 100k+ a night) every night. Only ones i saw making shtload of rps all the time was dem bainshee grps, and Our Group, the rest were just lucky at times.

illu said:
I think people will definitely make slightly more RP, hell, they might even make double the norm?
They will make more than double the normal rps.

illu said:
I really can't see it turning us all into super RP making machines, you still have to kill the people at the end of the day, it doesn't make you kill any better, so if I killed 10 people in 1 night on average before the change, I will still kill 10 people and just get slightly more RP.
It does make you kill better, coz you have more rps = more RA's = more abilities. The people that already worked hard for these RA's won't get something back for all the time and dedication they spent on it.

illu said:
All it means is lowbie toons will become middle of the road toons quicker, more fun for them as it is easier to compete, and everyone is happy. Ok Mr I play the game 24/7 have RR10+ and an uber leet may whine a bit as people will be able to get there slightly quicker, but getting to RR5+ in this game is already a very good achievement, maybe after this patch getting to RR7+ will be where people think - hey - I've done pretty well to get this far.
You don't have to be RR10 or play 24/7 to think that this is silly and will ruin the effort alot of people have put into it. Atm i would see RR7 as a nice achievement, but after this patch, rr7 won't be worth much to me. Mainly because the average player will add and leech alot more. (Ie: If you kill a rr11 caster in a fg in the middle of a fight, you'd get a shtload of rps for doing very little.)

illu said:
Now stop whinging, stop typing /stat every 10 minutes :> and just don't look at the RP bar all evening and enjoy playing the game!
No. It's every 2 min. If my rp bar doesn't move, where's the achievement in playing. It's a game, i need to have a goal. Haven't you ever played a game, where you win, and then you stop playing it, because you have achieved your goal? No goal = no fun.

And Arumos, ssshshhh :twak:
(givf more duoing tbh :sex: )


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
i don't like these changes tbh, ive worked hard to get RR7+. Don't like that someone can achieve what i have in a much shorter period of time.

Feels like ive just wasted all my time with these changes.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
brad said:
i don't like these changes tbh, ive worked hard to get RR7+. Don't like that someone can achieve what i have in a much shorter period of time.

Feels like ive just wasted all my time with these changes.

Did you have fun while playing?
If so, I don't see what you are whining at and if you didn't have fun getting to RR7 and are just doing it as a choir(sp?) then you should quit imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
ppl who played for rp instead of fun get a huge dildo stuck up in their ***, others, "normal" players shouldnt make a big prob out of this.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Arethir said:
No. It's every 2 min. If my rp bar doesn't move, where's the achievement in playing. It's a game, i need to have a goal. Haven't you ever played a game, where you win, and then you stop playing it, because you have achieved your goal? No goal = no fun.

but how about giving valid/reachable goals to average players(like that even they can get to rr10, and not only the cube head bug abusers with a stabile guild group)? most players have no chance to get to rr10 even in years and even if they know how to play their class good. (although some formerly mentioned ppl can get 2 * rr10'S without the need of skill) this might change a bit, and im happy about it.

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