new player



totally new to the game - can anyone recommend a good server/race etc,

also I have a minor prob in that my internet connection dies every two hours and has to be reconnected - will I lose information in the game or will it just pause till I connect again.

yet further worries about using voodoo 3 card with win2k - has anyone good / bad experience of this?

lastly - any other newbs wanna team up?



PS: why the hell did they make the US and European versions different - surely one common standard would be better?


whichever realm you choose, ill give you a little hint about which server to choose :)

if you choose midgard go to excalibur
if you choose hibernia go to prywden, or excalibur if you want. (hibbies dont have many players on either server, but more on excal).
if you choose albion go to prywden.

the class you choose should reflect the race you choose... but you can choose for looks if you like ;)

whichever realm/ server you choose, good luck.


race difference is not a biggie.. not in End game anyway... go mid and choose kobbies.. they rock :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Krusha
... go mid and choose kobbies.. they rock :)

How come you play a troll then?;)

I would suggest you give Prydwen a chance. Not because it's the server with the lowest population, it's also the server with the nicest people (except the Mids, of course;)).


thats why the only server i told him to pick midgard on is excalibur ;)

i love those prywden hibbies!


Bit confused as to why youre recommending going for the quiet servers - surely a higher population is better as theres more going on?

Ta for the millions of replies though



theres only two servers for english speaking people, and prywden only has a couple hundred less people.

there's no point in joining a realm with million of people (eg, mid/ pry) because RvR will be boring as you will just completely zerg everyone else.

join the smaller realms, they need you more than the big fat realms.

unless of course you like to join the winning side (coward! ;))...

i prefer the under-dogs :)


My connection, and a lot of others who play get cut off every 2 hours. Its best if you note your cut-off time so that you can relog before your connection dies, which leaves you standing still in game, because if your in combat at the time you'll die.

As for running on win 2K i'm using win xp and it runs fine, not sure how it'll run with a voodoo 3 tho, i got a gf3.


definately on for being the underdogs but you can only play on one server as one race as far as I can gather.

how does one on albion/pry and one on midgard/excal sound?


You can only play one realm per server =) As for your choice, go with whatever you want, but those choices seems fine =)


one realm per server, four chars on each server.


your voodoo 3 is gonna hate doac, my mate has one and it wont do any dynamic lighting properly, all the textures are low grade, you cant see any detail in them at all :/ it also gives him huge fps lag, seriously, if you have £20 go find a cheap gf or ideally, this would be a great time to upgrade to a better card.

as for servers, well i picked due to the people i wanted to play with, but deep inside im always a magic user in these games and i really wanted to be a hibbie :) but i went to alb to be with my mates and just made a magic user there, although i do dream of golfcourse hill scapes, which is why i have a enchanter in excal / hib (loraine kelly if any of you meet her), but she doesn't get out as much as Suzanne, Suzie, Myshra and Roxy on alb / pry.

as you seem interested in alb / pry, just to say what we are kinda short of at the moment in my eyes

sorcerers, the mind controlling class
cabalists, the make your own pet class
earth spec wizzies, a very tough class to play currently, be warned.

im not trying to influence your decision, just saying really :) if you need any tips at all for any class, contact me in game and ill find someone of the same class you can talk to who can help you out with tips and bits and bobs :)

some helpful links:

character builder:
as you go through the levels, you recieve spec points as im sure you have seen in the manual, this little script is used by hundreds of people every day i suspect, its the ideal class builder maker. you can see how you need to spec to get certain spells, abililies etc... without actually having to do them ingame!

very very useful site, well worth looking around.

class description in detail:
not as well known, but this site has a good coverage of every class in the game, and also hosts quite a few guides to your class that you will pick.

my bests tip for you:

your just starting out, and i advise you select a class and spec (eg, a polearm armsman, or a thrust infiltrator), tell this thread and ask them for any tips regarding starting stats (those 30 dont make a huge difference, but they do make some, and any advantage in this game is cruicial!), weapon speccing so you get hte right attacks, or spells etc... they can also help you out with templates (templates are what your final spec will be at level 50, for example my template as a fire wizardess is 50fire, 10ice 18earth). use the knowledge of this board to get you running and youll be taking on anything in the game soon enough :)

also, dont fear using /advice, even at 43 i ask for advice from many of the lvl 50 wizards regarding armour, weapons and spec lines.

dont expect to be instantly great at this game, learning what each class does probably takes the most time i think, but when you do you will gradually become aware of how much better you have become.

do you fancy a bit of roleplay? i roleplay quite a bit with my alts (alternate characters who are not my main one)when i can, ropeplaying is huge fun in my book, if you want to go full rp in the game, i highly advise you join an RP guild such as knights templar, a hugely popular and respected guild on pryden. you will not find a better set of guild members im sure if rp is your thing :)

and if you put your characters name down here, youll probably find people will say hi to you ingame, and possibly even donate a little ingame money to help you with armour and weapons :)

good luck mate, this games the dogs :)


Myshra, I won't argue with what your realm does/does-not need, but advising a first time player to play a class that:
in the case of the sorc, is tricky to play well, and hard to lvl in the early lvls...
in the case of cabbie, isn't wanted in groups 90% of the time
in the case of the earth wiz, will be gimped until october and that's IF goa's patching stays on schedule...

Cabalist might actually be a good choice tho, since it's an excellent soloing class. Plus, you are useful in groups; it's just that there's a common prejudice saying you aren't :|


I think the most important thing is asking advice and try to listen to people that play a bit longer .

If i see back at my beta period where i thought i knew everything, i'm disgraced . I managed to get a cleric to lvl 9 on more then 3 weeks at least playing one hour a day, and afterwards 2 weeks to get an enchanter to 12, which is horribly slow.

In retail though i spent more time asking people things and began to understand the game mechanics a bit more. A lot of new words i learned , which i had never heard in eq nor uo and i started doing more planning and research on my characters (sadly enough this came a lot too late and now i've got a gimp to get to lvl 50 so i at least have one)

I can't stress it enough : look around and see what type of class you would like to play. Be honest to yourself and ask yourself how much time you're going to spend on playing it, eg. if you're not planning to play alot best play a pve friendly class since that's what you'll probably be doing in 95% of the time. (or just make various lowbies for the bg offcourse).

edit : added since someone posted something before i did

Best thing to try at first is a tank class . They have the least problems to find a group and they allow you to learn how the game works a bit. You can allways reroll afterwards , lvl 10 or something might do it and that shouldn't take too long.

Imho support classes are the hardest ones to play, since you do need to know what all your spells do and use them at the right moment, classes like bards or healer should imho (again :) ) not be played as a fist character.


best way to learn the game is to start a sword n' board pure figther class
Always reccomend that to new players... learn the basics, and they can start their character of choice... starting a sorc as first class = reroll


Hmm starting a fighter can cost a bit, i started on casters, a soceror to be exact, but horribly gimped it and got stuck at lvl 6 :(
At least that was only the beta.

If you start a cloth caster you dont need so much money, as cloth armor sucks however expensive it is.

And the most usefull things in game is the info window, right click the item (spells/fighting styles or objects) and then press shift+i

:clap: :m00:


Nah! I started a sorc as my very first ever char on Exc and I'm not doing too bad. Never listen to people who say "Ooooh! Don't play THAT! That requires too much thinking!".

It all really depends on whether you want to play an "easy" char (One that doesn't die so easily, one that finds groups for exp easily.) or one that you actually find interesting. Armsmen...~yawn~...those are just the uncharmed slaves of sorcs! :D

Anyway, I was a totally new player like yourself about three weeks ago and my sorc is at lvl 26 now. Sure, my specs may be little bit all over the place (5 matter...doh!) but I like my main char.

Tanks - for dumb meatheads ("Can I pull yet?" "No. Need pwr." "Can I pull now?" "No!" "What about now?")

Casters - for people with quick reflexes who actually want that to benefit their game ("STOP MUCKING UP MY MEZZES!!! AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!") through furious clicking and reclicking and stuff...mwahaha.

Healers - for girls. Bless them all.

As for Voodoo...urgh. You'd think Mystic had signed some kinda deal with nVidia or something. My KyroII card wouldn't work at all to begin with and even now I get streaking all over the place. Tsk.

(Sometimes I play on a Pentium 2-300 with a Voodoo Banshee. You people think you know pain? You don't know pain!)

Of course, the important thing is to join a guild and make lots of friends who will let you leech off them. ~hurhurhur~


old.Ayam Ganbatte

My advice to all newcomers is to go to the Excalibur server, purely for selfish reasons.:

It's to keep Prydwen small so that RVR remains more frequently as enjoyable little skirmishes rather than 'zergs' all the time.


Voodoo card works but isnt supported by the game developers. I just upgraded from a v3 3000 to a radeon 7500 and the difference is amazing. I now have a working compass and wooden textures, eg shields, now look wooden and not just a white shape.


Erm......Prydwen aint that far behind Excaliber on no.s you know and when we get some battles going you can probably hear them on the excaliber server.

Play the realm you want to play on, play the server you want to play on and if you don't like it re-roll until you find something you love then you will take it to 50 otherwise you may give up mid 30's.


You need quick reflexes as a tank too you know..

Especially if that nuker goes and hits the wrong mob...

Someone needs to take the aggro..

course you do get the odd meat-head tank that'll just go and hit the one thing, then turn around and say, 'How come everyone else is dead?' :)

Being a good tank is as hard as being a good anything else...

(well mibbe not Cabalist ... they've far too many tricks to learn!)


Originally posted by old.tRoG
there's no point in joining a realm with million of people (eg, mid/ pry) because RvR will be boring as you will just completely zerg everyone else.

tRoG since when do Midgard have the Zerg?

We do not have the numbers to both defend relic keeps and attack nme relic keeps AT THE SAME TIME, which Albion DOES have the capability to do.

Albion is the mots populated realm on Orydwen, Midgard falls a close second and hibs not too far behind in 3rd.

BTW how would any Alb or Hibbie know how nice friendly, abusive or unfriendly we are? You can't ommunicate with us in game, so please dont start nay-saying bout Middies.

Midgard is a great realm and we have mostly great players. Of course we get some 10 year old arseholes as does every realm, as well as 30 year old anal cunts who act like 10 year olds, but they are limited to a select few, and you can just /ignore them.


Originally posted by Apathy Endymion
Tanks - for dumb meatheads ("Can I pull yet?" "No. Need pwr." "Can I pull now?" "No!" "What about now?")

I advise not listening to this comment, tanks are not dumb meatheads, this silly elitist caster obviously has a warped perception of melee classes and the people that play them.

yes some players will prefer a simple pure melee class, others prefer the harder to play Hybrids and some wanna go for light tank dual wielders, it does NOT reflect how "intelligent" or "skilled" that person is in real life nor in game.


Every class has its Job in a group. Thats a good way to chose your char.

(Albion chars mentioned)
Tank. (Armsman, Paladin)
keep casters/healers alive. This job is far more difficult than you would imagine, especially on higher levels. Tanks are always need in groups, so this may be a good choice if you want to group alot. Most tank classes are okay in solo situations.

light tank. (Mercenary, infiltrator, scout, minstrel)
they keep casters/healers alive too. but they also have to keep themselves alive. these chars have it a bit more difficult getting groups, if theres "Real" tanks about. scout and minstrel mostly have other responsibilities than melee tho.

Healer (Cleric, Friar)
Backbone of a group. you keep people alive, you raise them rom the dead, and you buff them. Needless to say, if you are good at what you do, everyone likes you :)

Caster (Wizard, Theurgist, cabalist, sorcerer)
These are usually the damage backbone, of a group. Wizards and theurgists being the higher damage chars, and sorcs/cabas being the more multible-responsibility chars. Theurgists have more jobs too, depending on how you spend your points.

Wizard, Pure damage. you outdamage everyone, but cant really do much else. you need tanks around you. and preferably the good ones.

Theurgist. you can summon pets, you can croud control (take care of those extra momsters that decide to attack you) you can do damage, you can buff your group members. good, alround class, that has a lot of different ways to be played.

Cabalist. Can do mostly anything. the pet can tank, you can croud contrl, you can heal (in a tight spot only) you can debuff, you can do damage. This class works best in medium sized groups. the bigger it gets, the more likely it is, that a class will perform one of their tasks better than the caba. but you never go wrong with a caba in your group.

you are mainly a croud controller. you do this ALOT, and you do it better than anyone else in albion. you can charm monsters, and you can debuff, and do damage. that said, your damage is not terrific, your debuffs are somewhat dangerous to use, sometimes, and your croud control is Heavily influenced by the skill of your group. And you die alot.
This is one of the most useful classes in the realm, but its also one of the harder ones, hence, theres not alot around.

Depending on what you chose to do, your race will be an obvious choice.

Highlander. big strong fellas. slow, and somewhat clumsy. these often go as tanks.

Briton. your average human. these can be anything, and are pretty good at everything.

Avalonian. the typical choice for casters. smart, weak people.

Saracen. nimble, small folk, not too strong, but a good choice for rogues.

you can ofc be different than the standard. you can be avalonian paladin, you can be highlander scout, you can be saracen or briton caster. its all up to you.

In general. which ever realm you chose, there are good people who will help you.

type /advice, and you get a list of people, who have dedicated time and energy to help newcommers.

Dont be disheartened if your character choice turns out to be wrong. start over. we all tried that :)

Good luck


Me? Elitist? Hardly! I'm a new player with a 26 lvl sorc as my best char, giving advice to someone who is in the same position as I was only three weeks ago.

It's all very well you people in your 40+ ivory towers saying "Oh here is what you must do. Here are the hard and fast rules. This is this. That is that."...the poor wee guy just wants to have fun and play a game, not sit through reams of stats and bickering.

~weeps for new player~

Most new player (Not alts) tanks are meatheads to begin with. :p You mark my words...he'll start a sorc and within a week he'll be on these boards screaming about mezz-breaking pwr-ignorinh Rambos. Mwahaha.

See, not only does my Amazing Crystal Ball give me +25 to INT, it's great for dropping on heads. :D



light tank. (Mercenary, infiltrator, scout, minstrel)
they keep casters/healers alive too. but they also have to keep themselves alive. these chars have it a bit more difficult getting groups, if theres "Real" tanks about. scout and minstrel mostly have other responsibilities than melee tho.

Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

Mercenaries are fighters with high damage output and reasonable armor. Never refer to a mercenary as "not a real tank", because that is just wrong. We shine if another fighter is there who can keep agro on him, so we can put our positional styles to good use, but unfortunately most other fighters are too weak in their damage output for this :p

Infiltrators have high damage output with weak armor, which needs a bit of careful playing in a group.

Scouts shoot things with their bow and can usually block very well with their shield, making them handy in close combat as well, as they can guard other fighters.

Minstrels use crowd-control and various other tactics to make the life of a group easy.

"Keep themselves alive".... oh my. This is exactly the kind of stuff that makes people think infiltrators and scouts are useless in a group.

On a completely different note: The word "tank" is utterly stupid if you ask me. I'm a fighter, not a tank. If I want tanks, I play a WW2 sim.


Originally posted by Apathy Endymion

Tanks - for dumb meatheads ("Can I pull yet?" "No. Need pwr." "Can I pull now?" "No!" "What about now?")

Casters - for people with quick reflexes who actually want that to benefit their game ("STOP MUCKING UP MY MEZZES!!! AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!") through furious clicking and reclicking and stuff...mwahaha.

Healers - for girls. Bless them all.

I'm surprised you don't play a tank then. You surely are a meathead.

If you need that long to re-charge your mana, you are not doing your resource-management properly. I suggest you have a rethink about your playing skills.


Oooh..another post that is turning into a flamefest...nevermind that the main reason is to give the new guy(or girl) thanks, yes, new guy ..or girl..some advice.


I don't HAVE any playing skills. ~rolls eyes~

Resource management...pah...what is this, Sim City 3000?

"Quick! Mids attacking Commerce Zone! Protect the Casino Relic!!"




Then you are the wrong person to be advising our new friend aren't you?

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