New GOA DAoC web site is up!



looks pretty damn good :)

only two niggles...

1. I have to scroll sideways to see all the site


No, really. Nowhere in the chronicles can i be found. I looked up my guild and scrolled down to T, but theres no Trubadur.

All my alts are in it, but not me :(


It's sorted by guild rank then name, so you might be in a higher section of T's (got me for a bit as I'm rank 8 and was looking in the rank 9s :p)


whew, thanks :)

im rank 5 and was looking at the rank 9s, lol

i was starting to worry if i had just died and was now a ghost...


Originally posted by Tenko
Absolutely lovely.

And as I actually read the news before I'd post about it im happy to wait a few more days for added functionality.

<wags his fingers at those who cry before they're hurt>


Site was there before the news, and so was the first posts.


I'm amazed at how good the chronicles look, and the main-site itself looks great too.

I was thinking at best we would get something similar to the US (plain-text crap thats really hard to read and get a good view over), but they are not even in the same realm as GOA right now :) Superb job - looking forward to the searching/sorting options in the future.

I'm starting to belive the EU-version of DAoC will outlive US :clap:


Oh I take it back then :)

They were probably still translating the news from the french ;)


Originally posted by Arlone
I'm starting to belive the EU-version of DAoC will outlive US :clap:

kinda hard since mythic (US) makes the game ;)

would i be right in thinking that if daoc us dies and mythic close up shop, then daoc eu will have to follow suit asthere will be no new content on the incoming?

or would mythic have an obliation to supply goa with stuff until the contract ends, whenever that is.

suppose none of us but the goa head guys know as their the ones that made the contract :)


Originally posted by Arlone

I was thinking at best we would get something similar to the US (plain-text crap thats really hard to read and get a good view over

You actualy think this slow flash verison is beter?
First the sound, Bang bong crash swish! then 5 doors slides open (or something :) then a laggy (stealthed) scrollbar that scrolls in difrent speeds depending how big the page is.

No copy/paste options..

The graphics is nice sure (though abit to mouch).

it looks like someone found a site with free javaaplets and put them all on there just so it would look nice.

no direct overview at all in my opinon.
but it will get beter :)


Originally posted by old.tRoG

kinda hard since mythic (US) makes the game ;)

would i be right in thinking that if daoc us dies and mythic close up shop, then daoc eu will have to follow suit asthere will be no new content on the incoming?

or would mythic have an obliation to supply goa with stuff until the contract ends, whenever that is.

suppose none of us but the goa head guys know as their the ones that made the contract :)

weeell, by outlive I could mean US will get very low server-populations, and falling, while EU's keep rising :)

anyway, not the point and lets not get too off-topic here.

GOA is doing a great job - events, patches on-time (even before), chronicles, and a better working 'RightNow'. I for one couldn't be more pleased <note: thats the point!> :p

EDIT: why would mythic need to supply GOA with stuff when last patch is done? EU could keep alive on just events, if they are very good. I doubt mythic will do a new patch after 1.53ish ... but you never know. The patching gotta stop sometime tho .. does that mean the game will die?

Originally posted by old.Velo

You actualy think this slow flash verison is beter?
First the sound, Bang bong crash swish! then 5 doors slides open (or something :) then a laggy (stealthed) scrollbar that scrolls in difrent speeds depending how big the page is.

yes I do. I know we don't have all them options yet, as I wrote in my original post, but I think the US-version looks like a plain log-file. Well, it's ugly and I like pretty things :)

As you said, it will get better (same functions as US although I doubt copy/paste will make it .. why would you need that anyway?) but with a better 'interface'. Sweet.


Originally posted by Arlone

weeell, by outlive I could mean US will get very low server-populations, and falling, while EU's keep rising :)

anyway, not the point and lets not get too off-topic here.

GOA is doing a great job - events, patches on-time (even before), chronicles, and a better working 'RightNow'. I for one couldn't be more pleased <note: thats the point!> :p

yes I do. I know we don't have all them options yet, as I wrote in my original post, but I think the US-version looks like a plain log-file. Well, it's ugly and I like pretty things :)

As you said, it will get better (same functions as US although I doubt copy/paste will make it .. why would you need that anyway?) but with a better 'interface'. Sweet.

I like my copy/paste... OK!?



The new site is HORRIBLE and violates pretty much every rule there is about making a good web site.

Some points:

1) it doesn't work with all browsers
2) it has java/flash on navigation
3) it has too much graphics

I really want to know where the guy who made those learned to make web pages.

It's a bitch to navigate and scroll in the flash chronicles. I couldnt figure out how to see the alliances and so on. You can't sort the guilds based on RPs and so on and so on. The list of endless how much features it's missing.

I could live if the site would remain same but work with my favourite browser. But the chronicles is the worst.


Call me stupid but could someone please tell me how I scroll down the list of members in a guild. Now I see a few of the high ranks in the guild but I can't seem to find how I can scroll down to show the lower guildranks.


[edit] Found it, it's that little Tiny box you have to drag down on that chainlooking thinie to the right.


Im inclined to agree its a bit over graphical but with full functionality i can live with it.

On the subject of comma seperation on the RPs, dont most european countries actually use the comma (,) as a decimal place like we in the uk use the full stop (.)? I'm sure i remember in french class at school being told not to break numbers up with commas for this reason...?


Originally posted by Verena
Call me stupid but could someone please tell me how I scroll down the list of members in a guild. Now I see a few of the high ranks in the guild but I can't seem to find how I can scroll down to show the lower guildranks.


[edit] Found it, it's that little Tiny box you have to drag down on that chainlooking thinie to the right.

told ya... its stealthed


A good start and as GOA have said there is much more to come so lets all wait and praise/criticise the finished article. For now we have a system where you can look for crafter, check guild/player realm points and see who is allied. That will be ok for a few weeks till V2 of the EU cronicles goes online.


Originally posted by dozigden
On the subject of comma seperation on the RPs, dont most european countries actually use the comma (,) as a decimal place like we in the uk use the full stop (.)?[/B]

UK: 12,345,678.90
FR: 12 345 678,90

It would be trivial to change it, for the english pages, but it's surprising how often programmers don't think to make number displays more friendly. Even Mythic didn't think to add commas to experience point totals until version 1.48. :p

Orin Askhammare

As for the ditch the flash, can't copy paste etc etc etc. There is one very simple solution that will happen. As soon as xml becomes available there will be more than one user probably who will make all that happen for you. I think the new site is great for the average user, especially after search/sort has been put in. If you want tons of detail/functionality I'm sure there's a very skilled player here in Europe who will make something like soon.


The first thing they told me when i started with html was "Less is more" and "kill your darlings". But hey, i love the new site.

One thing that might be friendly is alittle link somewere in a dark corner that says: "Link to nongraphical boring website with the most needed info (news, etc) for ppl with bad connections and/or slow computers"

Keep the website as it is, its nice, good work.



Well, the graphics' nice but it's too wide, even though I'm running windows in 1024x768.
Texture around menu buttons is missing in Opera and Mozilla (probably Netscape too) browsers.
Player count isn't displayed in Opera and Mozilla... Fix it please :/
Edit: I can't see the lists of guildmembers, crafters and allied guilds in Camelot chronicles.


Originally posted by old.Revz
Please, please make the Herald a bit more functional rather than pretty :mad: The US one is perfect, it lets you compare and contrast just about everything you would want to as well as list things as you like. You can't sensibly compare anything or see individual player RP totals :/

Also how up to date is it? We broke 7 million RP last weekend yet the Herald thingy shows us on 6.3 million.

How about a ranking of RP per guild member? In fact where is the functionality of the US site :mad:

The website looks great I am just somewhat dissappointed with being unable to analyse some of the things I wanted to with the new Herald.

LOL only a day old and already people are moaning ;-)

That's gotta be a record..

Can't wait for the first complaint tomorrow about 1.50 being late ;-)


Originally posted by Sarnat

I could live if the site would remain same but work with my favourite browser. But the chronicles is the worst.

Hey I tried to access via gophur and it wouldn't let me in, that sucks.....

This interweb ain't what it used to be...

Although just tested with both Mozilla and IE6 and it works fine...

The problem with anything more than certain vanilla code sets pretty much no standard page will work on everything which makes it limiting...

Complain to the people who write your browser ;-)


Site looks sweet :clap:
Though player listings outside guilds and sorting by rp is something I'd like to see asap.

- Pathfinder -

It might look good, but I'd prefer the actual functionality of the US Herald. There is no way to get an overview, you can't list by RP, it counts every bloody alt as a member (woo we have 130 members, that's cute!), and it's not really up-to-date :) The sorting issue and member thing i'd like to have fixed ASAP; I doubt the interface will change so we'll have to live with it, and it'll prolly get more up to date later on.


It is really cool, I use flash a fair bit and I can honestly say that the guy(s) who made this has poured their heart and soul into it!

It works fine for me in Moz, screw netscape users! Nobody uses that buggy crap anyway ;)

I have to say though it is a little slow to load/scroll etc tho, but hey like loads of peeps have already said once the XML stuff is sorted you can guarantee there will be loads of versions out.

To all the people out there on 56k modems running at 1024x768 or less ... HAR HAR :p


Originally posted by kemor
The XML files will be available soon, we are polishing the "documents".
If you want something with a nice yellow background and little letters in pink with RPS in l33t red caps , you'll be welcomed to do it :)

LOL :)

Look very nice atm

Was very surpised to see it though very well done :)


Nice job on the site. Looks very sweet.



yeah, screw netscape ;)

i code html in notepad, and netscape is the bane of my life :twak:

everything has to spot on and exact or netscape spews it all up...

at least in ie you can mke a few boo-boos and it will clear up the mess for you ;)

but besides that, i really like to site. just pumped my res. up and it fits the screen, yay! :)

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