New Expansion Announced


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sheph said:
Weeeee nice to see that they continue to add expansions :)
Thats the kind of attitude we need here people! :)
Exp packs are a good thing (except when they add new classes :puke: )
Feb 29, 2004
well i for one am looking forward to this, ive done all my artifacts, ive done all my sc set, TOA bores me, running around (allegedly exploring) or more like doing things in the SET ORDER mythic wants me to do them and following a scripted event with no variations is dull... and getting very old fast.. theres only so much cool looking armor u can wear before you realise youve gimped your SC template and have to pay some overpriced SC'er 8+p to fix.. atleast with this i can go about my dungeoneering business without camp claiming assholes and necros spoiling it for everyone else.. and the only person lowering MY camp bonus will be me, i dont care what anyone else says this is the expanision i want, not Frontiers, ive already been fucked over with that one.. bring on Catacombs i say..i cant wait. :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
I think we can whine all we want.. The way i see it there are two different kinds of daoc-ppl. The ones that like pve and the ones that like rvr. For the ones that like rvr an expansion like ToA and Catacombs pretty much just sucks. Sure you get a whole lot of new gadgets to play with but deep down if you ask any rvr-addict they wouldnt mind just keeping it the way it once was. Cause however you look at it a new pve expansion means a buckload of BORING (yes im a rvr:er) pve that you just _have_ to do if you want to compete. And foad with your lame comments like "If you dont like it, go play smth else". I like rvr but i fricking hate pve. Whats the use of it? You pound some idiot monster for one hour. Get the precious sword. Pound the same mobs in some dungeon for 10 hours. Hooray your badass sword is level 10. Okay now redo that with 5-6 more artifacts. Okay now you're good on the equipment-front. Now in case you dont play a caster (which gets crap ml-abilities in comparison with the rest) you have to run around for say one weeks /played-time to get to ml10.

Okay this much most people understand. And pve:ers will say: Haha you suck, go play smth else.

Well the way i see it the people who play daoc for the rvr play it because there is NO other game that compares. Nowhere can you play with 100+ enemies of several different classes, setups and skills. And all we want is that you let us stay with our rvr and you can damn well run around killing monsters for one hour, no problem with us.

Guess the base thought is: Some play this as a normal rpg (hf with that), some play it like a pve-game (diablo on drugs or whatever) and some play it as a rvr-game (instead of any other multiplayer dm/tdm-game). And the sad thing is that pve-expansions only HURT rvr:ers. Sure thing keep the patches and updates coming, no problem with that. But please dont make us do any more pve just to be able to compete :(

Over and out.

/flame on.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Think one of the major reasons RA wise Frontiers is a big nerf is mainly down to all the abilities one can now get from doing pve for the next 5 years....

Mythic have basically sat down and seen that higher RR can out do dedicated PvErs and thought hmmm how can we balance this up????

TBH I doubt I'll quit just yet, but Im sure if MEO gets it right and starts to look a lot more fun and attractive I'll be off to Middle Earth.

The mistake mythic have made is that now WE HAVE TO PVE, when SI came out it wasnt the same, you could still go into RvR in your old epic armor and still stand a chance, these days things arent the same, ToA has sorted that out.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Mehuge said:
Will my troll look like that?
That would require him to lay off the Lurikeen and Elf kebabs, and possibly undergo some rather painful surgery,and I don't think he has the willpower... :eek7:

If my Mercenary looked like this, I think it might be something of an unfair advantage... She could insta-mezz a whole Mid or Hib zerg with a wiggle of that ass! :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Alithiel said:
That would require him to lay off the Lurikeen and Elf kebabs, and possibly undergo some rather painful surgery,and I don't think he has the willpower... :eek7:

If my Mercenary looked like this, I think it might be something of an unfair advantage... She could insta-mezz a whole Mid or Hib zerg with a wiggle of that ass! :p

Is that elf or celt? RACE RESPEC PLEASE!!!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I can't wait for another PvE expansion that won't affect RvR :D

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