Games New MMORPG tbh imo kthx


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
you can't level by pvp at all really - you get like 5% of the xp you would from a mob kill for a pvp kill. instances are a more viable option, but they are very limited and probably around 75% of the rate of xp you would get solo/group grinding.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Fail to do something with 5 people, bring 10 people instead!!
Now as much as I agree with almost everything you said in you post, this part really niggles at me. If anything that was more the tactic used with Daoc, but in WoW, just about every instance/dungeon/PvP arena is instanced. There's either a lock on how many people you can bring, or if you bring more people, the difficulty increases.

edit- Seems ST^ beat me to it, but he's still right in what he says.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
old school wow player myself and I can't say I like what blizzard/activision has done to it, its way to casual now for my liking it was 100x more fun when things were mega hard.. its just a joke now (except for a few select heroic encounters)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Pretending the casualification of wow is activisions fault is silly.

TBC was created before the takeover and started the trend - wotlk just extended the ezmode further along - you can't say it wasn't started long before that.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Pretending the casualification of wow is activisions fault is silly.

TBC was created before the takeover and started the trend - wotlk just extended the ezmode further along - you can't say it wasn't started long before that.

The easymode thing only started in TBC when WOTLK got close to release, prior to the huge nerfbat patch which made tbc content mega easy it was still rather hard and the majority of guilds werent even in sunwell let alone finishing black temple etc... hell even karazhan was hard when it was first released.

As for activision my point was that they're milking the game for everything they can get atm and in all fairness anyone in their right mind would with 13mil subscribers that doesnt mean the game is good or appealing to old school players tho that got to see all the hard content before nerfs, its far from.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
The big point is that blizzard brought MMO into the western gaming market in a meaningful way, opened the door for "lesser" MMOs and made investors realise that MMOs can make money to them.

Without the success wow has had, i doubt war and other such things would be even tried, who knows, mmo scene could be long dead by now.

Maybe that's my gripe. I wish WAR hadn't been tried. Almost everything about WAR was exactly what I hate about the modern gaming industry.

What ST sayas rings true in wow. Sure, you can bring a few friends to help you complete a quest, but that's the multiplayer aspect of an MMO. Even with those friends, the endgame raiding(and even lower level), becomes -very- difficult and i'd say "nerdy hardcore of ye old school" when you need 25 people to do their job to the dot and one person making one mistake will mean that you've wasted another 30 minutes.

Maybe it's this issue here. How in your average modern game do you find those 25 people with which you can perfect your awesome teamwork and begin the fun having.
I'll use Diablo 2 as an example again. Back in the early days (before they nerfed the fook out of that as well) I played D2 in hardcore mode. Now the really cool thing about that was that when you arrived in hell mode and joined a hell game, you could be fairly sure that the other 5 or 6 people in the game knew what they were doing, the rest had died at level 28 again. If you wanted to team up you'd team up with a group of people who wern't muppets, good fun teamwork was possible.

Now take your average modern "WOW" style game where people at the endgame are those that have played for the most amount of time. Join a game (or quest) with a random collection of those people and there's a good chance that half of them will be unable to piss without assistance. Simply put there's no multi-shot lightning enchanted creatures lurking about in nightmare that disposes of all the idiots before they arrive in hell, so eventually they all arrive there wandering around with no clue. It's like every game comes only with a softcore option.

This means you either have to play 6 hours 7 days a week to gain the army of likeminded mates that you can play with, which I don't have time to do anymore ;( or you spend your life trying to implement teamwork with a load of noobs that got kicked from the "good groups". No longer can you simply arrive at the later levels of a game knowing that the people there with you are there on merit, not hours spent. What's worse is because of the "mass appeal" of WOW the clueless noobs group is ever growing at an alarming rate!

games involving teamwork, excelent. But only if the people who can't implement that teamwork are unable to get past the first levels until they've learnt it. This isn't the case anymore because sucking and repeatedly dying at level 2 isn't "fun" for casual gamer X. Either everyone can complete it, or it sucks and doesn't get made.

Eve I think got it right in that respect, however when I tried it I never really managed to get into it. Maybe I just didn't give it enough time or meet the right people. Like someone else said, I guess it's marmite.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Three words; join a guild.

It took me three months to rise into endgame level, and that was by very casual leveling and gear-finding.

Join a guild and go have the funs.

Even without guild it's possible, even if a bit more risky, to gather 25 people to do an endgame raid.

Even STILL it's possible to do with 10 man, get gear, join a guild and do 25.

You don't need 8 hours a day for a year to get there.

If you also require a gearcheck from people before they join your 25, even easier.

IT's not quite as simple as you put it :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Ok Golena, seriously, did you even play WoW? Because your posts are telling me you didn't, and yet you know that it is everything that's wrong with modern MMOs.

Good players get in good guilds. Bad players usually don't.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
To get back to topic =)

Well first of all the DAoC-Servers are really full and active, even the German ones =)

Well then about the others, I have no idea. "Age of Conan seems to be a little crap, a friend of mine plays "EvE" and the advantage is, that you also increase stuff while being offline. Then again, I don't like the whole idea of PvP in every region (at higher levels at least).

Maybe you could try an "Ultima Online" freeshard. Either the official RunUO one or some German RP-shard, depending on what you like =)

Restarting DAoC is easy, btw and if you're really interested, I bet there are a lot of people here who would give you a hand =) Myself included that is =)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The easymode thing only started in TBC when WOTLK got close to release, prior to the huge nerfbat patch which made tbc content mega easy it was still rather hard and the majority of guilds werent even in sunwell let alone finishing black temple etc... hell even karazhan was hard when it was first released.

As for activision my point was that they're milking the game for everything they can get atm and in all fairness anyone in their right mind would with 13mil subscribers that doesnt mean the game is good or appealing to old school players tho that got to see all the hard content before nerfs, its far from.

Are you eff kidding me,

Gruul got nerfed, Kael got nerfed, Vash got nerfed, Heroics got nerfed.
Free BT attunement, all well before wotlk.

That shit was for free ( I cleared all tiers before nerfs and free access ) and when they nerfed it.......

Karazhan wasn't hard it was just long, it was easy shit even before nerfs.
Most people had problems because they were undergeared and needed to grind some 70 instances ( I did instance grinding for purple rep weapons while scrubs were using blues ).

Seriously, casualification started long before wotlk and long before the takeover.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 30, 2004
I'm having the same problem currently, been playing WoW up until recently but it's just so boring and easy mode and really cant be bothered with it anymore. Two of my rl mates have been playing EVE on and off for years and 1 been playing quite a lot lately so giving it a bash with them. Only been playing for 3 days and I've got to say it's very refreshing, lots to learn and do and in a huge alliance and nice corp so see how it goes. I've been told to try stick with it past the first month so going to try and do that.

However problem is at the end of the day I like RPG's, I like to run around and shoot spells and shit but this may be a temporary fix until Old Republic or something.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Eve is calling me atm as well as everyone is raving about it recently but I just can't help think back to when I played it (at release) and how boring it seemed. Might give it another crack though.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 30, 2004
I tried it yonks ago also, and all I did was mine as you need money obviously but if you find friends or know people they can help you learn the game and also you can just mission to get your monies up and better ships etc.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
i've tried multiple times to get into eve but to no avail it just wasnt for me which is a shame because the concept/gfx/gameplay were ok.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
EvE online is the only mmo ive found worthwhile besides daoc and ive wasted money on all the boxes :(

AoC <w00t boobies> WoW <got to level 30 twice and quit yay :p> Warhammer <lol this witchhunter is easy eh and nice solo but i find myself zZZZzzzZZZZzz> Aion <Dude WTF NO MORE mo0 mo0's i want my 50e back ffs>


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Jade Empire? KOTOR 2? The fucking Sonic DS RPG?

BioWare didn't do KOTOR2, which by the way was a way better game than the 1st when it came to story, it just got rushed out by Sega :(

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