New GAME shop site



In their defence ;)
If you order before 2pm it will be sent the same day so it would get to you the next day and thats the standard £1.50 charge.


Kez, your comparison to subs is pointless as in this case you cannot get any part of the same product elsewhere for free, unless of course you w4r3z in which case your arguments on this issue are a bit redundant. When we launched our Subscription package certain elements of the services - such as Bookables and Webhosting - compared very favourably indeed to the alternatives on offer, however others did not.

I'm sure if you were to walk into a high-street store and purchase a game you would be a bit miffed if the person behind the counter said you will get your game at some point during the next week, for many people I presume that prompt delivery is a key consideration when purchasing online and in my experience that is not something you can be assured of when purchasing through Play.

If you have little disposable income then it becomes less of an issue I would agree, for students this would be especially important but at the same time I would suggest they are also more likely to be the type of person to do w4r3z as I mentioned above, but I find that when I want to purchase something for my own enjoyment I would like to get my hands on it as soon as possible so I can start enjoying it as soon as possible, and if that costs a little extra in delivery I'd be happy to pay for it if it means I can start enjoying my game tomorrow rather than in 3 of 4 days time when I know that some games I will only play for a couple of days as it is - e.g. Max Payne - but I will really enjoy those couple of days.


I think the comparison Kez was making is that people don't like to pay for "service" they want to pay for tangible things only, i.e. the CD/DVD that gets sent to you.


Originally posted by lynchet
OK the two that come to mind are

1. Your good self --- tho I stand to be corrected on this one if this isnt what you meant ---- After I posted about fast, free deliveries you saying that Game aims to get stuff out for next day delivery if you order before 2. Looking at the charges on your website the only next day delivery you show there is on payment of about £5, not at all free ----- but you didn't mention this as you were "going up against" my comments on free delivery by other people -- ie implying that you were faster at no extra cost, only when you look further in does the punter see the truth.

I guess its down to personalities. TO many these would seem small issues -- they just happen to grate on me.[

Heh - no. The extra charge (£5 or whatever) GUARANTEES next day delivery. If you HAVE to have it for a kid's birthday or whatever. The standard delivery option (£1.50 or something...again I'm not sure off the top of my head) can never guarantee next day, but something like 99.9% of people that order before 2pm DO get it in the post the next morning anyway, so my point stands.

Believe it or not, most of us at GAME aren't part of some money-sucking Borg-like Collective. We're just people too! In the web dept especially we're very very passionate about keeping customers happy, and I'm telling you now that nothing myself or my colleagues tell you will ever be purposefully misleading.


Originally posted by lynchet
2. The second example was in the consoles forum when people were talking about the Gamecube prices drops at Argos etc. A Suit posted "You'll be hard pressed to find any ARGOS stores with them actually in stock ... GAME stores will of course price match where competitors have them in-stock and at a lower price.". Ie again his post was implying that by going to Game the person would get as good a deal --- when the truth is you wouldnt pricematch if Argos were out of stock and would try and flog a GC at the Game price.

Your beef here should be with Argos. A few times recently they've made a noise about having some great gaming deals and not had the stock to back them up. If you went to the nearest game they would price match, but the policy of not price matching when the competitor in question can't sell you the goods is surely not a problem? If you can get it cheaper elsewhere, we'll price match, which is a good policy, but the fact is that if they don't have it in stock, you CAN'T get it cheaper there, so obviously there'd be no call for us to do it. It's not misleading, it's just our policy, which is a good, customer-friendly policy - the Ts & Cs of which are made apparent to any customers that enquire.

Think about it. Company X has a price match policy, which is still effective if Competitor Y has no stock (which seems to be what you're suggesting). Competitor Y hatches a fiendish plan to cripple Company X by saying "All PS2 games £2.99" but not actually getting any stock in!


Originally posted by nath
I think the comparison Kez was making is that people don't like to pay for "service" they want to pay for tangible things only, i.e. the CD/DVD that gets sent to you.

Is your argument here that "people" (by which I take it you mean "in general") don't care about service in any retail environment as long as the end product is the same...

Is that really your argument? Sorry but I'm incredulous to hear that. I would suggest that service is important to the vast majority of people (and the way the entire retail industry works worldwide would seem to back me up) - as important as any other consideration when buying anything. Millions would agree. Or are you telling me that you've never been to shop, been talked to like scum, had to queue for ever, and then found your purchase faulty - only to discover they don't give refunds?

Should we shut down our customer service dept, stop all our policies and give you £2-£3 off every game we sell instead. Is that really what you'd want?

Companies that I shall never, ever use again, after experiencing firsthand their atrocious service include H*lf*rds Service Centres, *TL, and P*werh*use. I will never give these companies another penny of my money as long as I live because they treated me like dirt and gave me appalling service... And the vast number of consumers would be the same.


That's all well and good, but you haven't convinced me out of buying from They're cheaper.

And people often do give up service for a cheaper option. Easyjet and it's ilk are prime examples.


Think about it. Company X has a price match policy, which is still effective if Competitor Y has no stock (which seems to be what you're suggesting).

No what I was suggesting was the implication of the statement made was that going to Game would get you as good a deal which it wouldnt. Hence corporate speak which I objected to ---- its only a few steps from that to the priceless Esso's stated aim to continually check prices in the area so theirs are amongst the lowest around --- ie spurious rubbish that means and guarantees nothing ;)

Tbh Ive found pricematching pretty pointless everywhere -- this isnt a dig at Game all shops are the same -- they are always so loathe to do it and run so many checks while looking down their nose at you for deigning to ask for such a thing that its quicker, easier and more pleasant to go back to the original shop ;)

I think my posts have perhaps come over wrong. Im not trying to have some go at Game or say that you are bad -- I dont have the experience to know ---- My aim was more to explain why - at the moment - I shop elsewhere and so what Game would have to beat to get my custom -- and in the process guessing I wouldnt be alone in such views.

Your comments on delivery time are very interesting and sound very promising, Im sure I will give it a go when I want something quick as I agree that would beat the competition -- though at a price --- which I think is what a lot of people are saying ------- Game expect people to pay for their extra service --- you are offering a premium service at premium rate prices. There are times I want this and I'll consider Game at those times but to compare your delivery times with the like of Play is not comparing like with like and so again, imho, is corporate implications etc.

I guess what all of this boils down to is that I personally don't feel anyone has offered me proof of Game doing any MORE than the competition--- Im not saying you do less, I guess its probably all much of a muchness but as Im sure you know with your own shopping habits, for a retailer to win you away from another retailer you trust they need to offer something better not just the same. For first time online shoppers -- I wouldn't dream of claiming to be able to speak for them.


Originally posted by lynchet
Game expect people to pay for their extra service --- you are offering a premium service at premium rate prices. There are times I want this and I'll consider Game at those times but to compare your delivery times with the like of Play is not comparing like with like and so again, imho, is corporate implications etc.

I guess what all of this boils down to is that I personally don't feel anyone has offered me proof of Game doing any MORE than the competition---

First of all, as I've tried, in vain it seems, to point out several times, we're not selling at Premium prices!!! Premium service at competitive prices is where we're at.

All the new / chart titles are almost as cheap, if not more so, than Amazon AND Play (and certainly more so than Gameplay).

Zelda, arguably the biggest game of the year is £5 CHEAPER WITH US, THAN ON PLAY!!! And it's not the only one. They're not actually that hot on games - DVDs yes, but not really on games.

And what do you mean we don't do more? You name me another retailer in the whole world that employs a content team that tells you the TRUTH about a game even if it loses a sale? That's cos we know there's crap out there, and you buying crap cos we suggested you should will lead to you becoming apathetic about games and turning your attention elsewhere...or at least never trusting us again.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me, we do more.


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me, we do more.

For example, I'm not being paid to be on here at 11:00 PM tonight, but I'll happily answer any customer queries I get asked while sat in the chat channels or looking through the forums - why? Because I care. I care about the sites I work on, and I care about you - all of you (c'mere, gimme a hug). I want to help bring you the best shopping and gaming sites in the world and we're all committed to doing that over time. You don't often get that kind of passion from retailers. That's the GAME difference.


Originally posted by DaGaffer
Apparently that's coz I'm a f*ckwit.
New signature temptation here, for sure :)

Clarly btw somebody should remember the Sonic cheats & put them on the Sonic Mega Collection page ;)


First of all, as I've tried, in vain it seems, to point out several times, we're not selling at Premium prices!!! Premium service at competitive prices is where we're at.

And as I and many others have tried to tell you, in vain, it seems, is that we are NOT particularly talking about the price of the game but the extras, specifically delivery.

I could say that nor am I or the others here being paid to say why we do or do not use Game. Not having used Game I have no axe to grind against them, Im not complaining or saying it should be different just saying why I, at the moment, go elsewhere and leaving it up to you whether to ignore it assuming Im just a whinger no one can please and you are better off without me ;) -- or to show me you are better.


Aye, same here. I'm just saying why I chose play. In most of the games I care to buy, it's cheaper. Delivery times don't bother me, I know that I'm gunna like a game before I buy it, and none of the services interest me. I appreciate that you care JB, but when it comes to parting with my cash, I'd like to part with as little as possible. With play I've never had problems, delivery can drag on a bit, but like I say very rare for something to take more than 3 days.

These are just *my* reasons for shopping with play. There's obviously plenty of people who'd choose Game over play, just not me. (Unless you can convince me otherwise :D)


We wouldn't be better off without you! And I certainly don't think you're a whinger...hell, if anyone is, that's me - just ask DaGaffer or CJRavey!

All I can say is, just try us next time, and make your own judgement based on how that goes. Can't say fairer than that eh?

Ho hum. I've had a looong, stressful, hungover day, so methinks I need to go watch some Buffy then turn in.


Originally posted by nath
These are just *my* reasons for shopping with play. There's obviously plenty of people who'd choose Game over play, just not me. (Unless you can convince me otherwise :D)

OK, one more reply before I turn in. I would love to convince you otherwise, but the fact is that you've said several times that service is of no issue to you. The only factor you care about is price. Well, if convincing you means promising that we'll be the cheapest place in the world for everything ever, then I can't convince you. It's a battle that anyone wishing to run a serious business just cannot win.

But at least check us out next time - we are cheaper than Play more often than you'd guess. Plus of course you'll get it quicker ;).


All I can say is, just try us next time, and make your own judgement based on how that goes. Can't say fairer than that eh?

Nope thats pretty fair ;)


This might sound like too simple a question with the way the debate is going... buuuut:

Since you offer "Special Delivery" (guarenteed), 1st class (next day from postage), what is stopping you from matching a competitor by having a third 2nd class post option for those who want free postage?


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
First of all, as I've tried, in vain it seems, to point out several times, we're not selling at Premium prices!!! Premium service at competitive prices is where we're at.

Well I can get Doom 3 from another online store for £7 cheaper....without taking into account your delivery charges. They deliver within 24 hours when in stock (as you do). I can also get Battlefield 1942 for £5 cheaper.

If I can get most games between £3 and £7 cheaper and *NO Delivery Costs* can you give me a reason why would I shop at


As far as I'm aware, a lot of the companies that offer free delivery either have to take up the cost of that delivery, or claim it back by shipping via a tax free haven (i.e. Play ship from Jersey or something).

With a free delivery option from GAME they would probably get increased sales, which would increase the amount of postage they'd have to fork out for, which in turn would lead to less profit. Something a business never wants.

I guess it's a case of weighing up whether you can afford to offer free delivery.

Also, everyone seems to be forgetting that the sites they are talking about that offer free delivery have no in-store presence. Play and Amazon are purley digital shops, whereas GAME has a retail chain to think about as well as a online site.


One thing I'd be interested in (and I can't be arsed to check atm because I'm at work) is whether or not I would be "crippled" from not having a GAME.NET membership. I don't currently play enough FPS games to warrant a membership (Im a sad bastard) and aside from the purely atruistic motives for buying one (long history of playing on BW) I am not inclined to either.

Without a GAME card are you still competitive against the likes of PLAY, Gameplay, etc ... or does the GAME.NET card just reward you with points? (i.e. base prices still very competitive)

(Incidentally, I loathe points systems. This is nothing against GAME persay, but I remember vividly getting Esso card points, and subsequently realising you had to spend the equivalent of £29,153,104 on petrol to earn enough points to buy a kettle)

Testin da Cable

with your car you'd be there in a week or two though Durz ;)


Originally posted by cjravey

There you go:)

PS, when do me and Jonny get to critique your site, Mystic?;p
*cough* *cough* :) & whenever you like matey. Of course the difference with mine is I know it sucks, I've always said it sucks & it'd be a special day if you could catch me caring about it anyway :) Though if you guys wanna sponsor MYstIC with a similar level of funding to what gets, I'm sure I could make it a "little" better ;)


"I know it sucks, I've always said it sucks & it'd be a special day if you could catch me caring about it anyway "

Methinks the lady doth protest too much...!

Anyhoo - I think there's less Blue Sphere passwords from what i saw on GameFaqs; but generally they are the daddy...

And yes, the codes would be the same codes as on gamefaqs - I was gong to make up some codes from the top of my head; (press X, P, Z and exxilon key to reverse the polarity and get a zygon multi-mode) but I decided to look in our big book of actual cheats that work instead...

Ungrateful nerk:)


Originally posted by lynchet

2. The second example was in the consoles forum when people were talking about the Gamecube prices drops at Argos etc. A Suit posted "You'll be hard pressed to find any ARGOS stores with them actually in stock ... GAME stores will of course price match where competitors have them in-stock and at a lower price.". Ie again his post was implying that by going to Game the person would get as good a deal --- when the truth is you wouldnt pricematch if Argos were out of stock and would try and flog a GC at the Game price.

Many price matchs work that way, they often require both there to be stock at the other store and they normally have to be located within a certain distance.


I don't buy anything online, I just tend to use their online prices as a reference and then ring up to check for availability and ACTUAL price.

I have used the price matching promise at game and they were very graceful about it going so far as to thank me for letting them know that dixons were selling something £10 cheaper. I'm not pimping GAME because i still havent got my reward points from the EB days, but I must say that the service I have received from them has been excellent.

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